Does Hamas Have Bibicare?


Gold Supporting Member
Dec 5, 2008
Ft Worth,TX
They sure aren't bashful about using Israeli hospitals.

The sister of Hamas senior official Moussa Abu Marzouk is being treated in an Israeli hospital for cancer, Israel Radio reported Monday.

The hospitalization of the sister of Abu Marzouk is the latest case of a relative of a member of the terror group being treated in Israel despite a toxic relationship with the Jewish state.

There are few details known about the case, including which hospital is treating the woman.

Hamas chief s sister treated in Israeli hospital The Times of Israel
This is just annoying.

Yes and why is your paper reporting it again? To show how noble they are? Your aware that even people on death row get medical care here in the states, and perhaps if your gov, would not of been oppressing Gaza and the Pals for so long, bombing the heck out of them, they may by now have their own facilities to treat these people with advanced medical needs.

Your like the people who rob from others and give something back to them and say hey look at how great we are!
This is just annoying.

Yes and why is your paper reporting it again? To show how noble they are?

Nope. They do it just to annoy Nazi scummies and given your predictable foaming-at-the-mouth reaction, it's working just fine.

I knew they must of had an ulterior motive:D, but I think it was more for good PR, to overshadow all the bad PR they are getting. They seem to be pissing off the Jews living in Israel more than me, like Lipush is annoyed she said.
This is just annoying.

Yes and why is your paper reporting it again? To show how noble they are?

Nope. They do it just to annoy Nazi scummies and given your predictable foaming-at-the-mouth reaction, it's working just fine.

I knew they must of had an ulterior motive:D, but I think it was more for good PR, to overshadow all the bad PR they are getting. They seem to be pissing off the Jews living in Israel more than me, like Lipush is annoyed she said.

I didn't notice Lipush foaming as you do but the fact is she has a vested interest ... she lives there. You're just a monumentally ignorant Nazi scummie who knows absolutely nothing but your hate for Joooos (and that is your only reason for posting here).
This is just annoying.

Yes and why is your paper reporting it again? To show how noble they are? Your aware that even people on death row get medical care here in the states, and perhaps if your gov, would not of been oppressing Gaza and the Pals for so long, bombing the heck out of them, they may by now have their own facilities to treat these people with advanced medical needs.

Your like the people who rob from others and give something back to them and say hey look at how great we are!
The definitions you are looking for is 'Merciful' Israelis and 'Ungrateful' Palestinians.
Ah spare me the 'BOMB DEATH MISERY' stories, Israel did not make anything since the truce except fulfilling its terms while Hamas is busy spitting in the face of Israel every single time.. no I'm sorry - THE PALESTINIANS - spitting in the face of Israel despite all the good gestures made.
Cut the bullshit, violent and barbaric people - like those you advocate 24/7 - only understand fear and violence, its funny you really expect the Israelis to be tolerant when people are dying, I hope you burn in hell for that, share the fate your wolves you're protecting always wish for you, filth.
This is just annoying.

Yes and why is your paper reporting it again? To show how noble they are? Your aware that even people on death row get medical care here in the states, and perhaps if your gov, would not of been oppressing Gaza and the Pals for so long, bombing the heck out of them, they may by now have their own facilities to treat these people with advanced medical needs.

Your like the people who rob from others and give something back to them and say hey look at how great we are!
The definitions you are looking for is 'Merciful' Israelis and 'Ungrateful' Palestinians.
Ah spare me the 'BOMB DEATH MISERY' stories, Israel did not make anything since the truce except fulfilling its terms while Hamas is busy spitting in the face of Israel every single time.. no I'm sorry - THE PALESTINIANS - spitting in the face of Israel despite all the good gestures made.
Cut the bullshit, violent and barbaric people - like those you advocate 24/7 - only understand fear and violence, its funny you really expect the Israelis to be tolerant when people are dying, I hope you burn in hell for that, share the fate your wolves you're protecting always wish for you, filth.

I see your true colors are coming out.
This is just annoying.

Yes and why is your paper reporting it again? To show how noble they are? Your aware that even people on death row get medical care here in the states, and perhaps if your gov, would not of been oppressing Gaza and the Pals for so long, bombing the heck out of them, they may by now have their own facilities to treat these people with advanced medical needs.

Your like the people who rob from others and give something back to them and say hey look at how great we are!

No, I believe it mostly in order to tell Israelis where the hell our taxes going.

Which brings me back to my own issue.

Days ago, my grandfather, who had a complicated infection, was forced to wait for treatment in the hospital, a 96 year old man who can hardly keep his eyes open, my mother nursed him for days and did whatever she could for him, the excuse was "not enough beds" in the hospital.. meanwhile we hear what kind of people are treated in Ichilov and other clinics.

People like my grandpa have to wait for long hours and days while snakes from Gaza, terrorists and terrorist-relatives can just jump the line. You know what? screw PC, this is just disgusting.

We hear non-stop about what kind of crap our government wastes money on. Benefits for ministers, gardening for Lapid's office, they take our money while we cannot pay for our houses. So they ask "where's the money?" the money is on them, and on the enemy, meanwhile I have to watch my pops fade away.

THAT pisses me off.
They sure aren't bashful about using Israeli hospitals.

The sister of Hamas senior official Moussa Abu Marzouk is being treated in an Israeli hospital for cancer, Israel Radio reported Monday.

The hospitalization of the sister of Abu Marzouk is the latest case of a relative of a member of the terror group being treated in Israel despite a toxic relationship with the Jewish state.

There are few details known about the case, including which hospital is treating the woman.

Hamas chief s sister treated in Israeli hospital The Times of Israel

Nor is Israel bashful about stealing Palestinian land to build her hospitals. ~ Susan
They sure aren't bashful about using Israeli hospitals.

The sister of Hamas senior official Moussa Abu Marzouk is being treated in an Israeli hospital for cancer, Israel Radio reported Monday.

The hospitalization of the sister of Abu Marzouk is the latest case of a relative of a member of the terror group being treated in Israel despite a toxic relationship with the Jewish state.

There are few details known about the case, including which hospital is treating the woman.

Hamas chief s sister treated in Israeli hospital The Times of Israel

Nor is Israel bashful about stealing Palestinian land to build her hospitals. ~ Susan
Nor is Pishy bashful about having someone pay her medical insurance all these years so that she doesn't have to work. :cow:

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