Does the rightwing believe in the "liberal media" myth simply because...

So left-wing losers dont want to admit the media is biased to the Dem Party and the Left overall?

what do you expect from people who call record welfare and food stamps "forward progress"?
more than 30 bills passed by the Republican House sit OBSTRUCTED BY THE DEM SENATE LEADER.
the left obstructs legislation passed by Republicans then has the gall the call Republicans a "do-nothing" Congress.

the Left says the bills passed by the House arent worth the paper they are written on; whatever, it isnt their job to decide what is worth debating or not; bring it to the floor of the senate for debate

fine if you think they arent worth debating then dont say they havent done anything when the truth is you just dont like what they produced. Republicans think the same of the garbage Dems are putting out

libs are losers and crybabies who want it both ways, and lie to themselves

idiots and hypocrites

What do you propose Reid do with those bills?

Bring them to the floor for debate? Vote on them?

I am sure you are aware that 45 Republican Senators block Reid from bringing Democratic bills to the floor. Why should you expect that 55 Democratic Senators will streamline Republican legislation

what a pathetic, boring little troll you are.
you're far too ginorant and branwashed to be aware of just how stupid you look making excuse after excuse for your own sins and failures. now you are crying that the Dem MAJORITY in the Senate is being bullied around by the Republican minority in that body

as if listening to you weak-minded morons whining that obama has been "held hostage" or "obstructed" by Republicans from "Day One" when Repubs were the minority of BOTH chambers for all of obama's first 2 years wasnt bad enough

Do you see the fallacy in THAT?

Thats the best you can come back with? You are Stupid?

Are you completely ignorant of Senate filibuster rules?
Don't you see the fallacy in believing there is a collective liberal conspiracy in higher learning? How is that even possible?

Don't you see the fallacy of everything you say? How is it even possible you don't?
Let's try this for size - Obama is not a socialist, he is a corporatist who strongly and consistently operates an oligarchical administration. He has applied the single largest trickle-down economics in American history - hands down. PERIOD.
Argue with that.

I have no earthly idea why you are bringing up Obama :cuckoo:

You wouldn't.
Again - you just keep re-enforcing my point for me.
Your easy.
obama LITERALLY said " I will not negotiate" in the talks leading to the shutdown.

Repubs asked for a delay in the trainwreck called obamacare; Democrats refused

less than a week after the shutdown more than a Dozen DEMOCRATS were calling for a dely in obamacare after the disastrous roll-out

libs are losers who lie to themselves
If anything, the "Liberal" media is too soft on Republicans

They have been bullied by Republicans are not FAIR to us. You only pick on REPUBLICANS

As a result, the media downplays Republican obstructionism, brinkmanship and outlandish rhetoric to make it seem like each party is equally at fault

Downplays it?

You mean censors it, don't you?

Look...Republicans act like assholes and have brought one branch of government to a halt. An objective media would be all over the party and demand accountability. Yet our "Liberal" media had downplayed the obstructive behavior of Republicans and blamed Congress as a whole

All in a sense of "fairness"

Now THAT is some funny stuff! Let's see Obama gave us Fast & Furious, Benghazi, the IRS scandal, a nearly trillion dollar stimulus that didn't create jobs only "saved" them, and a health care "reform" that dramatically raised the cost of health care...and what did the Main Stream media concentrate on as an issue in the last Presidential race? The GOP's "war on women"!!! Yeah, that's the "Liberal" media downplaying all right! :confused::confused::confused:

The fact of the matter is that if the Main Stream media WASN'T head deep in Barack Obama's little tushie...he wouldn't have become President in the first place. He's the least qualified President we may have EVER had...a man elected solely on the "myth" of his great intellect....a myth that was supported by a liberal media that didn't question who Barack Obama was because they were so "ga ga" over vague slogans like "Yes we can!" and "Change we can believe in!". For you liberals to sit here and insist that there IS no liberal main stream media bias is laughable.
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What do you propose Reid do with those bills?

Bring them to the floor for debate? Vote on them?

