Does Anyone Here On This Board Have A Favorable Opinion Of Mitt Romney?


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2020
I could be mistaken here but It seems like Mitt is always for sale(?) to anyone or anybody(?), most likely for $$$$$(?) or a position(?) that could make him more $$$$$(?). Mitt reminds me a lot of former $enator John Lobby McCain. Everyone knew McCain wa$ for $ale @ lea$t if the price wa$ right but I have never heard of a $candal that involved Mitt Romney. Is Mitt for $ale or does he just like to back/promote both Dem/Pub profe$$ional politician$???
One more time, you guys were the ones who Eight Years ago said he would make a dandy president.

You had no problem with the fact that he belonged to a deranged cult started by a child molesting con-artist named Joseph Smith, Jr.

You had no problem with the fact he went into companies, looted them for their assets and left people out on the street without jobs.

But the minute he showed a LITTLE bit of integrity and turned on your Cult Leader, Trump, you guys totally hate him now.
I could be mistaken here but It seems like Mitt is always for sale(?) to anyone or anybody(?), most likely for $$$$$(?) or a position(?) that could make him more $$$$$(?). Mitt reminds me a lot of former $enator John Lobby McCain. Everyone knew McCain wa$ for $ale @ lea$t if the price wa$ right but I have never heard of a $candal that involved Mitt Romney. Is Mitt for $ale or does he just like to back/promote both Dem/Pub profe$$ional politician$???
Rotflmbo..... Uh Nope not here. He is a sell out.
McCain, the Bushes and Romney explain why we support, love and admire DJT, the greatest Republican President since RR

You might be on to something there.

The Republican Party has always been about putting the interests of the investor class above that of the working class. The problem is, in a small d democracy, that's impractical, because the working class is always larger.

So pretty much since Tricky Dick, the GOP has tricked the working class into voting against it's own economic interests by playing on the fears of dumb white people. Their sexual fears, racial fears, religious fears, fear of crime, etc.

Trump is loved by the base because he is more open in embracing these bigotries, rather than just hinting at them.

In short, guys like Mitt Romney were Dr. Frankenstein, but Trump was the monster they created, and they are now horrified as it ravages the countryside.

we need to listen to Romney, because he KNOWS how to win presidential elections!

so does his dad, who ran in the primary against Nixon
we need to listen to Romney, because he KNOWS how to win presidential elections!

so does his dad, who ran in the primary against Nixon

I usually have you on ignore, because you are kind of a troll, but what the fuck are you talking about.

His Dad's campaign floundered when he said the Military brainwashed him. (Actually, we all thought the Mormon Church had that covered.)

Mitt ran twice and lost twice....
McCain, the Bushes and Romney explain why we support, love and admire DJT, the greatest Republican President since RR

You might be on to something there.

The Republican Party has always been about putting the interests of the investor class above that of the working class. The problem is, in a small d democracy, that's impractical, because the working class is always larger.

So pretty much since Tricky Dick, the GOP has tricked the working class into voting against it's own economic interests by playing on the fears of dumb white people. Their sexual fears, racial fears, religious fears, fear of crime, etc.

Trump is loved by the base because he is more open in embracing these bigotries, rather than just hinting at them.

In short, guys like Mitt Romney were Dr. Frankenstein, but Trump was the monster they created, and they are now horrified as it ravages the countryside.

View attachment 413570

Lowest minority unemployment
renegotiate bad trade deal
hold China accountable
peace in the ME
One more time, you guys were the ones who Eight Years ago said he would make a dandy president.

You had no problem with the fact that he belonged to a deranged cult started by a child molesting con-artist named Joseph Smith, Jr.

You had no problem with the fact he went into companies, looted them for their assets and left people out on the street without jobs.

