Doctor Ben Carson Is Asked How He Would Fight Islamic State — There’s No Misinterpreting His Answer.

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Gold Member
Jan 19, 2014
"Dr. Ben Carson, a potential 2016 GOP presidential candidate, said on Monday that now is the time to “crush” the Islamic State while they are still in their “adolescent stage,” adding that he would use “every resource available” if he were president of the United States.

Appearing on Fox News, Carson said everyone in Washington, D.C., sees themselves as “Democrats and Republicans instead of Americans.” In Washington, he said, “everything is aimed at enhancing one’s political position rather than strengthening the nation.”

Then then went on to address the Islamic State terrorist group and how he would go about destroying them.

“They’re extremely sophisticated and they have tentacles that are growing throughout the world. They’re still in their adolescent stage and this is the time when we can crush them,” Carson told Fox News. “But if we allow them to mature into a full-grown tree, with deep roots and thick branches, it’s going to be almost impossible. We need to do it now.”

He also quoted Winston Churchill: “Fight your enemy while you can beat them.”

He continued: “I would use every resource available: military, banking, sanctions, you name it. And I would not hesitate to put boots on the ground. We need to be the leaders. The coalition will form if it has a leader. But you can’t sit around saying, ‘Oh, you guys do this.’ … This is serious. So I would commit everything to eliminating them right now.”

“We also have to make sure that our military, which is extremely talented with very good leadership, is not put in a compromised position, where we’re trying to micromanage them. We have people trying to manage the military who know nothing about the military, who know nothing about military strategy,” Carson concluded.

Watch the segment below via Fox News:" (Check out the article to watch the video and it is worth the time to do so.)

Potential 2016 Candidate Is Asked How He Would Fight Islamic State There 8217 s No Misinterpreting His Answer Video
awfully nice of him to cavalierly wish to commit other people's sons, daughters, husbands, wives, mothers, fathers, sisters, and brothers to die so he can look tough.

what makes him a foreign policy or military expert?
awfully nice of him to cavalierly wish to commit other people's sons, daughters, husbands, wives, mothers, fathers, sisters, and brothers to die so he can look tough.

what makes him a foreign policy or military expert?

So, is he wrong in his answer? Is he mistaken that the best way to stop these assholes is to wipe them out before they spread too far and wide?
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You're on thin ice. Thread closed. I wouldn't suggest starting it again.
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