I am sure you are aware that 45 Republican Senators block Reid from bringing Democratic bills to the floor. Why should you expect that 55 Democratic Senators will streamline Republican legislation

what a pathetic, boring little troll you are.
you're far too ginorant and branwashed to be aware of just how stupid you look making excuse after excuse for your own sins and failures. now you are crying that the Dem MAJORITY in the Senate is being bullied around by the Republican minority in that body

as if listening to you weak-minded morons whining that obama has been "held hostage" or "obstructed" by Republicans from "Day One" when Repubs were the minority of BOTH chambers for all of obama's first 2 years wasnt bad enough

Do you see the fallacy in THAT?

Thats the best you can come back with? You are Stupid?

Are you completely ignorant of Senate filibuster rules?

you are nothing but a pathetic shell of a human; making lame excuses for PROGRESSIVE FAILURE
what a pathetic, boring little troll you are.
you're far too ginorant and branwashed to be aware of just how stupid you look making excuse after excuse for your own sins and failures. now you are crying that the Dem MAJORITY in the Senate is being bullied around by the Republican minority in that body

as if listening to you weak-minded morons whining that obama has been "held hostage" or "obstructed" by Republicans from "Day One" when Repubs were the minority of BOTH chambers for all of obama's first 2 years wasnt bad enough

Do you see the fallacy in THAT?

Thats the best you can come back with? You are Stupid?

Are you completely ignorant of Senate filibuster rules?

you are nothing but a pathetic shell of a human; making lame excuses for PROGRESSIVE FAILURE

.....AND perhaps you should go back and review Harry Reid's views and statements on how business is done in HIS Democrat-majority Senate; particularly about requiring 60 votes; before you continue making a fool of yourself whining that you are being bullied again by people you consider inferior
I hope I am not just seeing what I want to see but I think there is a major shift happening in the major business media outlets. Business media has traditionally been Republican and would tend to feed from and back into the Republican ideology. Just as so many other people and institutions scratching their heads and wondering exactly what the Republican party is doing these days so is the business community, and the business media. Granted they not saying, "You know what? Liberals are great people too." ;) But they finding the long term Republican strategy would actually be disastrous for business, large and small. This is not that dissimilar to what is happening with the Defense Department. The DoD does not want to be some monolithic behemoth of the world. They want to be able to do the job and keep their people safe and ready. Some greedy defense contractors want the first option. Same dynamic with business. For the most part people in the market don't care if the company has 1,000 or 100,000 people as long as the companies will make them money and are reliable. They don't want some monolithic behemoth of a corporation with makes one segment of the market filthy rich only to have the whole country go into recession when the too-big-to-fail fail. Ask someone on Wall Street if they like Sen. Warren they will probably say not particularly. Ask them if they think Sen. Warren is right and the answer would probably surprise a lot of Republicans.
I hope I am not just seeing what I want to see but I think there is a major shift happening in the major business media outlets. Business media has traditionally been Republican and would tend to feed from and back into the Republican ideology. Just as so many other people and institutions scratching their heads and wondering exactly what the Republican party is doing these days so is the business community, and the business media. Granted they not saying, "You know what? Liberals are great people too." ;) But they finding the long term Republican strategy would actually be disastrous for business, large and small. This is not that dissimilar to what is happening with the Defense Department. The DoD does not want to be some monolithic behemoth of the world. They want to be able to do the job and keep their people safe and ready. Some greedy defense contractors want the first option. Same dynamic with business. For the most part people in the market don't care if the company has 1,000 or 100,000 people as long as the companies will make them money and are reliable. They don't want some monolithic behemoth of a corporation with makes one segment of the market filthy rich only to have the whole country go into recession when the too-big-to-fail fail. Ask someone on Wall Street if they like Sen. Warren they will probably say not particularly. Ask them if they think Sen. Warren is right and the answer would probably surprise a lot of Republicans.