But the minute he showed a LITTLE bit of integrity and turned on your Cult Leader, Trump, you guys totally hate him now.
I am certain Trump's core believers never really paid attention to politics before he came along otherwise they would have known what a horrible failure he was certain to be. They just showed up and voted republican and went back to watching wrasslin'. They never really had a leader until Trump. I don't understand the need for a leader but apparently it was something they hungered for. Now that they have their glorious leader they can't remember ever liking anyone else.
Mitt Romney got rich by bankrupting sound companies, not exactly a shining example of Wall Street excellence even by some capitialists' standards. He would be as great a freind to Red China as Dog Fart Joe is; they have the same morals and principles.
we need to listen to Romney, because he KNOWS how to win presidential elections!

so does his dad, who ran in the primary against Nixon

I usually have you on ignore, because you are kind of a troll, but what the fuck are you talking about.

His Dad's campaign floundered when he said the Military brainwashed him. (Actually, we all thought the Mormon Church had that covered.)

Mitt ran twice and lost twice....
i was being sarcastic

you're stupid. i'm not surprised
One more time, you guys were the ones who Eight Years ago said he would make a dandy president.

You had no problem with the fact that he belonged to a deranged cult started by a child molesting con-artist named Joseph Smith, Jr.

You had no problem with the fact he went into companies, looted them for their assets and left people out on the street without jobs.

But the minute he showed a LITTLE bit of integrity and turned on your Cult Leader, Trump, you guys totally hate him now.
I am certain Trump's core believers never really paid attention to politics before he came along otherwise they would have known what a horrible failure he was certain to be. They just showed up and voted republican and went back to watching wrasslin'. They never really had a leader until Trump. I don't understand the need for a leader but apparently it was something they hungered for. Now that they have their glorious leader they can't remember ever liking anyone else.
And why did you vote for Joe Biden again?
Lowest minority unemployment
renegotiate bad trade deal
hold China accountable
peace in the ME

Unemployment hit an 80 year high.
China is doing better than ever.
There won't be peace in the Middle East until the Zionists go back to Europe where they came from.
Mitt Romney got rich by bankrupting sound companies, not exactly a shining example of Wall Street excellence even by some capitialists' standards. He would be as great a freind to Red China as Dog Fart Joe is; they have the same morals and principles.
The problem is, we let guys get rich bankrupting companies.

INstead, when a company goes bankrupt, there should be an IMMEDIATE investigation of their leadership, to see what they did to cause it, and if they did, prosecute them for fraud and throw them into a jail cell with an oversexed cellmate and a jar of vasoline.
I could be mistaken here but It seems like Mitt is always for sale(?) to anyone or anybody(?), most likely for $$$$$(?) or a position(?) that could make him more $$$$$(?). Mitt reminds me a lot of former $enator John Lobby McCain. Everyone knew McCain wa$ for $ale @ lea$t if the price wa$ right but I have never heard of a $candal that involved Mitt Romney. Is Mitt for $ale or does he just like to back/promote both Dem/Pub profe$$ional politician$???
Rotflmbo..... Uh Nope not here. He is a sell out.
I could not believe he was picked as a presidential candidate years ago. I mean Mitt is the ORIGINAL Rubber Band man like he'll BEND in any direction the $$$$$ is in.
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I could not believe he was picked as a presidential candidate years ago. I mean Mitti is the ORIGINAL Rubber Band man like hell BEND in any direction the $$$$$ is in.

Actually, here's how that happened

In 2008, Romney was rejected by the Evangelicals because he was a Mormon. Huckabee was rejected by the Investor class because he actually realized the Bible doesn't say anything about "Tax Cuts for Rich People". So they settled on John McCain as a compromise candidate that no one really wanted.

By 2012, the Evangelicals got over Romney being a Mormon because, OH MY GOD THERE'S A NEGRO IN THE WHITE HOUSE!!!! So the investor class was able to bully Romney into position.

Trump actually got one point less than Romney in 2016, and one point more in 2020... It's mostly the same assholes, though.
I like Romney. If I didn't have a favorable opinion I wouldn't have voted for him in 2012.

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