Does Obama represent the will of the people

The only ones the Obama represents are his political backers and special interest groups.

He has no USE for the rest of the American people..but this last election showed SOME of the American people are WAKING UP to things. Now lets vote out this ugly thuggish, divisive, race baiting so called, President and his Comrades in Arms in the Democrat party in 2012..


Why do Conservatives live in the fantasy world that the majority of Americans somehow align with their view point?.. It's obvious they don't. All you have to do is take one look at a poll on the Tea Party.. The longer it's around, the more negatively people think about it. Also most polls show that majorities of Americans break to the left when it comes down to issues, not just cutesy word-play.

Now.. do people love Obama?.. And has Obama done everything right? Oh hell no.. but when presented with a choice of going back to the 8 years of Bush, or going forward with what we have, people understand the choice they have to make.

The only Americans that are "waking up" to Obama and his "comrades", are the fucking teabaggers that didn't like Obama from the very start.

I ask a question about Obama and the peoples will
And as far as the 8 years under GWB
all 90 months had less than 6% UE
Break to the left? this is called a poll
"Conservatives" Are Single-Largest Ideological Group
What did GWB do bad?
I mean we created 6 million jobs after 9-11....
Now....subtract (from that) all the jobs that were LOST, 'since Lil' Dumbya (first) got sworn-in.

No he doesn't. He represents the will of 8% of the people,the extreme far left.
For the first time in our nations history, Congress passed a Health Care Bill against the majority of the people.
When President Clinton was president, at least congress listened to the majority and they did not pass that Health Care Bill.
No he doesn't. He represents the will of 8% of the people,the extreme far left.
For the first time in our nations history, Congress passed a Health Care Bill against the majority of the people.
When President Clinton was president, at least congress listened to the majority and they did not pass that Health Care Bill.

Even the democrats panned Hillary's Healthcare plan.
GM was against the peoples will
Just 21% Favor GM Bailout Plan, 67% Oppose - Rasmussen Reports™

Poll for Obama-care
New CNN Poll: 59% Oppose Obamacare | The Foundry
Poll: ObamaCare a bad idea - Live Pulse -

Lets start there
Thats trillion dollars along with in my opinion pure socialism with GM. Its never personal to me
The discussion is does Obama represent the will of the people?

The plurality of the ones who voted in 2008; yes.

As for right now; I hope not. Theres a lot of stupid people in the majority at times.
No he doesn't. He represents the will of 8% of the people,the extreme far left.
For the first time in our nations history, Congress passed a Health Care Bill against the majority of the people.
When President Clinton was president, at least congress listened to the majority and they did not pass that Health Care Bill.

Even the democrats panned Hillary's Healthcare plan.

I see your another who is living off of others
No ones crying here bud
I ask a simple question and you, 8537 and blind boo all do the same childish thing. Dont get me wrong, you have that right
It just shows how little you add to the bottom line
All I ask was do you feel Obama supports the will of the people
8537 has a mother fucker answer
Boo is only worried about grammar
and you just want to make fun of people who have never done 1 thing to you

Its just a simple question
Nothing more
Nothing less
and we wonder how anyone that brilliant got to be president
Even the democrats panned Hillary's Healthcare plan.

I see your another who is living off of others
No ones crying here bud
I ask a simple question and you, 8537 and blind boo all do the same childish thing. Dont get me wrong, you have that right
It just shows how little you add to the bottom line
All I ask was do you feel Obama supports the will of the people
8537 has a mother fucker answer
Boo is only worried about grammarand you just want to make fun of people who have never done 1 thing to you

Its just a simple question
Nothing more
Nothing less
and we wonder how anyone that brilliant got to be president

No he doesn't represent the will of the "Teabaggers", "Pseudo-conservatives", or "Faux News".

But do feel free to expand on the "grammer" angle?
Even the democrats panned Hillary's Healthcare plan.

I see your another who is living off of others
No ones crying here bud
I ask a simple question and you, 8537 and blind boo all do the same childish thing. Dont get me wrong, you have that right
It just shows how little you add to the bottom line
All I ask was do you feel Obama supports the will of the people
8537 has a mother fucker answer
Boo is only worried about grammar
and you just want to make fun of people who have never done 1 thing to you

Its just a simple question
Nothing more
Nothing less
and we wonder how anyone that brilliant got to be president

You got your answer. You're just too immature or stupid to accept the answer.
But the message remains: the Right does not see this president as 'one of us' in that charming, old tradition of Conservatives.

