Does the size of the national debt really matter?

It is commonly thought that the huge debt is a drag on the economy, Paul Ryan and the GOP have adopted this putative as a basis to attack Obama, toss Bush II under the bus and impede efforts to create jobs, stimulate the economy and repair, replace and renovate our aging infrastructure.

What if Ryan and the GOP are wrong?


How a student took on eminent economists on debt issue - and won

Wrong about what?

Everyone agrees that the debt is a drag, including Obama, Ryan, Gop, Democrats and the study you cited.

Some people of course expect the debt to benefit you more than it costs. I don't since taking debt is just too great of an incentive for politicians to just blow your money, buying votes and doing very little that's worhwhile, or something that anyone would do with their own cash. Also since US is supposedly recovering, and is already very indebted, there is no point in taking more debt.

Of course paying interest prevents using one's money more wisely. But the Federal Government is not a person and no one will ever foreclose on the United States. We need to create jobs and our nation's infrastructure is in need of attention. We need to raise revenues and creating jobs does just that, and we need the Congress to prioritize how best to spend the money to aid the nation, not focus on those who bribe or threaten them.

Cutting services and benefits to the aged and infirm does not make their needs go away. They will seek help from their state and local government - both of which are also cutting away bone - the fat was gone decades ago.

That's why liberals should never be in charge of money. The depth to which their ignorance goes is profound.

If we stop making payments on loans, loans that we spent on things people wanted, those that loan to us, will not want to loan anymore b/c we don't pay our debts. instead you want we just spend THEIR money and go neenerneener booboo, you can't forclose on me.

That's a depth of irresponsibility no sane person can comprehend.
I blame the electorate and the total lack of accountability required from politicians. Whoever said this was right:

"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover they can vote themselves largess out of the public treasury."

Third world here we come.

Ben Franklin

I think
It is commonly thought that the huge debt is a drag on the economy, Paul Ryan and the GOP have adopted this putative as a basis to attack Obama, toss Bush II under the bus and impede efforts to create jobs, stimulate the economy and repair, replace and renovate our aging infrastructure.

What if Ryan and the GOP are wrong?


How a student took on eminent economists on debt issue - and won

Wrong about what?

Everyone agrees that the debt is a drag, including Obama, Ryan, Gop, Democrats and the study you cited.

Some people of course expect the debt to benefit you more than it costs. I don't since taking debt is just too great of an incentive for politicians to just blow your money, buying votes and doing very little that's worhwhile, or something that anyone would do with their own cash. Also since US is supposedly recovering, and is already very indebted, there is no point in taking more debt.

Of course paying interest prevents using one's money more wisely. But the Federal Government is not a person and no one will ever foreclose on the United States. We need to create jobs and our nation's infrastructure is in need of attention. We need to raise revenues and creating jobs does just that, and we need the Congress to prioritize how best to spend the money to aid the nation, not focus on those who bribe or threaten them.

Cutting services and benefits to the aged and infirm does not make their needs go away. They will seek help from their state and local government - both of which are also cutting away bone - the fat was gone decades ago.

I disagree, the fat has only been increased, the spending has increased a lot. Now it's around 40% of the economy, pretty much the higest it's ever been, and especially high compared to the levels of 5% where US started at.

The problem is every time there is cuts people make huge noises - the groups affected do not want them! Thus you get this mentality where spending increases are never talked about but not so with cuts. Thus people think there are actually cuts when that's just not true.

The idea of raising revenue by spending is pretty silly as an idea as well, to raise revenue you raise taxes, not spending. If it were true though we could live in a paradise simply by having the government spend infinte amount of money.
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Of course paying interest prevents using one's money more wisely. But the Federal Government is not a person and no one will ever foreclose on the United States. :cuckoo: We need to create jobs and our nation's infrastructure is in need of attention. We need to raise revenues and creating jobs does just that, and we need the Congress to prioritize how best to spend the money to aid the nation, not focus on those who bribe or threaten them.

