Does Trump FULLY realize that he's under criminal investigation?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
Take all the partisan bullshit aside and ask yourself IF the Trumpster realizes that he is currently under a criminal investigation?

Do Trump acolytes understand that if indeed a full and impartial investigation is to take place that folks like STONE,MANAFORT, FLYNN, etc. are all going to be called (subpoenaed) to testify under oath about the Trump's administration ties to Russian oligarchs and intelligence agents?

In modern times, how many presidents have been linked to collusion with a foreign and hostile government?

This will be really fun to watch unfold....


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Take all the partisan bullshit aside and ask yourself IF the Trumpster realizes that he is currently under a criminal investigation?

Do Trump acolytes understand that if indeed a full and impartial investigation is to take place that folks like STONE,MANAFORT, FLYNN, etc. are all going to be called (subpoenaed) to testify under oath about the Trump's administration ties to Russian oligarchs and intelligence agents?

In modern times, how many presidents have been linked to collusion with a foreign and hostile government?

This will be really fun to watch....

The short answer is "NO" Trump does not fully understand this. Nor do many of his supporters.
The short answer is "NO" Trump does not fully understand this. Nor do many of his supporters.

Today we learned not only that Trump should openly apologize for his accusation against Obama on wiretapping...but ALSO that he is under investigation for more than NINE months......

Will Trump's tax returns be also subpoenaed???
Take all the partisan bullshit aside and ask yourself IF the Trumpster realizes that he is currently under a criminal investigation?

Do Trump acolytes understand that if indeed a full and impartial investigation is to take place that folks like STONE,MANAFORT, FLYNN, etc. are all going to be called (subpoenaed) to testify under oath about the Trump's administration ties to Russian oligarchs and intelligence agents?

In modern times, how many presidents have been linked to collusion with a foreign and hostile government?

This will be really fun to watch unfold....

I am sure he does understand what is going on but the bigger question is does he really care!?!

You have to remember Donald John Trump has been investigated by the government so many damn times that he most likely does not care.

Now does he understand if something is found he will not get a fine to pay this time around is another big question that I am not sure if he understands!?!
Now does he understand if something is found he will not get a fine to pay this time around is another big question that I am not sure if he understands!?!

Indeed, I don't think that Trump is really smart enough to understand the hole that his underlings have dug around his sorry ass.
Take all the partisan bullshit aside and ask yourself IF the Trumpster realizes that he is currently under a criminal investigation?

Do Trump acolytes understand that if indeed a full and impartial investigation is to take place that folks like STONE,MANAFORT, FLYNN, etc. are all going to be called (subpoenaed) to testify under oath about the Trump's administration ties to Russian oligarchs and intelligence agents?

In modern times, how many presidents have been linked to collusion with a foreign and hostile government?

This will be really fun to watch unfold....
No he thinks Hillary is under investigation.
I don't think he cares. As long as he can watch TV all day long, tweet and take his weekly $3 mil vacations, he's good. He's a simple man this low energy Donald.

Donald Trump Exposed As A Hopeless Conspiracy Theorist By Basically Everyone Who Matters | The Huffington Post
Take all the partisan bullshit aside and ask yourself IF the Trumpster realizes that he is currently under a criminal investigation?

Do Trump acolytes understand that if indeed a full and impartial investigation is to take place that folks like STONE,MANAFORT, FLYNN, etc. are all going to be called (subpoenaed) to testify under oath about the Trump's administration ties to Russian oligarchs and intelligence agents?

In modern times, how many presidents have been linked to collusion with a foreign and hostile government?

This will be really fun to watch unfold....

You do realize that he's not under criminal investigation, and that The Chief of Intelligence stated unequivocally that there was no Russian Collusion with The Trump Campaign.

You believe Obama's The Chief of National Intelligence, Don't You?

And exactly how are you going to get "EVIDENCE" of this so called "Collusion" without doing "SURVEILLANCE"?

Care to explain any of this to us?
Trump simply thinks he is above the reach of the law.

So did Nixon, and he argued the pres is not answerable to the law.

Trump will learn the same lesson: it is inevitable now.
Does the lunatic left realize that this is a big witch hunt based on nothing by speculation and conjecture?
Will trump be able to give pardons to his kids?

Right n target....I had forgotten that his kids could ALSO be subpoenaed....

Remember what Donald Junior once stated:

“Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets,” Trump’s son told a real estate conference in 2008, according to an account posted on the website of eTurboNews, a trade publication. “We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”
Does the lunatic left realize that this is a big witch hunt based on nothing by speculation and conjecture?

