Documents Released by Ukrainian General Prosecutor’s Office Reveal MILLIONS Funneled to Biden Family

That’s interesting, it shows the bank statements were uploaded by Kenneth Vogel of the NYT’s

Yes, and only the Gateway Pundit has it. In FSU countries, there are issues of veracity in documentation. But having said that, you OP breaks down utterly when you claim that "Joe Biden fired the prosecutor who was investigating his son", because that never happened, and here's why:

1. Hunter Biden wasn't under investigation. The money laundering charges were filed BEFORE Biden was hired.

2 The prosecutor was fired because he WASN'T prosecuting Burisma, not because he was.

These are FACTS in the historical record of these events. Whatever bullshit documents Guliani has manufactured in Eastern Europe, and plants in the fake new right wing media, he can't change the actual historical record of events.

Yes, and only the Gateway Pundit has it. In FSU countries, there are issues of veracity in documentation. But having said that, you OP breaks down utterly when you claim that "Joe Biden fired the prosecutor who was investigating his son", because that never happened, and here's why:

1. Hunter Biden wasn't under investigation. The money laundering charges were filed BEFORE Biden was hired.

2 The prosecutor was fired because he WASN'T prosecuting Burisma, not because he was.

These are FACTS in the historical record of these events. Whatever bullshit documents Guliani has manufactured in Eastern Europe, and plants in the fake new right wing media, he can't change the actual historical record of events.
You have zero idea what you're talking about. Your post is laced with delusional innuendo.

Here it is. The Bombshell Hannity has been promising for 3 years. lol.
The Gatewaypundit. lol
Breaker of much FAKE NEWS.

Buy into it (R), it's all you got.
Will trump be impeached. Absolutely.
Will the Senate uphold the Constitution and Convict? Hell No.

Those Old White (R) will stand their ground.
Trump will be acquitted and will claim some sort of Fake News Victory.
But much will be exposed to the American Public. Damaging to trump.
Then be voted OUT of Office.
The documents are real, stooge!
Like the telephone call docs were??
Bitch about Gateway Pundit all you want but the Ukrainian documents implicating the Bidens and Kerry's are real.

Your ignorance is being exposed.
Debunked by everyone but trump conspiracy theorists.
Trump and asses create a Fake News conspiracy against Biden (who did nothing wrong, read the news) to deflect against guys named Lev, Rudy, Igor, Donald, etc.
It doesn't get any more transparent than this. Rudy exposed it ALL. Thanks Rudy.
Winco Just a word ,,,,Seeing as you're rather new here The republicans we deal with here are the bottom of the barrel ,the lowest of the low Party before country ,,Just a word to the wise
Democrats live in terror of exposure.
Is that why all your scum won't answer subpoenas ? Why Dump couldn't meet with Mueller to answer questions?? You're a party of low life scum Get used to it
What's your ethnicity and heritage? It could explain a lot.
Born in America { Brooklyn} and served in the US Army, Jewish but don't care much for Israel
Jewish!!!! A Brooklyn Jew.

Indeed it does explain a lot.
Democrats live in terror of exposure.
Is that why all your scum won't answer subpoenas ? Why Dump couldn't meet with Mueller to answer questions?? You're a party of low life scum Get used to it
What's your ethnicity and heritage? It could explain a lot.
Born in America { Brooklyn} and served in the US Army, Jewish but don't care much for Israel

Indeed it does explain a lot.
Be careful You don't want to piss off all those Jewish Trump voters ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,like you've pissed off so many others
The part of this that a lot of you don’t realize is that for the first time in probably decades there’s been an opportunity for patriots to stand up and take on the deep state, which is just the family friendly version of the word “Illuminati”. Now that there’s a president in office that’s fighting their corruption there’s an avenue for the good people to finally come out and do something about it. You guys can call me crazy and relegate me to the CT section of the board but the disclosure will be happening and nothing can stop it now. Some of us have been trying to tell you people for years about this stuff but we were the crazy ones :rolleyes:

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