Cutting services and benefits to the aged and infirm does not make their needs go away. They will seek help from their state and local government - both of which are also cutting away bone - the fat was gone decades ago.

Instead the GOP has refocused itself on the traditional wedge issues, Abortion, God, Guns, Gays and defending the wealthy and the financial services industry from the tax man...

First we need to create private sector jobs to grow the economy and raise revenues.

Do you not know that private contractors hire private sector employees to complete government projects (roads, bridges, etc.)?

However, I'm more curious as to why you think we need to raise revenues and collect more taxes from the wealthy and financial services (specifically for some reason) when the whole point of the OP is, oh that's right... the size of the debt does not matter.


You sarcasm aside we need to reduce the annual deficits; some of the cuts advocated by Ryan and the GOP have impacts on local and state government, many of which are in fiscal trouble. I also stated spending on interest is not a good idea, but, the danger of the debt has been exaggerated for political expediency.

Too funny.


Not for nothing but I forgot to add that it was the Democrat Party who "refocused itself on the traditional wedge issues, Abortion, God, Guns, Gays", not the Republicans. The Dems wanted brand spanking new gun regulations and laws and have been driving the issue through their media pals. It's the Dems who, through the ongoing writing and rewriting of Obamacare are bringing up issues like abortion, contraception and religious freedom. And finally it's the Democrats who are flopping like dominoes to a new post-election position on gay marriage. (granted, they are flip flopping to the correct position on gay marriage IMO but that's not the point) The point is your point is full of crap. :)

I believe too much wealth in the hands of too few is the road to hell for a demoratic republic. When the legislatures in the states (and even council members in cities and counties) and the Congress are primarily focused on their own jobs (getting reelected) we are already on that road to perdition.

and yet you want to put even more money in the hands of even fewer through taxation.

I believe too much wealth in the hands of too few is the road to hell for a demoratic republic. When the legislatures in the states (and even council members in cities and counties) and the Congress are primarily focused on their own jobs (getting reelected) we are already on that road to perdition.

Then it should horrify you for the federal government to have the power to spend 25% of GDP.

The Federal Government can be changed peacefully or violently, as anyone who has studied history should know. In Nov. 2010 we had a major change driven by the power elite who convinced the voters that any change to health care in America was the first step on the road to communism. The dumb ones bought that 'argument' hook, line and sinker. Much as they did when the issue of gun control was comported into the wholesale confiscation and a repeal of the Second Amendment. Lies, lies and more lies.

The hoi polloi on the right are stupid and so easily manipulated it would be funny if not so serious. They still think the GOP will be able to repeal Roe, not knowing that the power elite don't give a damn about the unborn, their only reason to be anti abortion is because it gets votes. So, why would they ever repeal Roe. Hell, when they controlled the White House and both Houses of The Congress nary a bill was floated on the issue. And still the dumb bunnies believe.
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Only for republicans? "The problem is the way Bush has done it for eight years to take out a credit card from the Bank of China in the name of our children driving up our National debt from 5 Trillion in the first 42 presidents, #43 added 4 Trillion by his lonesome in eight years so that we now have 9 Trillion of debt that we are going to have to pay back with 30,000 for every man, women and child. This is irresponsible and unpatriotic"....B. Hussein Obama 4/3/08 Fargo N.D ...Barry Obama increased the National Debt over 9 Billion in four years.
It is commonly thought that the huge debt is a drag on the economy, Paul Ryan and the GOP have adopted this putative as a basis to attack Obama, toss Bush II under the bus and impede efforts to create jobs, stimulate the economy and repair, replace and renovate our aging infrastructure.

What if Ryan and the GOP are wrong?


How a student took on eminent economists on debt issue - and won

Geee, How'd that work for Spain? They were the wealthiest country on the planet for over a hundred years then they became a debtor nation...what happened after that?

I don't give a shit about "theory", take a look at HISTORY. You people ignore it so you will live it again because somehow you think you're smarter than anyone else.

Funny how you are allways proven wrong....over and over and over again.....
It is commonly thought that the huge debt is a drag on the economy,

or a drag on a person or family??

