Does the rightwing believe in the "liberal media" myth simply because...

How many conservatives are employed by ABC, NBC, PBS, CNN or MSNBC? Fox has liberals on all the time. The problem for the left is that they believe all the hate filled blogs and they become hysterical about a single fair and balanced network.

Bill O'Reilly is a damned liberal that used to work for the mainstream. He's from New York, went to Harvard. The left is so far left they call him a con now.
Slick Willie "Loofa" O'Liely is a registered Republican, from the CON$ervative section of Long Island like HanNITWITty, who pretends to be an Independent.

"Don't believe the right-wing ideologues when they tell you the left still controls the media agenda. It does not any longer. It's a fact."
- Bill O'Reilly July 27, 2005 Talking Points Memo
Are you folks seriously still trying to pretend that there isn't a liberal bias to the Main Stream Media?
Is every news network besides Fox News in on this? Who exactly? Do all these liberal outlets work independently or are they all in on it? Who is in charge? Can anyone provide evidence of this side liberal bias?

Someone break it down.
1) Better Red Than Informed: Probably the single worst example of liberal media bias is the media’s steadfast refusal to accurately report the monstrous evils of the Soviet Union — even still to this day. It didn’t matter how many millions of Soviet citizens that Joseph Stalin and his successors murdered, it didn’t matter how evil the Soviet Union was, the liberal media was not going to report about it. The media even awarded itself a Pulitzer Prize through the lies of one Walter Duranty a New York Times columnist that was a shill for the murderous Soviet Union.
How many conservatives are employed by ABC, NBC, PBS, CNN or MSNBC? Fox has liberals on all the time. The problem for the left is that they believe all the hate filled blogs and they become hysterical about a single fair and balanced network.

Bill O'Reilly is a damned liberal that used to work for the mainstream. He's from New York, went to Harvard. The left is so far left they call him a con now.
Slick Willie "Loofa" O'Liely is a registered Republican, from the CON$ervative section of Long Island like HanNITWITty, who pretends to be an Independent.

"Don't believe the right-wing ideologues when they tell you the left still controls the media agenda. It does not any longer. It's a fact."
- Bill O'Reilly July 27, 2005 Talking Points Memo

Show me a link that proves he's a "Registered Republican". I've watched O'Reilly enough to know that he cannot bring himself to believe that Obama and many Democrats are capable of some of the things they are accused of. He has repeated this many times, last night was the latest example. Whenever he can he questions many of the far right claims that have been made. He's not a far left liberal, but he still has liberal leanings, and a liberal background.

A good example of where he stands is when he got into an argument with Geraldo Rivera over the way his questioning of the President "Stole his majesty", as if a president is supposed to be treated like a king. O'Reilly said that the President deserves the respect that the office requires and nothing more.

BTW, how does one go about registering to be a Republican or a Democrat?

Hannity is accused of being a registered Republican as well. He claims he's not a Republican, but a conservative. Judging by the way the establishment Repugs have been acting since the last election I don't blame him.

I would rather be called a Tea Party member than a Republican. I don't support their policy of giving in to pressure from Democrats.

Again, how does one register to be a Republican?
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most of the media self-identify as liberal-minded. to think that doesnt bleed over in their coverage is simply absurd.

start with a thousand SINS OF OMISSION; like the LACK OF outrage when somebody in the liberal media says something politically-incorrect or just false.
the examples are endless and happen everyday. Example; Harry Reid saying on the floor of the Senate yesterday that basically nobody has been harmed by the Affordable Care Act; that they are "all lying"
Bill O'Reilly is a damned liberal that used to work for the mainstream. He's from New York, went to Harvard. The left is so far left they call him a con now.
Slick Willie "Loofa" O'Liely is a registered Republican, from the CON$ervative section of Long Island like HanNITWITty, who pretends to be an Independent.

"Don't believe the right-wing ideologues when they tell you the left still controls the media agenda. It does not any longer. It's a fact."
- Bill O'Reilly July 27, 2005 Talking Points Memo

Show me a link that proves he's a "Registered Republican".

BTW, how does one go about registering to be a Republican or a Democrat?

Hannity is accused of being a registered Republican as well. He claims he's not a Republican, but a conservative. Judging by the way the establishment Repugs have been acting since the last election I don't blame him.

I would rather be called a Tea Party member than a Republican. I don't support their policy of giving in to pressure from Democrats.

Again, how does one register to be a Republican?

left-wing nutjob losers on these boards rarely; if ever; back up the lies and talking points they spew with proof
1) Better Red Than Informed: Probably the single worst example of liberal media bias is the media’s steadfast refusal to accurately report the monstrous evils of the Soviet Union — even still to this day. It didn’t matter how many millions of Soviet citizens that Joseph Stalin and his successors murdered, it didn’t matter how evil the Soviet Union was, the liberal media was not going to report about it. The media even awarded itself a Pulitzer Prize through the lies of one Walter Duranty a New York Times columnist that was a shill for the murderous Soviet Union.
most of the media self-identify as liberal-minded. to think that doesnt bleed over in their coverage is simply absurd.

start with a thousand SINS OF OMISSION; like the LACK OF outrage when somebody in the liberal media says something politically-incorrect or just false.
the examples are endless and happen everyday. Example; Harry Reid saying on the floor of the Senate yesterday that basically nobody has been harmed by the Affordable Care Act; that they are "all lying"

Harry Reid does not represent the media.
most of the media self-identify as liberal-minded. to think that doesnt bleed over in their coverage is simply absurd.

start with a thousand SINS OF OMISSION; like the LACK OF outrage when somebody in the liberal media says something politically-incorrect or just false.
the examples are endless and happen everyday. Example; Harry Reid saying on the floor of the Senate yesterday that basically nobody has been harmed by the Affordable Care Act; that they are "all lying"

What is the Affordable Care Act?

