Does the rightwing believe in the "liberal media" myth simply because...


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Colorado other network confirms the bullshit that comes from Fox News? Republicans believe anything Fox says which is pathetic. Therefore anything else has a heavy liberal bias in their view. It's complete non sense.

MSNBC is the only liberal biased news station and even it doesn't measure up to the bullshit distortion that Fox spews. My advice: avoid both networks to learn the real truth about political issues.
The liberal media myth is necessary to feed rightwing paranoia and explain their losses
There are very few conservatives who will not agree that Fox slants to the right, and of course their opinion shows lean right considerably. Actually, no one denies that.
However, getting a liberal to admit that there is a left bias in the other networks is nearly impossible.

We're way beyond myth status here.

But, we are not in your head.

When they feel that closing a bridge is more terrible than closing parks, roads, and memorials all over the country, when they feel that Benghazi just doesn't matter, when they feel that lying about health care just doesn't matter, even though millions have lost their doctors and their coverage, the list is endless, yes, there is media bias.

All one needs to do is tune in and use your own common-sense.
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If anything, the "Liberal" media is too soft on Republicans

They have been bullied by Republicans are not FAIR to us. You only pick on REPUBLICANS

As a result, the media downplays Republican obstructionism, brinkmanship and outlandish rhetoric to make it seem like each party is equally at fault
If anything, the "Liberal" media is too soft on Republicans

They have been bullied by Republicans are not FAIR to us. You only pick on REPUBLICANS

As a result, the media downplays Republican obstructionism, brinkmanship and outlandish rhetoric to make it seem like each party is equally at fault

Downplays it?

You mean censors it, don't you?
There are very few conservatives who will not agree that Fox slants to the right, and of course their opinion shows lean right considerably. Actually, no one denies that.
However, getting a liberal to admit that there is a left bias in the other networks is nearly impossible.

Lol I just admitted MSNBC is biased. You cons believe whatever you want to believe. other network confirms the bullshit that comes from Fox News? Republicans believe anything Fox says which is pathetic. Therefore anything else has a heavy liberal bias in their view. It's complete non sense.

MSNBC is the only liberal biased news station and even it doesn't measure up to the bullshit distortion that Fox spews. My advice: avoid both networks to learn the real truth about political issues.
"‘Liberal bias’ is the greatest propaganda tool of the past 40 years — a surefire way to explain away any news report that the right doesn’t like."
- Bob Somerby
If anything, the "Liberal" media is too soft on Republicans

They have been bullied by Republicans are not FAIR to us. You only pick on REPUBLICANS

As a result, the media downplays Republican obstructionism, brinkmanship and outlandish rhetoric to make it seem like each party is equally at fault

The liberal media myth is necessary to feed rightwing paranoia and explain their losses
"I admit it -- the liberal media were never that powerful, and the whole thing was often used as an excuse by conservatives for conservative failures."
William Kristol, the New Yorker, 5/22/95
Does the rightwing believe in the "liberal media" myth simply because...

They do so because for the decades of the 50s, 60s, 70s the people in charge mislabled themselves liberals, and the media worked with them.

There was a liberal media back when both the RNC and the DNC were (what today's cons would call) liberal.
I can't stand people who think themselves high and mighty and above others

I'd like to slap the shit out of them
If anything, the "Liberal" media is too soft on Republicans

They have been bullied by Republicans are not FAIR to us. You only pick on REPUBLICANS

As a result, the media downplays Republican obstructionism, brinkmanship and outlandish rhetoric to make it seem like each party is equally at fault
"We have the media now."
- Ann Coulter to Brent Bozell on the 7/26/2005 Sean Hannity Show
There are very few conservatives who will not agree that Fox slants to the right, and of course their opinion shows lean right considerably. Actually, no one denies that.
However, getting a liberal to admit that there is a left bias in the other networks is nearly impossible.

Lol I just admitted MSNBC is biased. You cons believe whatever you want to believe. want a blue ribbon?
Saying MSNBC is biased is admitting nothing.
Let's talk about CNN, ABC, CBS and NBC
left-wing talking heads openly fantasize on air about wanting to take a sh*t in the mouth of a conservative woman..................and some left-wing moron on a message board has the gall to say the liberal media is a myth?


I can't stand people who think themselves high and mighty and above others

I'd like to slap the shit out of them
May 22, 2008
RUSH: I don't have a college degree and look at me, one of the most brilliant people in the country.
If anything, the "Liberal" media is too soft on Republicans

They have been bullied by Republicans are not FAIR to us. You only pick on REPUBLICANS

As a result, the media downplays Republican obstructionism, brinkmanship and outlandish rhetoric to make it seem like each party is equally at fault

Downplays it?

You mean censors it, don't you?

Look...Republicans act like assholes and have brought one branch of government to a halt. An objective media would be all over the party and demand accountability. Yet our "Liberal" media had downplayed the obstructive behavior of Republicans and blamed Congress as a whole

All in a sense of "fairness"

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