You cannot reason with people who are being paid to come to your forum and spam it all day long with Negative Messaging.

Tomorrow it will be other nonsensical baseless accusations.

This will go on for about 8 years unless the moderators do something about it.

These are not discussions. It is nothing but flaming, and troll baiting, and spamming the forum every single day.

Just ask them if they believe Clapper who was Obama's Chief of National Intelligence when he said there was NO RUSSIAN COLLUSION.

You will never get an answer from any of them. They are paid to troll, disrupt discussion and be entirely unreasonable and to ignore all rational arguments that refute their trolling posts.
And exactly how are you going to get "EVIDENCE" of this so called "Collusion" without doing "SURVEILLANCE"?

Care to explain any of this to us?

Simple......When you subpoena MOST of Trump's lap dogs and have them testify under oath.....all sorts of good stuff will come out.......I can't wait

(Keep an eye for the testimony of Carter Page)
And exactly how are you going to get "EVIDENCE" of this so called "Collusion" without doing "SURVEILLANCE"?

Care to explain any of this to us?

Simple......When you subpoena MOST of Trump's lap dogs and have them testify under oath.....all sorts of good stuff will come out.......I can't wait

(Keep an eye for the testimony of Carter Page)
Example right here.

Paid Troll. No solutions to America's Issues. No Ideas, no ENGAGEMENT in problem solving, just Negative Messaging, Drive By Attacks, Trolling, Baiting, Flaming and disruption of discourse, debate and discussion.

Do you believe Clapper Obama's Chief of National Intelligence when he said there was no Evidence of Russian Collusion?
Take all the partisan bullshit aside and ask yourself IF the Trumpster realizes that he is currently under a criminal investigation?

Do Trump acolytes understand that if indeed a full and impartial investigation is to take place that folks like STONE,MANAFORT, FLYNN, etc. are all going to be called (subpoenaed) to testify under oath about the Trump's administration ties to Russian oligarchs and intelligence agents?

In modern times, how many presidents have been linked to collusion with a foreign and hostile government?

This will be really fun to watch unfold....

And the crime is? What exactly?

Conducting business in Russia before he ran for president?

I'm not sure I know of the law that forbade that. Please cite chapter and verse.
And exactly how are you going to get "EVIDENCE" of this so called "Collusion" without doing "SURVEILLANCE"?

Care to explain any of this to us?

Simple......When you subpoena MOST of Trump's lap dogs and have them testify under oath.....all sorts of good stuff will come out.......I can't wait

(Keep an eye for the testimony of Carter Page)
Keep fucking that chicken, Nat! Lol!
Will trump be able to give pardons to his kids?

Right n target....I had forgotten that his kids could ALSO be subpoenaed....

Remember what Donald Junior once stated:

“Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets,” Trump’s son told a real estate conference in 2008, according to an account posted on the website of eTurboNews, a trade publication. “We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”

And what law forbids that?
Hey, Trump is the one that brought this on himself. When he said that Obama had his towers tapped, and then continues to double down on that, well, if it was a normal citizen, they might check on it, but when it is said by a sitting president, they are definitely going to look into it.

And, another thing that is apparent is that Trump doesn't realize that the entire world is listening to what he says because he's the president of this country, and they will listen to EVERYTHING he says, whether it's thought out or not.

Trump should really look into learning how to act a bit more dignified.
Does the lunatic left realize that this is a big witch hunt based on nothing by speculation and conjecture?

You cannot reason with people who are being paid to come to your forum and spam it all day long with Negative Messaging.

Tomorrow it will be other nonsensical baseless accusations.

This will go on for about 8 years unless the moderators do something about it.

These are not discussions. It is nothing but flaming, and troll baiting, and spamming the forum every single day.

Just ask them if they believe Clapper who was Obama's Chief of National Intelligence when he said there was NO RUSSIAN COLLUSION.

You will never get an answer from any of them. They are paid to troll, disrupt discussion and be entirely unreasonable and to ignore all rational arguments that refute their trolling posts.

meh, who cares.

With out that sort of thing, this place would become an echo chamber, and the place would become boring.

You should be more worried about the health of this site. In order for it to grow and thrive, it needs such interesting discussion in order to generate page views and generate revenue. Your first allegience, as a member, should be to the health of the forum, not necessarily in shutting down public debate.

Who cares if idiot posters don't know their ass from a hole in the ground. It is a useful sounding board for you to show the millennial generation and the igeneration what is really going on. By using such easily refuted propaganda and educating the public about the truth, you can show how such lousy idea can be easily shredded.

Do you think that will happen in the MSM after all?

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