Does Iowa really matter?


Dec 18, 2011
When watching both Fox News and MSNBC, they make such a big deal of the Iowa primaries and how it is what tells Republicans who will be the nominee.... First off, if you go back to 2007, the Iowa primaries predicted that Mike Huckabee would be the nominee (according to how Fox News and MSNBC makes Iowa out to be), and oh John McCain won the nomination...

So my question for you, what primary truly does matter to know who the nominee would be? Is it "Super Tuesday", or just an unknown thing?
It only matters till the next State has its primaries.

Once Iowa is over they will be talking about the next State and how important it is to win there.
It depends on who wins...

If Mitt wins then it seals the deal and if Ron Paul wins then its a farce. At least that's how it will be played out in the media.

I am sure it matters to Iowans at any rate.
IOWA is about momentum. If the Right person wins it, they can ride that wave to the Nomination. Not always, but many times.
It depends on who wins...

If Mitt wins then it seals the deal and if Ron Paul wins then its a farce. At least that's how it will be played out in the media.

I am sure it matters to Iowans at any rate.

That would basically be the truth. Because Paul lacks the Ability to win most of the other states, so him taking IOWA would be a farce, while Romney taking it, would go a long way to sealing the deal for him.
It depends on who wins...

If Mitt wins then it seals the deal and if Ron Paul wins then its a farce. At least that's how it will be played out in the media.

I am sure it matters to Iowans at any rate.

This is my thoughts on the results of the Iowa primary... I think if Ron Paul wins it just means he is the Huckabee for the Iowa primary...

Personally I think that Romney may not win Iowa since he hasn't been on the ground there as much as other candidates....
One thing to note though is that many people wait to decide who they will vote for until they see who is winning. The winner of Iowa will gain more momentum no matter who wins. I think it will be especially beneficial to Ron Paul just because he hasn't had the exposure so far that the other candidates have had.

So my honest answer is that it is important for the winner no matter who it is because some people like winners and will vote for whoever is in the lead.
None of the primaries matter if the candidate hand picked by the party bosses wins before a single vote is cast.
I don't like caucuses, don't really think the winner of Iowa means a thing except to the people of Iowa,
and the media which can talk about it until the next State comes up.
Of course it matters. To what degree? That's debateable. but if it didnt matter at all no one would care about it.
Tens of millions of dollars collectively spent by the candidates in Iowa makes me think it kinda matters.

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