Would it be a huge drag on you if you had a huge debt?? Of course it would be!!

Would it be a huge plus if you or your government built up a bigger and bigger debt?? Of course not!! How could it possibly be a plus??

Liberals know this too but sound economic thinking is not their objective, keeping the welfare faucet open is.
It is commonly thought that the huge debt is a drag on the economy, Paul Ryan and the GOP have adopted this putative as a basis to attack Obama, toss Bush II under the bus and impede efforts to create jobs, stimulate the economy and repair, replace and renovate our aging infrastructure.

What if Ryan and the GOP are wrong?


How a student took on eminent economists on debt issue - and won

This is going to get very ugly very quickly. The R--R paper and book are virtually the only evidence of a statistically significant negative effect on growth caused by public debt. No one has been able to replicate R--R's results, because they were very vague about their dataset. Now it turns out they committed errors and used a highly deceptive methodology that explains their results. In short, they committed an academic fraud, have been caught at it, and the entire basis of their 90% debt-to-GDP threshold beloved by Ryan is completely bogus.

I have read the R--R paper, the Hansen paper, and the OECD study. If anyone wants to argue the merits of the R--R thesis, I suggest they do the same. Anyone making an argument by quoting political second hand sources on this is a charlatan. This is clearly the biggest scandal to hit the econometrics profession in more than a half century.
It is commonly thought that the huge debt is a drag on the economy, Paul Ryan and the GOP have adopted this putative as a basis to attack Obama, toss Bush II under the bus and impede efforts to create jobs, stimulate the economy and repair, replace and renovate our aging infrastructure.

What if Ryan and the GOP are wrong?


How a student took on eminent economists on debt issue - and won

This is going to get very ugly very quickly. The R--R paper and book are virtually the only evidence of a statistically significant negative effect on growth caused by public debt. No one has been able to replicate R--R's results, because they were very vague about their dataset. Now it turns out they committed errors and used a highly deceptive methodology that explains their results. In short, they committed an academic fraud, have been caught at it, and the entire basis of their 90% debt-to-GDP threshold beloved by Ryan is completely bogus.

I have read the R--R paper, the Hansen paper, and the OECD study. If anyone wants to argue the merits of the R--R thesis, I suggest they do the same. Anyone making an argument by quoting political second hand sources on this is a charlatan. This is clearly the biggest scandal to hit the econometrics profession in more than a half century.

how is an admitted regrettable slip that doesn't change the result a scandal??????????????

Here's what authors said: "We do not, however, believe this regrettable slip affects in any significant way the central message of the paper or that in our subsequent work."

Also, common sense will tell us the authors are right. The more soviet bureaucrats waste on welfare and Solyndra bridges to nowhere, the slower the economy will get because the money is not being wisely and efficiently spent, saved, and invested by those who earned it.
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This is going to get very ugly very quickly. The R--R paper and book are virtually the only evidence of a statistically significant negative effect on growth caused by public debt. No one has been able to replicate R--R's results, because they were very vague about their dataset. Now it turns out they committed errors and used a highly deceptive methodology that explains their results. In short, they committed an academic fraud, have been caught at it, and the entire basis of their 90% debt-to-GDP threshold beloved by Ryan is completely bogus.

I have read the R--R paper, the Hansen paper, and the OECD study. If anyone wants to argue the merits of the R--R thesis, I suggest they do the same. Anyone making an argument by quoting political second hand sources on this is a charlatan. This is clearly the biggest scandal to hit the econometrics profession in more than a half century.
how is an admitted regrettable slip that doesn't change the result a scandal??????????????
Here's what authors said: "We do not, however, believe this regrettable slip affects in any significant way the central message of the paper or that in our subsequent work."

Ed, for once in your fucking life pull your head out of your ass and read the fucking papers. Of course they deny the fraud. But once you make the three adjustments in the Hansen paper, there is no statistically significant relationship left. Do the math yourself if you know how. If you don't, shut up and leave the discussion to those who do.
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Shhhh. Listen to the sound of silence, it is the first indication of cognitive dissonance, next there will be anger, profanity and likely homophobic ad hominems.
As always; look at the research!!