I would change that to say... "the majority of Americans do not see this president as "one of us" in that charming, old tradition of America."

He's an ultra liberal, he's a socialist, he's a marxist, he's a black theologist, he's a radical and a muslim by name, and none of that is "traditional" to America.

And NO, he doesn't represent the will of the majority of the people on a great many of his policies. He is anti American, and doing more to ruin America than help it.
Ultra Liberal? Like FDR? His face is on the dime and he has a large memeorial in Washington D.C. Pretty traditional stuff. Socialist or Marxist? Can't be both! Because there's a difference between Socialism and Marxism. But, they both sound bad so they're handy epithets. Muslim by name? That's sounds as dangerous as being Catholic by name. At least both Catholics and Muslims have wreaked violence in their names, as have other Christians, Jews, Hindus and Sikhs. Is it just religious prejudice like racial prejudice? What a charming tradition!
He represents very little of our Nation at best 12% of the extreme left wing had the Media done its job and vetted him as they should have I strongly doubt he would have remained a Washington insider.

Neither he nor the left are Representative of our Nation
Ultra Liberal? Like FDR?

I think he's more like Benito Mussolini.

Socialist or Marxist? Can't be both!


Another leftist moron attempts to redefine terms to his own ends..

Because there's a difference between Socialism and Marxism.

Because Marxism advocates, um CAPITALISM..

Holy cow! Everything is wrong with your response! Everything! Mussolini was a Fascist (he invented the term) and that ain't Liberal!

Who's re-defining terms to suit their ends now? And when you accuse Liberals of redefining terms, here's a little hint: have a working understanding of those terms! It turns out, some Liberals went to college and paid attention when those terms were defined. We just didn't hear a bunch of crap from a DJ like Glenn Beck and then decide we had a degree in Political Science like some Conservative ditto head.
Holy cow! Everything is wrong with your response! Everything! Mussolini was a Fascist (he invented the term) and that ain't Liberal!

Oh? You think it's "conservative?"


Given that the Federal Government now owns a majority stake in General motors, who do you think made the following statement? Obama or Mussolini?

“Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.”

Or how about "a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded" as our military force. Mussolini or Obama?

Okay, I'll give you this one, it's Benito;

"Fascism recognizes the real needs which gave rise to socialism and trade-unionism, giving them due weight in the guild or corporative system in which divergent interests are coordinated and harmonized in the unity of the State."

How about this little quiz;

Prior to forming the Fascisti, Benito Mussolini was head of what party?

a.) The "I love George W. Bush" party
b.) The Republican party
c.) The Italian Bolshevik party
d.) The Italian branch of ACORN

Who's re-defining terms to suit their ends now?

You are.

And when you accuse Liberals of redefining terms,

I accuse you of being ignorant and uneducated.

It turns out, some Liberals went to college and paid attention when those terms were defined.

Demand a refund, seriously.

"Marxism is not socialism," ROFL...

I see your another who is living off of others
No ones crying here bud
I ask a simple question and you, 8537 and blind boo all do the same childish thing. Dont get me wrong, you have that right
It just shows how little you add to the bottom line
All I ask was do you feel Obama supports the will of the people
8537 has a mother fucker answer
Boo is only worried about grammarand you just want to make fun of people who have never done 1 thing to you

Its just a simple question
Nothing more
Nothing less
and we wonder how anyone that brilliant got to be president

No he doesn't represent the will of the "Teabaggers", "Pseudo-conservatives", or "Faux News".

But do feel free to expand on the "grammer" angle?

Not really
I will watch it better though

I see your another who is living off of others
No ones crying here bud
I ask a simple question and you, 8537 and blind boo all do the same childish thing. Dont get me wrong, you have that right
It just shows how little you add to the bottom line
All I ask was do you feel Obama supports the will of the people
8537 has a mother fucker answer
Boo is only worried about grammar
and you just want to make fun of people who have never done 1 thing to you

Its just a simple question
Nothing more
Nothing less
and we wonder how anyone that brilliant got to be president

You got your answer. You're just too immature or stupid to accept the answer.

I am the one who is immature?
You have a picture of our president with a cowboy hat on stating is there anything else, what ever it says, but the word mother fucker gets thrown in there and you claim I am not mature?
Its one simple question
And as I have said before, no one will ever take you serious with that 2nd grade picture of our president attached to it
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