
Jun 6, 2012

This is very interesting. All the birthers may be onto something.
This was a closely guarded, hidden fact that the MCCAIN camp was told not to expose.

While ROMNEY was busting ass finishing up last days at BAIN CAPITOL, Obama was joining a third-party socialist third party, even verified as recent as 2008.

Had this been disclosed before the American public was hood-winked, we never would have dealt with him.

His election as well as every aspect of this administration is how the campaign was carried out, a deceptive scam.
Try denying he is a Socialist now guys.... :doubt:

Obama’s Third-Party History - Stanley Kurtz - National Review Online

On the evening of January 11, 1996, while Mitt Romney was in the final years of his run as the head of Bain Capital, Barack Obama formally joined the New Party, which was deeply hostile to the mainstream of the Democratic party and even to American capitalism. In 2008, candidate Obama deceived the American public about his potentially damaging tie to this third party. The issue remains as fresh as today’s headlines, as Romney argues that Obama is trying to move the United States toward European-style social democracy, which was precisely the New Party’s goal.

Recently obtained evidence from the updated records of Illinois ACORN at the Wisconsin Historical Society now definitively establishes that Obama was a member of the New Party. He also signed a “contract” promising to publicly support and associate himself with the New Party while in office.


You guys might not like it, but you support a Socialist if you support Obama... and a crooked one at that.
Your link goes to nothing but the national review site
It's the headline story, pinhead.

Here's the link to the story, ya lazy ass.

Obama’s Third-Party History - Article - National Review Online

In late October 2008, when I wrote here at National Review Online that Obama had been a member of the New Party, his campaign sharply denied it, calling my claim a “crackpot smear.” Fight the Smears, an official Obama-campaign website, staunchly maintained that “Barack has been a member of only one political party, the Democratic Party.” I rebutted this, but the debate was never taken up by the mainstream press.

Recently obtained evidence from the updated records of Illinois ACORN at the Wisconsin Historical Society now definitively establishes that Obama was a member of the New Party. He also signed a “contract” promising to publicly support and associate himself with the New Party while in office.

Minutes of the meeting on January 11, 1996, of the New Party’s Chicago chapter read as follows:

Barack Obama, candidate for State Senate in the 13th Legislative District, gave a statement to the membership and answered questions. He signed the New Party “Candidate Contract” and requested an endorsement from the New Party. He also joined the New Party.

Obama’s Third-Party History - Article - National Review Online
The media's abject failure to adequately vet Obama, while simultaneously and ruthlessly researching Alaska's governorship, is truly stunning.

For eight years the left ridiculed Bush for his college grades, yet this president is so secretive of his past that he won't even release his college transcripts despite the fact that he was editor of the Harvard Law Review. Even on MSNBC's Hardball Chris Matthews asked the question "why not just release his college transcripts?".

In spite of the president's efforts to conceal his past, information continues to be found to reveal who and what motivates Barry. Obama’s Third-Party History - Stanley Kurtz - National Review Online

This after MSNBC's new narrative that calling Obama a socialist is a masked racial attack, documents have been uncovered that prove he was a member of a political party that has as its goals to institute European-style socialism.

Don't call him a socialist though :eusa_shhh: that's racist!
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Barack Obama, candidate for State Senate in the 13th Legislative District, gave a statement to the membership and answered questions. He signed the New Party “Candidate Contract” and requested an endorsement from the New Party. He also joined the New Party.

This was the first thing I thought of when I read this...

[ame=]Obama open mic slip: 'After my election I have more flexibility' - YouTube[/ame]

That fucker would sell his grandma out if he had to.... Oh wait, he did that too :eusa_eh:
National Review Online

This is very interesting. All the birthers may be onto something.
This was a closely guarded, hidden fact that the MCCAIN camp was told not to expose.

While ROMNEY was busting ass finishing up last days at BAIN CAPITOL, Obama was joining a third-party socialist third party, even verified as recent as 2008.

Had this been disclosed before the American public was hood-winked, we never would have dealt with him.

His election as well as every aspect of this administration is how the campaign was carried out, a deceptive scam.

Oh and welcome to the board.

Bottom line is that Axelrod pulled the strings in the media and no one vetted this man. Hell's bells it took a British newspaper to out one of Obama's mentors, Frank Davis, as a card carrying communist, bisexual and self admitted pedophile.
National Review Online

This is very interesting. All the birthers may be onto something.
This was a closely guarded, hidden fact that the MCCAIN camp was told not to expose.

While ROMNEY was busting ass finishing up last days at BAIN CAPITOL, Obama was joining a third-party socialist third party, even verified as recent as 2008.

Had this been disclosed before the American public was hood-winked, we never would have dealt with him.

His election as well as every aspect of this administration is how the campaign was carried out, a deceptive scam.

Oh and welcome to the board.

Bottom line is that Axelrod pulled the strings in the media and no one vetted this man. Hell's bells it took a British newspaper to out one of Obama's mentors, Frank Davis, as a card carrying communist, bisexual and self admitted pedophile.

You mean the guy that Obama calls 'dad'? That Frank Davis?
The revelation in 2008 that Obama had joined an ACORN-controlled, leftist third party could have been damaging indeed, and coming clean about his broader work with ACORN might easily have exposed these New Party ties. Because the work of ACORN and the New Party often intersected with Obama’s other alliances, honesty about his ties to either could have laid bare the entire network of his leftist political partnerships.

Although Obama is ultimately responsible for deceiving the American people in 2008 about his political background, he got help from his old associates. Each of the two former political allies who helped him to deny his New Party membership during campaign ’08 was in a position to know better.

Doesn't this dishonesty and deceitfulness bother you liberals just a little??? :eusa_eh:

I mean my God people, what the Hell is it going to take to wake you up???
I, too, am a birther. So much evidence being discarded about the deception created versus the American People.
I read about it on the Blaze...and Limbaugh is talking about it now...


I knew about this shit in 2007. I want to know why the hell Limbaugh and others weren't talking about this then.

I'm a huge fan of most conservative talk show hosts but to this day I don't get why they weren't screaming their heads off about this man.

Maybe they were afraid of the racism charge. I just don't get it. I had all this shit up at Hannityland back then.

From commie roots to Frank Marshall Davis to his opposition to the babies born alive act.
I read about it on the Blaze...and Limbaugh is talking about it now...


I knew about this shit in 2007. I want to know why the hell Limbaugh and others weren't talking about this then.

I'm a huge fan of most conservative talk show hosts but to this day I don't get why they weren't screaming their heads off about this man.

Maybe they were afraid of the racism charge. I just don't get it. I had all this shit up at Hannityland back then.

From commie roots to Frank Marshall Davis to his opposition to the babies born alive act.

They were...they were dismissed as 'whacko conspiracy' along with hannity when Sean was actively exposing it.

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