The revelation in 2008 that Obama had joined an ACORN-controlled, leftist third party could have been damaging indeed, and coming clean about his broader work with ACORN might easily have exposed these New Party ties. Because the work of ACORN and the New Party often intersected with Obama’s other alliances, honesty about his ties to either could have laid bare the entire network of his leftist political partnerships.

Although Obama is ultimately responsible for deceiving the American people in 2008 about his political background, he got help from his old associates. Each of the two former political allies who helped him to deny his New Party membership during campaign ’08 was in a position to know better.

Doesn't this dishonesty and deceitfulness bother you liberals just a little??? :eusa_eh:

I mean my God people, what the Hell is it going to take to wake you up???

I suspect they don't want to wake up. They are still living in an alternate universe. You know, the one where Obama is a successful president.
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I read about it on the Blaze...and Limbaugh is talking about it now...


I knew about this shit in 2007. I want to know why the hell Limbaugh and others weren't talking about this then.

I'm a huge fan of most conservative talk show hosts but to this day I don't get why they weren't screaming their heads off about this man.

Maybe they were afraid of the racism charge. I just don't get it. I had all this shit up at Hannityland back then.

From commie roots to Frank Marshall Davis to his opposition to the babies born alive act.

Tiny Dancer, it was a bullying payoff.
Even the McCain camp acknowledges that they were forced NOT to reveal the facts.
Talk about the left engineering elections against the Constitution, and the law.
And, then hypocritically blaming the conservatives for buying the election.
National Review Online

This is very interesting. All the birthers may be onto something.
This was a closely guarded, hidden fact that the MCCAIN camp was told not to expose.

While ROMNEY was busting ass finishing up last days at BAIN CAPITOL, Obama was joining a third-party socialist third party, even verified as recent as 2008.

Had this been disclosed before the American public was hood-winked, we never would have dealt with him.

His election as well as every aspect of this administration is how the campaign was carried out, a deceptive scam.

Welcome back, Ed.

National Review Online

This is very interesting. All the birthers may be onto something.
This was a closely guarded, hidden fact that the MCCAIN camp was told not to expose.

While ROMNEY was busting ass finishing up last days at BAIN CAPITOL, Obama was joining a third-party socialist third party, even verified as recent as 2008.

Had this been disclosed before the American public was hood-winked, we never would have dealt with him.

His election as well as every aspect of this administration is how the campaign was carried out, a deceptive scam.

Welcome back, Ed.
Who the hell is that?

The New Party was a third political party in the United States that tried to re-introduce the practice of electoral fusion as a political strategy for labor unions and community organizing groups. In electoral fusion, the same candidate receives nomination from more than one political party and occupies more than one ballot line. Fusion was once common in the United States but is now commonly practiced only in New York State, although it is allowed by law in seven other states. The party was active from 1992 to 1998. (There had been an earlier, unrelated New Party in 1968 that ran Eugene McCarthy for President.)

The New Party was founded in the early 1990s by Daniel Cantor, a former staffer for Jesse Jackson's 1988 presidential campaign, and by sociology and law professor Joel Rogers as an effort to break with the largely unsuccessful history of left-leaning third parties in the United States. Their strategy was to run candidates only where they had a reasonable chance of winning, and to nominate on their ballot line (or where this was not legally possible, to endorse) the candidate they favored more from another party.[1]

The party could best be described as social democratic in orientation, although party statements almost invariably used the terms "small-d democratic" or "progressive" instead. Its founders chose the name "New Party" in an effort to strike a fresh tone, free of associations with dogmas and ideological debates
The revelation in 2008 that Obama had joined an ACORN-controlled, leftist third party could have been damaging indeed, and coming clean about his broader work with ACORN might easily have exposed these New Party ties. Because the work of ACORN and the New Party often intersected with Obama’s other alliances, honesty about his ties to either could have laid bare the entire network of his leftist political partnerships.

Although Obama is ultimately responsible for deceiving the American people in 2008 about his political background, he got help from his old associates. Each of the two former political allies who helped him to deny his New Party membership during campaign ’08 was in a position to know better.

Doesn't this dishonesty and deceitfulness bother you liberals just a little??? :eusa_eh:

I mean my God people, what the Hell is it going to take to wake you up???

How about a mainstream (right of center) opponent in the General Election? Someone who doesn't want to tax the middle income more, to create tax breaks for the rich, I mean job creators? How about someone who doesn't want to continue feeding the military industrial complex, by cutting off social aid programs that benefit America's children?

