DoD Leave for Same-Sex Marriage

I'm so glad I'm retired.....

Yup, if I was in right now, I'd get out. I wouldn't join either.

Glad things were different back in '79 when I did join. This march into the immoral toilet is sickening, and there was no need to pull this shit in our military.
I'm so glad I'm retired..... And yes I'll be sending out emails to all the normal congress critters, the White house, VP , Chief of Staff, and Sergeant Major of the Army...
Yeah I'm sure that'll have a HUGE impact!

"Oh here's another anti-gay marriage e-mail, I'll just delete it real quick... oh wait a minute, OMG this is from a Retired SFC! Alert the Press! Get the President on the phone NOW!" :lol:

Dude why do you have to be so mean?
yep you read it right..........

But the title doesn't tell it all. Many of us have said they don't want equal rights but special rights...there it is...Gays will be given FREE leave time to get married....

Any of you veterans ever gotten free leave time to get married? I got 5 days after completing BNOC. And i got 15 days for moving at retirement time. But i had to drive from Georgia to Missouri to get married on my own leave time...... And had i asked for Administrative leave for it i would have been laughed at.... But here we go, our pussified military is taking another step downward.

DoD Leave for Same-Sex Marriage Criticized |

I'm so glad I'm retired..... And yes I'll be sending out emails to all the normal congress critters, the White house, VP , Chief of Staff, and Sergeant Major of the Army.......

And I understand that my little rant will piss off some people...too bad.....

Dang. Just getting regular leave always seemed a hassle for me. I will say that the Army came through when my Dad was dying. I was on border patrol in Germany and they sent a chopper to snatch me up and take me back to Bad Kissingen, then to Frankfurt. Plane tickets were already arranged. Hate to see they're using the military for social experiments. Glad I'm retired too Ollie.

3rd ID?
bingo, if they give it too both, we don't have an argument.

They most probably already do. If someone who was stationed in Guam wanted to get married back in Maine his CO would probably extend him the same travel time irrespective of the genders of the parties involved.
No, he wouldn't. The member doesn't get free leave. He has to take leave he's already accrued or take advance leave, which is the leave he will accrue between the application for leave and his expected separation date.

Word, there is really no such thing as "free leave", even on the civilian side where I work now its all leave that you accrued even for emergencies, nobody is giving you anything. If you take more leave than you have you just go into the hole until you pay it back.
yep you read it right..........

But the title doesn't tell it all. Many of us have said they don't want equal rights but special rights...there it is...Gays will be given FREE leave time to get married....

Any of you veterans ever gotten free leave time to get married? I got 5 days after completing BNOC. And i got 15 days for moving at retirement time. But i had to drive from Georgia to Missouri to get married on my own leave time...... And had i asked for Administrative leave for it i would have been laughed at.... But here we go, our pussified military is taking another step downward.

DoD Leave for Same-Sex Marriage Criticized |

I'm so glad I'm retired..... And yes I'll be sending out emails to all the normal congress critters, the White house, VP , Chief of Staff, and Sergeant Major of the Army.......

And I understand that my little rant will piss off some people...too bad.....

Dang. Just getting regular leave always seemed a hassle for me. I will say that the Army came through when my Dad was dying. I was on border patrol in Germany and they sent a chopper to snatch me up and take me back to Bad Kissingen, then to Frankfurt. Plane tickets were already arranged. Hate to see they're using the military for social experiments. Glad I'm retired too Ollie.

3rd ID?

G Troop, 2/11th Armored Cavalry Regiment
I'm glad I'm retired from the military too... Thankfully, I retired before all of this bullshit began. The military is no place for social experimentation.
yep you read it right..........

But the title doesn't tell it all. Many of us have said they don't want equal rights but special rights...there it is...Gays will be given FREE leave time to get married....

Any of you veterans ever gotten free leave time to get married? I got 5 days after completing BNOC. And i got 15 days for moving at retirement time. But i had to drive from Georgia to Missouri to get married on my own leave time...... And had i asked for Administrative leave for it i would have been laughed at.... But here we go, our pussified military is taking another step downward.

DoD Leave for Same-Sex Marriage Criticized |

I'm so glad I'm retired..... And yes I'll be sending out emails to all the normal congress critters, the White house, VP , Chief of Staff, and Sergeant Major of the Army.......

And I understand that my little rant will piss off some people...too bad.....

No reason to get pissed off given what I am reading here.

Gay servicemembers aren’t guaranteed the full seven or 10 days off. Christensen said decisions on the amount of time granted will be made by their commanders, who will decide based on unit responsibilities and an individual’s personal situation.