Ignore the actual results, that ended in horror for most countries.

I don't get it.

You see it works on paper, then you see the results fail, multiple times in real life, but then you want to do whats on the paper again.

I'll repeat

Spending got us to where we are today.

since this is going over liberal heads;

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

oft thought to be a quote of Einstein.
I believe too much wealth in the hands of too few is the road to hell for a demoratic republic. When the legislatures in the states (and even council members in cities and counties) and the Congress are primarily focused on their own jobs (getting reelected) we are already on that road to perdition.

Then it should horrify you for the federal government to have the power to spend 25% of GDP.

The Federal Government can be changed peacefully or violently, as anyone who has studied history should know. In Nov. 2010 we had a major change driven by the power elite who convinced the voters that any change to health care in America was the first step on the road to communism. The dumb ones bought that 'argument' hook, line and sinker. Much as they did when the issue of gun control was comported into the wholesale confiscation and a repeal of the Second Amendment. Lies, lies and more lies.

The hoi polloi on the right are stupid and so easily manipulated it would be funny if not so serious. They still think the GOP will be able to repeal Roe, not knowing that the power elite don't give a damn about the unborn, their only reason to be anti abortion is because it gets votes. So, why would they ever repeal Roe. Hell, when they controlled the White House and both Houses of The Congress nary a bill was floated on the issue. And still the dumb bunnies believe.

You talk like you're actually intelligent, yet nothing comes out when you move your lips, it's just a bunch of jibberish. The superiority of LOLberal retards that "think" they know what is best for everyone knows absolutely no bounds. Further, you changed the subject entirely because you have no valid usual. :cuckoo:
As always; look at the research!!

Ignore the actual results, that ended in horror for most countries.

I don't get it.

You see it works on paper, then you see the results fail, multiple times in real life, but then you want to do whats on the paper again.

I'll repeat

Spending got us to where we are today.

since this is going over liberal heads;

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

oft thought to be a quote of Einstein.

First of all, I think you have a mechanical problem with your post; I have no idea what you are talking about.

It does seem however that you are one of the folks who don't give a shit about research or professionalism at all; you're interest is limited to what suits your pre-conceived notions. If you had a brain, I would argue with you, but since you don't, such an effort is futile. You dismiss evidence you haven't even read and seem proud of it.
Then it should horrify you for the federal government to have the power to spend 25% of GDP.

The Federal Government can be changed peacefully or violently, as anyone who has studied history should know. In Nov. 2010 we had a major change driven by the power elite who convinced the voters that any change to health care in America was the first step on the road to communism. The dumb ones bought that 'argument' hook, line and sinker. Much as they did when the issue of gun control was comported into the wholesale confiscation and a repeal of the Second Amendment. Lies, lies and more lies.

The hoi polloi on the right are stupid and so easily manipulated it would be funny if not so serious. They still think the GOP will be able to repeal Roe, not knowing that the power elite don't give a damn about the unborn, their only reason to be anti abortion is because it gets votes. So, why would they ever repeal Roe. Hell, when they controlled the White House and both Houses of The Congress nary a bill was floated on the issue. And still the dumb bunnies believe.

You talk like you're actually intelligent, yet nothing comes out when you move your lips, it's just a bunch of jibberish. The superiority of LOLberal retards that "think" they know what is best for everyone knows absolutely no bounds. Further, you changed the subject entirely because you have no valid usual. :cuckoo:

And exactly what subject are you discussing? It's impossible to tell from your post.
This is going to get very ugly very quickly. The R--R paper and book are virtually the only evidence of a statistically significant negative effect on growth caused by public debt. No one has been able to replicate R--R's results, because they were very vague about their dataset. Now it turns out they committed errors and used a highly deceptive methodology that explains their results. In short, they committed an academic fraud, have been caught at it, and the entire basis of their 90% debt-to-GDP threshold beloved by Ryan is completely bogus.