The New Party was a third political party in the United States that tried to re-introduce the practice of electoral fusion as a political strategy for labor unions and community organizing groups. In electoral fusion, the same candidate receives nomination from more than one political party and occupies more than one ballot line. Fusion was once common in the United States but is now commonly practiced only in New York State, although it is allowed by law in seven other states. The party was active from 1992 to 1998. (There had been an earlier, unrelated New Party in 1968 that ran Eugene McCarthy for President.)

The New Party was founded in the early 1990s by Daniel Cantor, a former staffer for Jesse Jackson's 1988 presidential campaign, and by sociology and law professor Joel Rogers as an effort to break with the largely unsuccessful history of left-leaning third parties in the United States. Their strategy was to run candidates only where they had a reasonable chance of winning, and to nominate on their ballot line (or where this was not legally possible, to endorse) the candidate they favored more from another party.[1]

The party could best be described as social democratic in orientation, although party statements almost invariably used the terms "small-d democratic" or "progressive" instead. Its founders chose the name "New Party" in an effort to strike a fresh tone, free of associations with dogmas and ideological debates what's your point? That Obama's name isn't shown here? Lol! DOES mention Community Organizers! :)
National Review Online

This is very interesting. All the birthers may be onto something.
This was a closely guarded, hidden fact that the MCCAIN camp was told not to expose.

While ROMNEY was busting ass finishing up last days at BAIN CAPITOL, Obama was joining a third-party socialist third party, even verified as recent as 2008.

Had this been disclosed before the American public was hood-winked, we never would have dealt with him.

His election as well as every aspect of this administration is how the campaign was carried out, a deceptive scam.

Welcome back, Ed.

Oh knock it off...
Stanley Kurtz has decided that Barack Obama is a socialist — a case he makes in his forthcoming book: Radical-in-Chief: Barack Obama and the Untold Story of American Socialism. But what does socialism mean? Many Europeans call themselves socialist, but mean only that they support the mixed economies which every advanced country has, including the United States. Sweden, often thought of as either a socialist utopia or nightmare, depending upon your perspective, actually has a robust private economy — indeed, almost all production is in the hands of privately held companies, just like in the United States. Taxes are much higher than in our country — certainly on the wealthy — and are used to fund a far greater array of public goods and services. But that is only a difference of degree, not kind, from the policies of every developed country from Canada to Australia, and including all of Western Europe. Indeed, David Cameron, Angela Merkel, and even Mitt Romney might be said to be socialist by this standard because they support government augmented programs to provide universal health insurance.

What Kind of a Socialist is Barack Obama? No Kind
I read about it on the Blaze...and Limbaugh is talking about it now...


I knew about this shit in 2007. I want to know why the hell Limbaugh and others weren't talking about this then.

I'm a huge fan of most conservative talk show hosts but to this day I don't get why they weren't screaming their heads off about this man.

Maybe they were afraid of the racism charge. I just don't get it. I had all this shit up at Hannityland back then.

From commie roots to Frank Marshall Davis to his opposition to the babies born alive act.

Tiny Dancer, it was a bullying payoff.
Even the McCain camp acknowledges that they were forced NOT to reveal the facts.
Talk about the left engineering elections against the Constitution, and the law.
And, then hypocritically blaming the conservatives for buying the election.

That's all I can figure as well. I'm just a little politico out in the hinterlands and I had all this shit on Obama in 2007.

I'd barely gotten over running to the mall to tell my husband I broke the computer when the big blue screen came up and said fatal exception.


No computer whiz. Just kept googling. How many presidential candidates have a mentor that is bisexual, self admitted pedophile AND a commie?

And it's not news?

Stanley Kurtz has decided that Barack Obama is a socialist — a case he makes in his forthcoming book: Radical-in-Chief: Barack Obama and the Untold Story of American Socialism. But what does socialism mean? Many Europeans call themselves socialist, but mean only that they support the mixed economies which every advanced country has, including the United States. Sweden, often thought of as either a socialist utopia or nightmare, depending upon your perspective, actually has a robust private economy — indeed, almost all production is in the hands of privately held companies, just like in the United States. Taxes are much higher than in our country — certainly on the wealthy — and are used to fund a far greater array of public goods and services. But that is only a difference of degree, not kind, from the policies of every developed country from Canada to Australia, and including all of Western Europe. Indeed, David Cameron, Angela Merkel, and even Mitt Romney might be said to be socialist by this standard because they support government augmented programs to provide universal health insurance.