Business is terrified of the rift in the Republican Party and the influence of the TeaTards. The willingness to shut down Government, default on debt, block government from funtioning makes the markets very nervous
I hope I am not just seeing what I want to see but I think there is a major shift happening in the major business media outlets. Business media has traditionally been Republican and would tend to feed from and back into the Republican ideology. Just as so many other people and institutions scratching their heads and wondering exactly what the Republican party is doing these days so is the business community, and the business media. Granted they not saying, "You know what? Liberals are great people too." ;) But they finding the long term Republican strategy would actually be disastrous for business, large and small. This is not that dissimilar to what is happening with the Defense Department. The DoD does not want to be some monolithic behemoth of the world. They want to be able to do the job and keep their people safe and ready. Some greedy defense contractors want the first option. Same dynamic with business. For the most part people in the market don't care if the company has 1,000 or 100,000 people as long as the companies will make them money and are reliable. They don't want some monolithic behemoth of a corporation with makes one segment of the market filthy rich only to have the whole country go into recession when the too-big-to-fail fail. Ask someone on Wall Street if they like Sen. Warren they will probably say not particularly. Ask them if they think Sen. Warren is right and the answer would probably surprise a lot of Republicans.

There is one GIANT fallacy in your argument.
The Obama administration has been a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE friend to Wall the expense of the rest of the nation.
There has never been a corporatist President to the likes of the current one.
I hope I am not just seeing what I want to see but I think there is a major shift happening in the major business media outlets. Business media has traditionally been Republican and would tend to feed from and back into the Republican ideology. Just as so many other people and institutions scratching their heads and wondering exactly what the Republican party is doing these days so is the business community, and the business media. Granted they not saying, "You know what? Liberals are great people too." ;) But they finding the long term Republican strategy would actually be disastrous for business, large and small. This is not that dissimilar to what is happening with the Defense Department. The DoD does not want to be some monolithic behemoth of the world. They want to be able to do the job and keep their people safe and ready. Some greedy defense contractors want the first option. Same dynamic with business. For the most part people in the market don't care if the company has 1,000 or 100,000 people as long as the companies will make them money and are reliable. They don't want some monolithic behemoth of a corporation with makes one segment of the market filthy rich only to have the whole country go into recession when the too-big-to-fail fail. Ask someone on Wall Street if they like Sen. Warren they will probably say not particularly. Ask them if they think Sen. Warren is right and the answer would probably surprise a lot of Republicans.

Business is terrified of the rift in the Republican Party and the influence of the TeaTards. The willingness to shut down Government, default on debt, block government from funtioning makes the markets very nervous

sure dork; but they're not terrified of Occutard left-wing idiots yelling "MAKE THEN PAY!!!"???

WELL mabye you're right leftard; because they ARE making record profits under Progressive rule; even as you idiot VP is running around patronizing women by telling them how good it is to not have a job to go to

libs are losers who lie to themselves
I hope I am not just seeing what I want to see but I think there is a major shift happening in the major business media outlets. Business media has traditionally been Republican and would tend to feed from and back into the Republican ideology. Just as so many other people and institutions scratching their heads and wondering exactly what the Republican party is doing these days so is the business community, and the business media. Granted they not saying, "You know what? Liberals are great people too." ;) But they finding the long term Republican strategy would actually be disastrous for business, large and small. This is not that dissimilar to what is happening with the Defense Department. The DoD does not want to be some monolithic behemoth of the world. They want to be able to do the job and keep their people safe and ready. Some greedy defense contractors want the first option. Same dynamic with business. For the most part people in the market don't care if the company has 1,000 or 100,000 people as long as the companies will make them money and are reliable. They don't want some monolithic behemoth of a corporation with makes one segment of the market filthy rich only to have the whole country go into recession when the too-big-to-fail fail. Ask someone on Wall Street if they like Sen. Warren they will probably say not particularly. Ask them if they think Sen. Warren is right and the answer would probably surprise a lot of Republicans., that's an amazing post, Random! I don't know which claim is more far fetched...that people on Wall Street agree with Elizabeth Warren's views about business or that the Defense Department wants to shrink.
I hope I am not just seeing what I want to see but I think there is a major shift happening in the major business media outlets. Business media has traditionally been Republican and would tend to feed from and back into the Republican ideology. Just as so many other people and institutions scratching their heads and wondering exactly what the Republican party is doing these days so is the business community, and the business media. Granted they not saying, "You know what? Liberals are great people too." ;) But they finding the long term Republican strategy would actually be disastrous for business, large and small. This is not that dissimilar to what is happening with the Defense Department. The DoD does not want to be some monolithic behemoth of the world. They want to be able to do the job and keep their people safe and ready. Some greedy defense contractors want the first option. Same dynamic with business. For the most part people in the market don't care if the company has 1,000 or 100,000 people as long as the companies will make them money and are reliable. They don't want some monolithic behemoth of a corporation with makes one segment of the market filthy rich only to have the whole country go into recession when the too-big-to-fail fail. Ask someone on Wall Street if they like Sen. Warren they will probably say not particularly. Ask them if they think Sen. Warren is right and the answer would probably surprise a lot of Republicans.