Is that kind of like Obamacare?
yawn;; typical left-wing loser lying to himself and cherry-picking.

i said SINS OF OMISSION; as in a lack of outrage in this patently false statement which says everybody who claims to have been harmed by the ACA IS LYING
most of the media self-identify as liberal-minded. to think that doesnt bleed over in their coverage is simply absurd.

start with a thousand SINS OF OMISSION; like the LACK OF outrage when somebody in the liberal media says something politically-incorrect or just false.
the examples are endless and happen everyday. Example; Harry Reid saying on the floor of the Senate yesterday that basically nobody has been harmed by the Affordable Care Act; that they are "all lying"

What is the Affordable Care Act?

Is that kind of like Obamacare?

YEA KINDA leftard; except obamacare is where the inept community organizer illegally changes the law as he sees fit
OH there's liberal media bias alrights

And conservative media bias in other outlets, too

You know what bias I'd like to see in ALL our media?


Only Truth doesn't play well to the partisans who tune into their favorite media TO GET THEIR BIASES reaffirmed.
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most of the media self-identify as liberal-minded. to think that doesnt bleed over in their coverage is simply absurd.

start with a thousand SINS OF OMISSION; like the LACK OF outrage when somebody in the liberal media says something politically-incorrect or just false.
the examples are endless and happen everyday. Example; Harry Reid saying on the floor of the Senate yesterday that basically nobody has been harmed by the Affordable Care Act; that they are "all lying"

What is the Affordable Care Act?

Is that kind of like Obamacare?

YEA KINDA leftard; except obamacare is where the inept community organizer illegally changes the law as he sees fit

I was just wondering. All of a sudden the right is starting to call it the ACA. Guess now that the program is working, they don't want it known as Obamacare for the next 75 years
Is every news network besides Fox News in on this? Who exactly? Do all these liberal outlets work independently or are they all in on it? Who is in charge? Can anyone provide evidence of this side liberal bias?

Someone break it down.

Here, here's a short five minute video explaining how it works. But, let me clue you in on a little secret, you are living in an illusion, the illusion of choice.

You have been made a partisan. The elites that run the system depend upon you, and your brethren, the so called "conservatives," to go at each other, over small issues, cosmetic little changes in rule.

Neither you, nor your conservative college have the ability to actually think outside the box due to the control of ALL media by the political elites. This has been done on purpose. Certain issues don't even come up at all.

For instance, I have noticed, the right now, the threads that are trending on this site have to do with the "gay" issue. Seriously?

I would think that the economics issues and the security issues in Asia are more important. But the media is controlled. It has been for the past hundred years.

[ame=]The CFR Controls American News/Media - YouTube[/ame]

This is what essentially, Fox News and MSNBC will agree the world looks like and what policies need to be pursued, so they won't cover it. If they do, it is only to tell everyone what to think. This is the empire folks. Don't believe the hype. Otherwise, you will hear anything and everything else to divided and distract you.

Council on Foreign Relations
Is every news network besides Fox News in on this? Who exactly? Do all these liberal outlets work independently or are they all in on it? Who is in charge? Can anyone provide evidence of this side liberal bias?

Someone break it down.

Here, here's a short five minute video explaining how it works. But, let me clue you in on a little secret, you are living in an illusion, the illusion of choice.

You have been made a partisan. The elites that run the system depend upon you, and your brethren, the so called "conservatives," to go at each other, over small issues, cosmetic little changes in rule.

Neither you, nor your conservative college have the ability to actually think outside the box due to the control of ALL media by the political elites. This has been done on purpose. Certain issues don't even come up at all.

For instance, I have noticed, the right now, the threads that are trending on this site have to do with the "gay" issue. Seriously?

I would think that the economics issues and the security issues in Asia are more important. But the media is controlled. It has been for the past hundred years.

[ame=]The CFR Controls American News/Media - YouTube[/ame]

This is what essentially, Fox News and MSNBC will agree the world looks like and what policies need to be pursued, so they won't cover it. If they do, it is only to tell everyone what to think. This is the empire folks. Don't believe the hype. Otherwise, you will hear anything and everything else to divided and distract you.

Council on Foreign Relations

The debate on Climate-Change is closed.
I will wait to give my answer after Billy makes another duplicate thread like this tomorrow
What is the Affordable Care Act?

Is that kind of like Obamacare?

YEA KINDA leftard; except obamacare is where the inept community organizer illegally changes the law as he sees fit

I was just wondering. All of a sudden the right is starting to call it the ACA. Guess now that the program is working, they don't want it known as Obamacare for the next 75 years

the program is working now?

really leftard?

thats news to me!

you moron; i called it both names in my post because you asked if obamacare was kinda like the ACA

gesh what an idiot you are; cant even remember what you posted?

if it's working so great how does it have less than half of the sign-ups it was projected to have?
and that tidbit was was pointed out to Sebelius who LIED and said the 7 million projection didnt come from her mouth. the video of her saying called her out

what a loser you are

libs are losers who lie to themselves

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