Kamala Harris’ employees flee in droves, ex-staff cite toxic workplace

Just a quick reminder that Republicans are still running on conspiracy theories and smearing their opponent, instead of the their plans for America
The plans are pretty simple. Re-new the plans that were working that Biden terminated.
As a result:
Biden's urging illegals to
"In fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "
Consequence of that: Illegal border crossings have averaged 2 million per year since 2021 or over 8 million illegals that took Biden at his word..."surge to the border!

7.2M illegals entered the US under Biden admin, an amount greater than population of 36 states​

Under Trump:

More Caught Illegally Crossing Southern Border in 1 Year of Biden Than Entire Trump Presidency​

“President Joe Biden has wasted no time making changes to the nation’s immigration and border policies, many of them a 180-degree reversal of former President Donald Trump’s restrictive policies,” The Arizona Republic reported.

“On his first day in office, Biden signed six executive orders and issued several more directives related to immigration and border security,” said the Republic. He also proposed legislation, as the Republic reported it, that would “provide a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants
who had arrived in the United States by Jan. 1, 2021.

The result? In fiscal year 2021, the number of individuals that the Border Patrol encountered as they illegally crossed the U.S.-Mexico border jumped to 1,734,686. In fiscal year 2022, it jumped again to 2,378,944.
They don’t have any documentation on her turnover rate they’re just pulling stuff out of their asses as usual. The OP quoted the Washington Times. Hardly a beacon of truth or facts.

And even 92% is lower than the more than 100% turnover rate at the Trump administration. And unlike the Trump Administration none of the people who worked for Kamaka Harris ended up getting sued, disbarred or arrested.

Dragon Chick, aren't you from Canada, or am I mistaken? If you are, please stay there and stroke your leader.....good ole BLACK FACE Justin. We seen how your country handles stuff, with a FASCIST iron fist. And now, you want to help to bring it here to us. GO TO HELL, GO DIRECTLY TO HELL, DO NOT PAS GO, and get your 200 dollars from your Leftist country people.

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