DOD budget cuts, read it and weap.


Active Member
Aug 14, 2012
got this today folks at work, thought I would share. This is only the USAF version.

Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2013 12:04 PM
To: Undisclosed recipients
Subject: Military Tuition Assistance -- View in HTML

Fellow Airmen,

As you know, our Nation and our Air Force are working through some
significant fiscal challenges. The combined effects of continuing resolution
and sequestration are forcing some very tough decisions. Unfortunately we'll
likely be forced to furlough nearly 180,000 civilian Airmen for 16 hours per
pay period for the remainder of the fiscal year starting in April. This is
one of many impacts on your units and our Airmen and Families. Given this
environment we've had to make the decision to suspend military Tuition
Assistance (TA) for the remainder of this fiscal year.

Effective 1700 EST, 11 March, Active Duty Airmen will no longer be able to
submit requests for Tuition Assistance.

Believe me, this was a tough decision because our Air Force truly values
education. This is evidenced by our requirement for a Community College of
the Air Force (CCAF) degree for senior rater endorsement (SRE) eligibility.
SRE means a great deal in the promotion of Master Sergeant to Senior Master
Sergeant, and this will not change. We understand suspension of TA benefits
makes things tougher, but there are other ways for Airmen to complete CCAF
degrees. CLEP exams, the G.I. Bill, scholarships, and federal grants are
some options.

We remain as committed as ever to ensuring Airmen have the opportunity and
means to pursue educational goals. We're still looking at the impacts for
FY14 and will do our best to have TA reinstated, although we'll likely need
to review the eligibility requirements to ensure sustainability. We owe you
more information on this and will provide details as soon as we can.

Thank you for your service to our Nation.




Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force
I find this bull shit totally entertaining. Dear leader Maobama claims to have cut 2.5 trillion dollars from the deficits, yet there is nothing bad going to happen until the 45 billion spending reductions of the sequester takes effect. Something ain't adding up here.
I would consider losing tuition assistance for many who join just for that reason is something quite awful.

This is just the beginning. There will be further cuts made. And just so you know, that last jobs report that was decent. 10k public sector education employees were let go. Now you tell them your fantasy about Obama's cuts not hurting.
I would consider losing tuition assistance for many who join just for that reason is something quite awful.

This is just the beginning. There will be further cuts made. And just so you know, that last jobs report that was decent. 10k public sector education employees were let go. Now you tell them your fantasy about Obama's cuts not hurting.

He'll guarantee they hurt. Meanwhile Ag Dept employees get to go on wine and dine trips to California and illegal aliens get tuition assistance.

Why are we funding studies on the effects of cocaine on quails rather than making priorities like this? Why do we need 105 different programs on school nutrition?
So of all the shit in the Air Force budget, the only thing they could think of to cut was Tuition Assistance? Really?

This smacks of cheap political manipulation.

"Let's find something that directly affects the masses so they get pissed off."

Did the fucking generals give up any staff? How about strawberries jubille? How about parties? Are they cutting their own lawns?

At the next command gathering, I would ask that question during Q&A.
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So of all the shit in the Air Force budget, the only thing they could think of to cut was Tuition Assistance? Really?

This smacks of cheap political manipulation.

"Let's find something that directly affects the masses so they get pissed off."

Did the fucking generals give up any staff? How about strawberries jubille? How about parties? Are they cutting their own lawns?

At the next command gathering, I would ask that question during Q&A.

That doesn't smack of cheap political manipulation. It is cheap political manipulation.

We all know there is waste in the DoD. Just like there is waste in every department of the Federal Government. Instead of any honest attempt to cut down on spending the Administration is purposely trying to cause people visible pain to get the public outcry against spending cuts. (though technically we are talking rate of growth cuts, not actual spending cuts).

That's why these politicians always target police, firefighters, and teachers first: to make any cuts painful for the people. So they dont have to actually cut money from the budget and thus cut of their assumed privileges.
Did the fucking generals give up any staff? How about strawberries jubille? How about parties? Are they cutting their own lawns?

At the next command gathering, I would ask that question during Q&A.

I hear you, its BS. Of course the COL's and Generals still have a shit hot tee time at the golf course tho. Now, word has it a lot more "bad news" is coming down the pipe but probable either in early April or the new FY in October. Of course if I get any info I can share I will and post here.
I find this bull shit totally entertaining. Dear leader Maobama claims to have cut 2.5 trillion dollars from the deficits, yet there is nothing bad going to happen until the 45 billion spending reductions of the sequester takes effect. Something ain't adding up here.