What Kind of a Socialist is Barack Obama? No Kind

Romneycare? Oh, but that is DIFFERENT, since Mitt is now running for POTUS on the GOP ticket...
The proof is everywhere.
The left that support him are part of the problem, too.
Can we all safely agree that Obama is a socialist now? The evidence was convincing before, but if he actually joined this socialist group, what more do we have to prove?
Stanley Kurtz has decided that Barack Obama is a socialist — a case he makes in his forthcoming book: Radical-in-Chief: Barack Obama and the Untold Story of American Socialism. But what does socialism mean? Many Europeans call themselves socialist, but mean only that they support the mixed economies which every advanced country has, including the United States. Sweden, often thought of as either a socialist utopia or nightmare, depending upon your perspective, actually has a robust private economy — indeed, almost all production is in the hands of privately held companies, just like in the United States. Taxes are much higher than in our country — certainly on the wealthy — and are used to fund a far greater array of public goods and services. But that is only a difference of degree, not kind, from the policies of every developed country from Canada to Australia, and including all of Western Europe. Indeed, David Cameron, Angela Merkel, and even Mitt Romney might be said to be socialist by this standard because they support government augmented programs to provide universal health insurance.

What Kind of a Socialist is Barack Obama? No Kind

With all due respect, because I do like your posts and you seem to be an actual Democrat, I'm going to give you fair warning on Obama and the New Party. It's true. And they were commie.

Now your link goes to the Frum forum? You do realize that David is the son of Barbara who was one of our major commies up here?

David, albeit a speech writer for Bush is a super liberal.
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Stanley Kurtz has decided that Barack Obama is a socialist — a case he makes in his forthcoming book: Radical-in-Chief: Barack Obama and the Untold Story of American Socialism. But what does socialism mean? Many Europeans call themselves socialist, but mean only that they support the mixed economies which every advanced country has, including the United States. Sweden, often thought of as either a socialist utopia or nightmare, depending upon your perspective, actually has a robust private economy — indeed, almost all production is in the hands of privately held companies, just like in the United States. Taxes are much higher than in our country — certainly on the wealthy — and are used to fund a far greater array of public goods and services. But that is only a difference of degree, not kind, from the policies of every developed country from Canada to Australia, and including all of Western Europe. Indeed, David Cameron, Angela Merkel, and even Mitt Romney might be said to be socialist by this standard because they support government augmented programs to provide universal health insurance.

What Kind of a Socialist is Barack Obama? No Kind

You have completely ignored the evidence by with Kurtz uses to prove Obama's politically radical past. He was a member of a political party that has its goals stated. We know what kind of socialist Barry was as recently as 1998 in incredible detail--it is a political party with very detailed stated political agenda.

You are so eager to defend Obama that you copy and paste the first thing you come across to justify and rationalize this latest revelation in a coming flood of revelations. I know that you were one of those shallow leftist making Nazi connections to the Bushes, going back two generations to Prescott Bush. If you think that was interesting wait for what is coming about ole Barry's family past.
The revelation in 2008 that Obama had joined an ACORN-controlled, leftist third party could have been damaging indeed, and coming clean about his broader work with ACORN might easily have exposed these New Party ties. Because the work of ACORN and the New Party often intersected with Obama’s other alliances, honesty about his ties to either could have laid bare the entire network of his leftist political partnerships.

Although Obama is ultimately responsible for deceiving the American people in 2008 about his political background, he got help from his old associates. Each of the two former political allies who helped him to deny his New Party membership during campaign ’08 was in a position to know better.

Doesn't this dishonesty and deceitfulness bother you liberals just a little??? :eusa_eh:

I mean my God people, what the Hell is it going to take to wake you up???

How about a mainstream (right of center) opponent in the General Election? Someone who doesn't want to tax the middle income more, to create tax breaks for the rich, I mean job creators? How about someone who doesn't want to continue feeding the military industrial complex, by cutting off social aid programs that benefit America's children?
you think that person is Obama.....?

who's for creating the biggest tax hike in history starting 2013?......Obama
who's for punishing rich job creators to the point they flee the country?.....Obama
who's for gutting our military instead of just trimming it?.....Obama
Who's for spending expanding "social aid" to increase dependency on govt?.....Obama

worse than Jimmie Cawtah....definitely not "right of center"...
National Review Online

This is very interesting. All the birthers may be onto something.
This was a closely guarded, hidden fact that the MCCAIN camp was told not to expose.

While ROMNEY was busting ass finishing up last days at BAIN CAPITOL, Obama was joining a third-party socialist third party, even verified as recent as 2008.

Had this been disclosed before the American public was hood-winked, we never would have dealt with him.

His election as well as every aspect of this administration is how the campaign was carried out, a deceptive scam.

Where's the evidence that the New Party was a socialist party? This just appears to be another right wing smear. It was a progressive party, sure, but calling it "socialist" is a bit of a stretch.

There is an interesting aspect to what it was trying to do that's called Ballot or Electoral Fusion, in which third parties endorse one of the candidates from another party allowing their members to vote the party line without feeling they're wasting their vote.

Electoral fusion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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