Does Trump FULLY realize that he's under criminal investigation?

Take all the partisan bullshit aside and ask yourself IF the Trumpster realizes that he is currently under a criminal investigation?

Do Trump acolytes understand that if indeed a full and impartial investigation is to take place that folks like STONE,MANAFORT, FLYNN, etc. are all going to be called (subpoenaed) to testify under oath about the Trump's administration ties to Russian oligarchs and intelligence agents?

In modern times, how many presidents have been linked to collusion with a foreign and hostile government?

This will be really fun to watch unfold....
Hey, Trump is the one that brought this on himself. When he said that Obama had his towers tapped, and then continues to double down on that, well, if it was a normal citizen, they might check on it, but when it is said by a sitting president, they are definitely going to look into it.

And, another thing that is apparent is that Trump doesn't realize that the entire world is listening to what he says because he's the president of this country, and they will listen to EVERYTHING he says, whether it's thought out or not.

Trump should really look into learning how to act a bit more dignified.

Despite what Comey might have you believe, or whatever the NSA or CIA directors tell you, the fact is, the MSM seems to know things they shouldn't. This is all the critical thinking public should need in order to know that the Patriot Act and NDAA are being used against political enemies of the Deep State.

7 high profile, and highly illegal, leaks that the Deep State has orchestrated against President Trump
7 high profile, and highly illegal, leaks that the Deep State has orchestrated against President Trump
So far in 2017, deep state saboteurs have been involved in seven high profile, and highly illegal, leaks…

  1. January 25th: Draft executive order to reopen CIA black sites.
  2. February 2nd: President Trump’s calls with Mexican and Australian leaders.
    Trump has heated exchange with Australian leader, sources say -
  3. February 9th: Transcript of Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn’s call with Russian Ambassador.
    This is a great 10 minute video explanation of Michael Flynn’s resignation and how the US deep state committed treason
  4. February 14th: Trump associates’ contacts with Russians.
  5. February 17th: memo suggesting that 100,000 National Guards Troops may round up illegal immigrants.
    Trump team considers deploying National Guard for immigrant roundup | New York Post
  6. February 24th: Rex Tillerson’s anti-leak memo.
    Opinion | State Department writes anti-leak memo, which promptly leaks
  7. March 1st: Jeff Sessions’s meeting with Russian Ambassador.
    Following in Flynn’s footsteps? Attorney General Sessions accused of Russia ties
The Left is just fucking delusional. There's no other explanation
They aren't delusional. They are paid to be unreasonable.

I am telling you folks that you are under siege here from professional paid Internet Trolls.

The DNC is spending Millions for these people to disrupt Social Media and bait and flame legitimate posters so that no actual valuable discourse, debate discussion or dialogue can take place, and so they can engage in continual spamming of your message board, and continue to propagate Negative Messaging for purposes of demoralizing supporters of the current Administration.

As long as they can attack the message board with negative messaging, and distract you with it and force you to defend the nonsensical, they can continue the cycle of Negative Messaging and Spamming Social Media.
Take all the partisan bullshit aside and ask yourself IF the Trumpster realizes that he is currently under a criminal investigation?

Do Trump acolytes understand that if indeed a full and impartial investigation is to take place that folks like STONE,MANAFORT, FLYNN, etc. are all going to be called (subpoenaed) to testify under oath about the Trump's administration ties to Russian oligarchs and intelligence agents?

In modern times, how many presidents have been linked to collusion with a foreign and hostile government?

This will be really fun to watch unfold.... he or isn't he? What for then, if so?
Do Dems realize if they prove their was no surveillance ever of the Trump campaign, it proves they just made up the Russia ties?
Probably knows but doubt he cares. He lives a life of zillions of law suits because he either breaks laws or just barely stays within them.

He has always been able to buy his way out of his lyying, cheating and stealing.

Does he yet know that he cannot buy his way out this time?
Greg Sargent‏Verified account @ThePlumLineGS 3h3 hours ago

Quite the headline:

Do Dems realize if they prove their was no surveillance ever of the Trump campaign, it proves they just made up the Russia ties?

The only made up has been the identical lies by the trump minions.

They got caught.
They lied.
They got caught again.

See a pattern here?
Take all the partisan bullshit aside and ask yourself IF the Trumpster realizes that he is currently under a criminal investigation?

Do Trump acolytes understand that if indeed a full and impartial investigation is to take place that folks like STONE,MANAFORT, FLYNN, etc. are all going to be called (subpoenaed) to testify under oath about the Trump's administration ties to Russian oligarchs and intelligence agents?

In modern times, how many presidents have been linked to collusion with a foreign and hostile government?

This will be really fun to watch....

The short answer is "NO" Trump does not fully understand this. Nor do many of his supporters.

That's because he isn't. Coney stated that Russia is under investigation. He never said Trump was.

Another lefty thread of suppositions, innuendo, fake news, and fly attractant for Trump haters
Do Dems realize if they prove their was no surveillance ever of the Trump campaign, it proves they just made up the Russia ties?

You do know it's possible to investigate people without wire tapping them right?

As amusing as the verbal gymnastics have been to try and prove that 'wire tapping' does not mean wire tapping have been.

The 'Russian ties' don't mean Trump phoned up the FSB personally, they centre on the fact he surrounded himself by those who has been paid by the Russian government or their proxies. His former campaign manager and defence adviser to name but two.
Do you believe Clapper Obama's Chief of National Intelligence when he said there was no Evidence of Russian Collusion?

Moron....Clapper clearly stated up to January 20th when Clapper left office.......A LOT COULD HAVE BEEN DISCOVERED IN THE LAST TWO MONTHS....

Live with your ulcers.....LOL
The short answer is "NO" Trump does not fully understand this. Nor do many of his supporters.

Today we learned not only that Trump should openly apologize for his accusation against Obama on wiretapping...but ALSO that he is under investigation for more than NINE months......

Will Trump's tax returns be also subpoenaed???
How did we learn that? Who approved of the investigation which obviously included wiretaps? How the hell are you people still on this there was no wiretapping crap when you say he was wiretapped? So you just need us all to ignore that Trump was right and he was wiretapped, but we don't want to admit that so please look over here to the actual no evidence side of his ties to Russia, which resulted in all of the nothing we have today because he was wiretapped.

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