He hasn't cut anything..... not to mention, how does a 1.4% reduction of the increase in spending add up to all this? Oh, that's right, it doesn't.

More B.S. for the low information crowd.
Oh well, just had a convo on this topic and come to find out that anything being cut is an entitlement. Yeah, I know...Lets make sure Exxon keeps bringing in the dough. Who cares about Airmen and their education amirite?

*note the sarcasm*
typical horseshit from a minimally educated FSU grad. Here is the truth:

nice to meet you too.

This is an Email I received today, I support the USAF SSN and or where ever else my discipline is required. You are shooting the messenger hot shot.
typical horseshit from a minimally educated FSU grad. Here is the truth:

nice to meet you too.

This is an Email I received today, I support the USAF SSN and or where ever else my discipline is required. You are shooting the messenger hot shot.

you posted a lie. read the truth: The Sequester Doesn't Cut Spending At All - Seeking Alpha

then admit your error and apologize for posting crap. BTW, I am a Fla grad from the days when FSU was a girls school-----oops, it still is.
hell ya FSU is a girls school! 4 to 1 hotties all day long! Sorry you had to go attend that stink hole in Hog Town.

You guys have bragging rights this year and I respect that. You UF pukes dont know what respect is now do you.

I only attended FSU for grad school, im a GT grad first and foremost. However, FSU Football is the shit and I love me some FSU football. But I still love my Wramblin Wreck from Georgia Tech!
hell ya FSU is a girls school! 4 to 1 hotties all day long! Sorry you had to go attend that stink hole in Hog Town.

You guys have bragging rights this year and I respect that. You UF pukes dont know what respect is now do you.

I only attended FSU for grad school, im a GT grad first and foremost. However, FSU Football is the shit and I love me some FSU football. But I still love my Wramblin Wreck from Georgia Tech!

well you have some redemption for going to tech. a very good school.

yeah, you have a lot of females at FSU but 70% of them are lesbians. :cool:

Seriously, I have disliked FSU since my college days but began to hate them when Bowden began playing thugs and teaching how to hit dirty. His defensive coord, Mickey something was the real asshole, but Bowden condoned the dirty play and thugism.
I would consider losing tuition assistance for many who join just for that reason is something quite awful.

This is just the beginning. There will be further cuts made. And just so you know, that last jobs report that was decent. 10k public sector education employees were let go. Now you tell them your fantasy about Obama's cuts not hurting.

And The Won could have easily prevented it. The sequester was His Idea. He has been unwilling to compromise in order to enable department heads to allocate cuts in an intelligent fashion.

His entire strategy is to make the sequester as painful as possible (i.e., cancelling the White House tours instead of forgoing one golf outing per year).

The worst case scenario for you liberal whackjobs is for the sequester to be No Big Deal.
yeah, you have a lot of females at FSU but 70% of them are lesbians.

OMG, you noticed that too, I hear it always been that way, lol, sucks for you!!. I was accepted to UF but my family (mom and dad) are all FSU grads and I love that school.

We had some unsavory kids playing during the 1900's, but so did you (May I introduce you to Charlie Pell) and Miami is hopefully right now, about to finally pay for their shenanigans. Mickey Andrews is a FSU hero, my fav of all time. He was just the best around till that spread option came around. But FSU's D was #2 in the nation two years in a row, were good.

Your boy Driskel is not that good and UF's offense was like 114th in the nation, absolutely inexcusable for the talent level over there in Gtown. You all have a lot to replace on D, losing Elam hurts you guys, hes been NFL big since his soph year.
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yeah, you have a lot of females at FSU but 70% of them are lesbians.

OMG, you noticed that too, I hear it always been that way, lol, sucks for you!!. I was accepted to UF but my family (mom and dad) are all FSU grads and I love that school.

We had some unsavory kids playing during the 1900's, but so did you (May I introduce you to Charlie Pell) and Miami is hopefully right now, about to finally pay for their shenanigans. Mickey Andrews is a FSU hero, my fav of all time. He was just the best around till that spread option came around. But FSU's D was #2 in the nation two years in a row, were good.

Your boy Driskel is not that good and UF's offense was like 114th in the nation, absolutely inexcusable for the talent level over there in Gtown. You all have a lot to replace on D, losing Elam hurts you guys, hes been NFL big since his soph year.

yeah, Mickey Andrews---could not remember his name. Real slime ball of a coach. recruited thugs and taught them how to take cheap shots to try to injure the other team. A real piece of crap. Bowden was no better since he went along with it like the dumb little fat boy that he was.

The UF offense did suck a bit last year, but they beat half ass U pretty bad. that and the Ga game are the ones that really count for alums.

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