Does this portend a trend?

Trump changes that dynamic.
Uh-huh, the dynamic changes because he's more talented at dishing out bread and circuses than anybody else in recent memory; Beyond that, same shit different day. I'd say at this point it's pretty likely the GOP will beat the Democrats like a drum up and down the ticket in November no matter who they nominate.

Better get used to saying President Clinton...again.
Like I said; the only saving grace with a Trump win is watching smug partisan lemmings like you getting their noses rubbed in it, maybe it will force you to rethink the wisdom continuing your journey on the partisan hamster wheel... but I doubt it.

Vote Gary Johnson 2016; he won't win but at least your conscience won't bother you.
I simply expect the most corrupt person to win.
Amen to that Votto. Americans like their corruption the same way they like their bullshit; in the biggest, most concentrated dose available. :D

"It's all bullshit, folks and it's bad for ya" -- George Carlin

By the way, how do you get "bullshit" fed to you?
I like mine the old fashioned way, in a shot glass mixed with copious amounts of vodka.
No candidates that has maintained a lead like Trumps have not gone on to win the nomination. It's becoming more and more likely that Trump's the GOP guy. (please oh please oh please oh please!)
LOL, it'll be interesting to see if you're so enthusiastic about it if Trump actually wins the Presidency, history and current events are on the side of the GOP for 2016 after all. You might want to rethink that "please oh, please oh......" meme, else you're likely to get exactly what you wish for and end up regretting it.

Polls do not bear out your fantasy. If the GOP nominates Trump, Goldwater's loss will pale in comparison.
You mean my nightmare; perhaps you should go look at "the polls" again, while you're doing that look at what history says happens to the White House after one party has been in the Oval Office for 8 years, then see if you can figure out which party has the upper hand when it comes to the top issue of the day (National Security).

Doesn't matter to me whether Trump or Clinton wins; either way we're screwed, they only saving grace on a Trump win is being able to watch you smug partisan lemmings go apoplectic.

Trump changes that dynamic. If the GOP decided they were going to nominate someone reasonable, a Romney or a Bush,


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