I have read the R--R paper, the Hansen paper, and the OECD study. If anyone wants to argue the merits of the R--R thesis, I suggest they do the same. Anyone making an argument by quoting political second hand sources on this is a charlatan. This is clearly the biggest scandal to hit the econometrics profession in more than a half century.
how is an admitted regrettable slip that doesn't change the result a scandal??????????????
Here's what authors said: "We do not, however, believe this regrettable slip affects in any significant way the central message of the paper or that in our subsequent work."

Ed, for once in your fucking life pull your head out of your ass and read the fucking papers. Of course they deny the fraud. But once you make the three adjustments in the Hansen paper, there is no statistically significant relationship left. Do the math yourself if you know how. If you don't, shut up and leave the discussion to those who do.

Also, common sense will tell us the authors are right. The more soviet bureaucrats waste on welfare and Solyndra bridges to nowhere, the slower the economy will get because the money is not being wisely and efficiently spent, saved, and invested by those who earned it. There is no possible theory that could explain how more and more debt could help an economy. This is why liberals don't offer a theory!

In any case the corrected data show that growth is half what it might(4.2 % versus 2.1%) be if debt goes from 30% of GDP to 90%!!

Simeon Djankov: "The evidence is to the contrary. The European Union economies that have experienced the highest growth in the past three years—Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Sweden—all take austerity seriously. The European Commission's Winter 2013 forecast shows a similar trend. The five fastest-growing economies in Europe are projected to be Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Romania—all fiscal hawks."
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As always; look at the research!!

Ignore the actual results, that ended in horror for most countries.

I don't get it.

You see it works on paper, then you see the results fail, multiple times in real life, but then you want to do whats on the paper again.

I'll repeat

Spending got us to where we are today.

since this is going over liberal heads;

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

oft thought to be a quote of Einstein.

First of all, I think you have a mechanical problem with your post; I have no idea what you are talking about.

It does seem however that you are one of the folks who don't give a shit about research or professionalism at all; you're interest is limited to what suits your pre-conceived notions. If you had a brain, I would argue with you, but since you don't, such an effort is futile. You dismiss evidence you haven't even read and seem proud of it.

try reading comprehension

I said people put more faith in research than in the actual results.

libtards want to waste more money when wasting money put us in this situation.

Therefore, morons, like you, want to do what the real world tells them won't work, b/c research said it would.

In other words, all liberals actually want things to get worse or they are to dumb to learn what actually happened.
It is commonly thought that the huge debt is a drag on the economy, Paul Ryan and the GOP have adopted this putative as a basis to attack Obama, toss Bush II under the bus and impede efforts to create jobs, stimulate the economy and repair, replace and renovate our aging infrastructure.

What if Ryan and the GOP are wrong?


How a student took on eminent economists on debt issue - and won

It’s not so much the size of the debt but the appropriateness of attempting to address it now before full economic recovery.

Once Americans are back to work and the economy fully recovered, we can address the issue of the debt.

The problem is conservatives and republicans want to address the debt now predicated not on facts but rightist fiscal dogma, where ‘debt’ doesn’t conform to that dogma.

Indeed, most conservatives and republicans advocate ‘debt reduction’ not to promote economic health but as part of a hidden agenda to raze the New Deal/Fair Deal/Great Society edifice.
Once Americans are back to work and the economy fully recovered, we can address the issue of the debt.

dear, how can the drunk recover before it stops drinking ?????????
Slow???????????? Another soviet 5 years plan didn't produce prosperity did it???????? Slow???

Indeed, most conservatives and republicans advocate ‘debt reduction’

too stupid!! as if more debt or drugs will sober us up when we've been expanding the debt for 200 years!!!

not to promote economic health but as part of a hidden agenda to raze the New Deal/Fair Deal/Great Society edifice.

dear, the New Deal was the Great Depression and the Great Society was a near genocide against American blacks. Have you heard, they put most young black men in jail??

See why we say slow, so very very slow.

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