Business is terrified of the rift in the Republican Party and the influence of the TeaTards. The willingness to shut down Government, default on debt, block government from funtioning makes the markets very nervous

sure dork; but they're not terrified of Occutard left-wing idiots yelling "MAKE THEN PAY!!!"???

WELL mabye you're right leftard; because they ARE making record profits under Progressive rule; even as you idiot VP is running around patronizing women by telling them how good it is to not have a job to go to

libs are losers who lie to themselves

make THEM pay; sorry for typo

anyway it is true corporations made less money while still hiring more under Republicans than under Obama

true story

libs are losers who lie to themselves
I hope I am not just seeing what I want to see but I think there is a major shift happening in the major business media outlets. Business media has traditionally been Republican and would tend to feed from and back into the Republican ideology. Just as so many other people and institutions scratching their heads and wondering exactly what the Republican party is doing these days so is the business community, and the business media. Granted they not saying, "You know what? Liberals are great people too." ;) But they finding the long term Republican strategy would actually be disastrous for business, large and small. This is not that dissimilar to what is happening with the Defense Department. The DoD does not want to be some monolithic behemoth of the world. They want to be able to do the job and keep their people safe and ready. Some greedy defense contractors want the first option. Same dynamic with business. For the most part people in the market don't care if the company has 1,000 or 100,000 people as long as the companies will make them money and are reliable. They don't want some monolithic behemoth of a corporation with makes one segment of the market filthy rich only to have the whole country go into recession when the too-big-to-fail fail. Ask someone on Wall Street if they like Sen. Warren they will probably say not particularly. Ask them if they think Sen. Warren is right and the answer would probably surprise a lot of Republicans.

There is one GIANT fallacy in your argument.
The Obama administration has been a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE friend to Wall the expense of the rest of the nation.
There has never been a corporatist President to the likes of the current one.

When you sleep at night I imagine you wake up every half hour or so, yell, "OBAMA!", roll over, and go back to sleep. Is that about right?
I hope I am not just seeing what I want to see but I think there is a major shift happening in the major business media outlets. Business media has traditionally been Republican and would tend to feed from and back into the Republican ideology. Just as so many other people and institutions scratching their heads and wondering exactly what the Republican party is doing these days so is the business community, and the business media. Granted they not saying, "You know what? Liberals are great people too." ;) But they finding the long term Republican strategy would actually be disastrous for business, large and small. This is not that dissimilar to what is happening with the Defense Department. The DoD does not want to be some monolithic behemoth of the world. They want to be able to do the job and keep their people safe and ready. Some greedy defense contractors want the first option. Same dynamic with business. For the most part people in the market don't care if the company has 1,000 or 100,000 people as long as the companies will make them money and are reliable. They don't want some monolithic behemoth of a corporation with makes one segment of the market filthy rich only to have the whole country go into recession when the too-big-to-fail fail. Ask someone on Wall Street if they like Sen. Warren they will probably say not particularly. Ask them if they think Sen. Warren is right and the answer would probably surprise a lot of Republicans.