The uncharged leave is for “traveling to a jurisdiction where [a same-sex] marriage may occur,” not for a wedding vacation, Christensen said.

Advocates noted that the military is offering uncharged leave, not travel stipends or any way to cover the costs of potentially lengthy trips.

“We don’t want the country at large to think that these couples are getting special treatment,” said Mark Mazzone, spokesman for the military LGBT advocacy group SPART*A. “There will still be expenses and difficulties, but we feel like (the uncharged leave) is a fair compromise.”

As soon as gay marriage is legal nationwide this would no longer be necessary. My recollection is that the military makes travel arrangements on a case by case basis. This seems to be one of those instances unless I am missing something.

If they get even one day of free leave then they are getting special treatment...... I didn't get travel time to get married and no one else I know did either.... It is special treatment...No ifs ands buts or maybes....
Dang. Just getting regular leave always seemed a hassle for me. I will say that the Army came through when my Dad was dying. I was on border patrol in Germany and they sent a chopper to snatch me up and take me back to Bad Kissingen, then to Frankfurt. Plane tickets were already arranged. Hate to see they're using the military for social experiments. Glad I'm retired too Ollie.

3rd ID?

G Troop, 2/11th Armored Cavalry Regiment

our company from the 3rd ID did a tour with 2/2 ..I am sure you can appreciate this;) I found it last week in my X-flies, I am taking the pic;


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I'm so glad I'm retired..... And yes I'll be sending out emails to all the normal congress critters, the White house, VP , Chief of Staff, and Sergeant Major of the Army...
Yeah I'm sure that'll have a HUGE impact!

"Oh here's another anti-gay marriage e-mail, I'll just delete it real quick... oh wait a minute, OMG this is from a Retired SFC! Alert the Press! Get the President on the phone NOW!" :lol:

Actually I seriously doubt that any of the recipients will ever read the email. But if there are enough of them then their aids will advise them of the content.
I'm so glad I'm retired..... And yes I'll be sending out emails to all the normal congress critters, the White house, VP , Chief of Staff, and Sergeant Major of the Army...
Yeah I'm sure that'll have a HUGE impact!

"Oh here's another anti-gay marriage e-mail, I'll just delete it real quick... oh wait a minute, OMG this is from a Retired SFC! Alert the Press! Get the President on the phone NOW!" :lol:

Dude why do you have to be so mean?

It's obvious that he thinks I'm stupid.....I know they won't read one email......But if they get enough of them they will at least hear about the subject from one of their aids...
The regular military is not structured nor intended to be something a person integrates into his personal life. A fortunate few may be able to integrate some of their personal life into their military life, but nobody has the right to expect the military to go out of its way to accommodate that. At least until now.
They most probably already do. If someone who was stationed in Guam wanted to get married back in Maine his CO would probably extend him the same travel time irrespective of the genders of the parties involved.
No, he wouldn't. The member doesn't get free leave. He has to take leave he's already accrued or take advance leave, which is the leave he will accrue between the application for leave and his expected separation date.

Word, there is really no such thing as "free leave", even on the civilian side where I work now its all leave that you accrued even for emergencies, nobody is giving you anything. If you take more leave than you have you just go into the hole until you pay it back.
Yup. Well, there USED to be no such thing as free leave. :cool:

G Troop, 2/11th Armored Cavalry Regiment

our company from the 3rd ID did a tour with 2/2 ..I am sure you can appreciate this;) I found it last week in my X-flies, I am taking the pic;

I sure can appreciate it. Border duty was my favorite duty. I was with 3/35 Armor my second tour. That was in Bamberg. There was a squadron of 2/2 Cav across the street from us. We patrolled the Czech border from there. We patrolled the East German border when I was in the Cav.
Yeah I'm sure that'll have a HUGE impact!

"Oh here's another anti-gay marriage e-mail, I'll just delete it real quick... oh wait a minute, OMG this is from a Retired SFC! Alert the Press! Get the President on the phone NOW!" :lol:

Dude why do you have to be so mean?

It's obvious that he thinks I'm stupid.....I know they won't read one email......But if they get enough of them they will at least hear about the subject from one of their aids...
...and they still won't care. Not so long as we have a shit stain commander in chief that's rumored to have played around with filthy homos himself.
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I'm a gay-marriage supporter and (to speak on behalf of maybe some others) will not say that this is wonderful because it's clearly preferential treatment (10 days for gay couples and some lesser number for straight couples). Not a fan.

Also, "homo lovers"? How about you try and grow up a bit? lol...
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