Doctors warn teens about taking the 'cinnamon challenge' in new report

Damn doctors. Never interfere with a herd thinning moment.

I say take two and call me in the morning. Don't worry I won't wait up.
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Not to mention all the drinking and weed smoking and unprotected sex that was going on. And drinking and driving. Then when I went off to college, kids were doing acid and shrooms and heroin and God knows what else. Anything they could get their hands on.

Yes but at least in those cases one can see a get high.
We had a friend in high school who would eat anything. We used to do stupid stuff like this and have him chug random things, hot sauce bottles at restaurants, random weird combined foods.

Brought a jar of jalapenos back from Texas in the early 70s before people in the Northeast really knew about them....started handing them out in school saying they were pepperocini.


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