Business is terrified of the rift in the Republican Party and the influence of the TeaTards. The willingness to shut down Government, default on debt, block government from funtioning makes the markets very nervous

What Wall Street is nervous about is a shutting down of the non-stop quantitative easing that's been going on for the past five years. Every time that even gets discussed the markets nose dive.
yes left-wing moron; Wall Street IS in love with the $85 billion PER MONTH IN FREE MONEY obama through the Fed is propping up the economy with; the cute little name for that being quantitative easing

isnt it great to see you LWNJs endorsing corporate welfare other network confirms the bullshit that comes from Fox News? Republicans believe anything Fox says which is pathetic. Therefore anything else has a heavy liberal bias in their view. It's complete non sense.

MSNBC is the only liberal biased news station and even it doesn't measure up to the bullshit distortion that Fox spews. My advice: avoid both networks to learn the real truth about political issues.

rw's believe in the "liberal media" myth because the rw media tells them to and they always do what the rw media tells them to do.

MSNBC does do straight news as well as liberal op/ed shows whereas fox does nothing but extreme rw propaganda.

Many don't like the truth that the best source for accurate news on TV right now is Al Jazeera and the BBC.
I hope I am not just seeing what I want to see but I think there is a major shift happening in the major business media outlets. Business media has traditionally been Republican and would tend to feed from and back into the Republican ideology. Just as so many other people and institutions scratching their heads and wondering exactly what the Republican party is doing these days so is the business community, and the business media. Granted they not saying, "You know what? Liberals are great people too." ;) But they finding the long term Republican strategy would actually be disastrous for business, large and small. This is not that dissimilar to what is happening with the Defense Department. The DoD does not want to be some monolithic behemoth of the world. They want to be able to do the job and keep their people safe and ready. Some greedy defense contractors want the first option. Same dynamic with business. For the most part people in the market don't care if the company has 1,000 or 100,000 people as long as the companies will make them money and are reliable. They don't want some monolithic behemoth of a corporation with makes one segment of the market filthy rich only to have the whole country go into recession when the too-big-to-fail fail. Ask someone on Wall Street if they like Sen. Warren they will probably say not particularly. Ask them if they think Sen. Warren is right and the answer would probably surprise a lot of Republicans.

There is one GIANT fallacy in your argument.
The Obama administration has been a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE friend to Wall the expense of the rest of the nation.
There has never been a corporatist President to the likes of the current one.

When you sleep at night I imagine you wake up every half hour or so, yell, "OBAMA!", roll over, and go back to sleep. Is that about right?

Nope...but I don't wake up with my hands in my pants fondling myself yelling OBAMA! such as yourself? Is that about right?
I hope I am not just seeing what I want to see but I think there is a major shift happening in the major business media outlets. Business media has traditionally been Republican and would tend to feed from and back into the Republican ideology. Just as so many other people and institutions scratching their heads and wondering exactly what the Republican party is doing these days so is the business community, and the business media. Granted they not saying, "You know what? Liberals are great people too." ;) But they finding the long term Republican strategy would actually be disastrous for business, large and small. This is not that dissimilar to what is happening with the Defense Department. The DoD does not want to be some monolithic behemoth of the world. They want to be able to do the job and keep their people safe and ready. Some greedy defense contractors want the first option. Same dynamic with business. For the most part people in the market don't care if the company has 1,000 or 100,000 people as long as the companies will make them money and are reliable. They don't want some monolithic behemoth of a corporation with makes one segment of the market filthy rich only to have the whole country go into recession when the too-big-to-fail fail. Ask someone on Wall Street if they like Sen. Warren they will probably say not particularly. Ask them if they think Sen. Warren is right and the answer would probably surprise a lot of Republicans.

There is one GIANT fallacy in your argument.
The Obama administration has been a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE friend to Wall the expense of the rest of the nation.
There has never been a corporatist President to the likes of the current one.

When you sleep at night I imagine you wake up every half hour or so, yell, "OBAMA!", roll over, and go back to sleep. Is that about right?

Okay, THAT was laugh out loud funny.


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