Does anyone take NBC News seriously?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
They are now criticizing Trump for not being anti-anti-semetic enough. :banana2:
Isn't that the news organization that lightened George Zimmerman's mugshot on tv to make him look like a white person?
They are now criticizing Trump for not being anti-anti-semetic enough. :banana2:

He was asked the question and he pussy footed around the answer in his press conference, problem with proper journalism is they pick up on that stuff.

You know, not mentioning Jews in Holocaust remembrance and doing the exact same thing to Syrian Refugees that weekend and US did to Jewish Refugees in the 1930s....
They are now criticizing Trump for not being anti-anti-semetic enough. :banana2:

They are now criticizing Trump for not being anti-anti-semetic enough. :banana2:
Liar. They justifiably criticized him for waiting so long to speak out about it.
He can slam Meryl Streep in minutes for telling the truth about him but when the anti Semitic part of his base is knocking down headstones in cemeteries he had to " think" about it for days.
He probably had to fight off his antisemitic chief adviser Bannon.
Trump waited until he was being slammed for not acting like a leader before he actually did sometime.
Keep telling the truth NBC.
Big talk . Y'all constantly posts links to the daily caller , Breibart, and other fringe psycho racist tabloid sites .

Who are you to bash legitimate national news outlets ?
Look at the different responses between libs and Trumpies.
THATS why they're called deplorables..
They are now criticizing Trump for not being anti-anti-semetic enough. :banana2:
Did anyone watch today's news conference today? TWO Israeli newspapers also stated concern about Trump's lack of concern about how anti- crimes increased since he assumed office. And Trump finally made an official statement about anti-semetic crimes.
Thanks jwoodie for starting this thread, you really made a fool out of yourself! :laugh2:
They are now criticizing Trump for not being anti-anti-semetic enough. :banana2:

Well shit ----- Not sure even what "anti-semetic" might mean let alone "anti-anti-semetic" but calling for "complete and total (he said redundantly) shutdown of Muslims" and registering them with some kind of dog tag? That right there is anti-Semitic enough....

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