DoD Leave for Same-Sex Marriage


I'm a gay-marriage supporter and (to speak on behalf of maybe some others) will not say that this is wonderful because it's clearly preferential treatment (10 days for gay couples and some lesser number for straight couples). Not a fan.

Also, "homo lovers"? How about you try and grow up a bit? lol...

Not a lesser number....Zero.... No one gets extra leave to get married, until now....

G Troop, 2/11th Armored Cavalry Regiment

our company from the 3rd ID did a tour with 2/2 ..I am sure you can appreciate this;) I found it last week in my X-flies, I am taking the pic;

Just took another look at this. I knew that was an East German border marker but I didn't notice that was a sledge hammer he was wielding. Was that in '89 when the two Gernany's merged or were you all just messing up the marker?
I just sent an e-mail to the President via the White House website:

"Sir, It's come to my attention that you are a Gay Muslim. Now, at first I thought no way! No one could be both Gay AND Muslim, but then I took a good look at your wife and I knew it could be a possibility. Plus the pics of you in Mom Jeans are a bit confusing.

If you just say you're Muslim that would clear up a few things to include your possible Gayness.

Thank you for you time!

Signed - Anonymous Internet Poster. (Until the NSA gets a hold of this!)"

Now, I know it's only one e-mail but if we all send him letters like this his "aids" will HAVE to inform him of these and not just send back a form letter "thank you" that every other Politician does.

How bout it?
Why does it come as a surprise? The democrat party and Barry Hussein made sure that married sodomites will enjoy the same benefits as married heterosexual couples including but not limited to maternity leave.
I'm so glad I'm retired..... And yes I'll be sending out emails to all the normal congress critters, the White house, VP , Chief of Staff, and Sergeant Major of the Army...
Yeah I'm sure that'll have a HUGE impact!

"Oh here's another anti-gay marriage e-mail, I'll just delete it real quick... oh wait a minute, OMG this is from a Retired SFC! Alert the Press! Get the President on the phone NOW!" :lol:
Dude why do you have to be so mean?
You know how a "nice" person would handle this Gay Marriage Leave non-issue? I'll show ya':

If you're active duty or civilian then you file a Federal Lawsuit claiming Discrimination. The f*ckin' Feds can't make a Law and then selectively apply it to whomever they please. Ever hear of "Equal Protection Under the Law"?

Oh and if you don't think Active Duty and Civilian CAN'T sue the Gov't, you got lot's to learn.

Wanna' write a letter? Ok, what you say is something along the lines of: "Sir/Ma'am, it's come my attention that Gay Couples have Marriage Leave. I for one want to say I think that's a great idea and should be applies to EVERYONE in the Service who gets Married, not just Gays. I'm not a Lawyer but that seems kinda' Discriminatory. Blah blah blah, this makes the Military more efficent, better place to serve, blah blah blah".

You see?

Only a f*ckin' idiot would see someone else getting something good and NOT demand it for themselves as well. An idiot will see someone else with a privilege and say "Hey, I'm not getting that so therefore NO ONE should get that!"

And that would be SFC Ollie.
Yeah I'm sure that'll have a HUGE impact!

"Oh here's another anti-gay marriage e-mail, I'll just delete it real quick... oh wait a minute, OMG this is from a Retired SFC! Alert the Press! Get the President on the phone NOW!" :lol:

Dude why do you have to be so mean?

It's obvious that he thinks I'm stupid.....I know they won't read one email......But if they get enough of them they will at least hear about the subject from one of their aids...
No Ollie, I don't think you're stupid but you ARE completely Army Brainwashed, to which I know you'd reply; "Proudly so!".
I just sent an e-mail to the President via the White House website:

"Sir, It's come to my attention that you are a Gay Muslim. Now, at first I thought no way! No one could be both Gay AND Muslim, but then I took a good look at your wife and I knew it could be a possibility. Plus the pics of you in Mom Jeans are a bit confusing.

If you just say you're Muslim that would clear up a few things to include your possible Gayness.

Thank you for you time!

Signed - Anonymous Internet Poster. (Until the NSA gets a hold of this!)"

Now, I know it's only one e-mail but if we all send him letters like this his "aids" will HAVE to inform him of these and not just send back a form letter "thank you" that every other Politician does.

How bout it?

When was the last time someone confirmed that you were stupid?
Dude why do you have to be so mean?

It's obvious that he thinks I'm stupid.....I know they won't read one email......But if they get enough of them they will at least hear about the subject from one of their aids...
No Ollie, I don't think you're stupid but you ARE completely Army Brainwashed, to which I know you'd reply; "Proudly so!".

Actually the Army i was in taught me how to think for myself... Now if you want to turn this into something it's not lets go. i can give as well as i take.

You come in here with your fucked up flag and start BS and expect anyone to take you serious....Ain't gonna happen..... So just take your nonsense and ram it up your ass........Or what ever you'd like to do with it...

Because that is how the system actually works. Unless it's a really out of the ordinary thing then you might get an appointment with your congressmens aids...As I have done in the past.... But that was a different problem that I am still working on through multiple contacts I've made in the top military offices. And should have a national vote on the problem in the American Legion next year for them to introduce a resolution to congress...

Now how do you think your congresscritter finds out how to vote so that they will get re-elected? If they get several thousand emails, letters, or phone calls about the same thing then they will be looking at it.. If the silent Majority remains silent then the congress critter will vote party lines and not care about anything else.....

Or have I been mislead all these years?

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