Look for a new buzzword to appear soon: “momentum.”


You think Biden is a good source for information?

On the reason he left the race?

Better than you, surely.

What would ever make you think you're a better source on why Biden left than Biden himself? Show me the path through this bramble of unmitigated hubris.
On the reason he left the race?

Better than you, surely.

What would ever make you think you're a better source on why Biden left than Biden himself? Show me the path through this bramble of unmitigated hubris.
Ok, what did he say was the reason he left the race?

And how do you know it was him saying it?
Ok, what did he say was the reason he left the race?

I already told you. So you won't do your own research and simply look at the letter Biden release on the 21st. And you won't read what I've told you of his reasoning.

C'mon. You've got to do something to educate yourself. You can't expect me to just feed you like a baby bird.

And how do you know it was him saying it?

Why wouldn't it be? It has his signature, it was released on his official social media account, Biden dropping out was confirmed by his office, by his Vice President. And Biden called in yesterday to a campaign event to talk about dropping out and expressing his support for Kamala in the presidential race.

That's a lot of evidence to 'conspiracy' away. Even for you.

Plus, Biden is scheduled to speak publicly tomorrow on the topic. Exactly like he said he would in the letter. So any batshit you offer will not age well.

So walk me through your latest conspiracy. As you clearly have no rational reason why I would ignore Biden on why Biden dropped out and instead believe you.
Kamala more or less announced her campaigh strategy:

So, she is not going to so much run against him as prosecute him. OK, she's a prosecutor by trade. She was harshly criticized by Dems for being such an aggressive prosecutor, so that role seems to suit her.

The problem is that Donald Trump has already been prosecuted and by professional, active prosecutors in that role. She's a former prosecutor basing her campaign the same tactics. Trump's real prosecutors have succeeded in getting many indictments, and even many conviction.

But they failed in their real mission by not costing him a single vote, nor a single penny of campaign funds not donated. If Harris goes the same route, she will be handing the White House to Donald Trump.

Which, let's face it, seems to be the goal of Democrats at this point for some damn reason.
Kamala more or less announced her campaigh strategy:

So, she is not going to so much run against him as prosecute him. OK, she's a prosecutor by trade. She was harshly criticized by Dems for being such an aggressive prosecutor, so that role seems to suit her.

The problem is that Donald Trump has already been prosecuted and by professional, active prosecutors in that role. She's a former prosecutor basing her campaign the same tactics. Trump's real prosecutors have succeeded in getting many indictments, and even many conviction.

But they failed in their real mission by not costing him a single vote, nor a single penny of campaign funds not donated. If Harris goes the same route, she will be handing the White House to Donald Trump.

Which, let's face it, seems to be the goal of Democrats at this point for some damn reason.

We'll see how the public responds to that strategy as it plays out. We'll need a couple of weeks of new polling now that she's the presumptive nominee to see.
I already told you. So you won't do your own research and simply look at the letter Biden release on the 21st. And you won't read what I've told you of his reasoning.
"The best interest of the country?" Come on, that is way to vague for a president dropping out after willing all the delegates. WHY was it in the best interest of the country for Biden to drop out. You think Biden will tell us in his televised speech?

Will he make it through the whole speech? Will it be pre-recorded, with hundreds of takes?

C'mon. You've got to do something to educate yourself. You can't expect me to just feed you like a baby bird.
You wait for the Party to feed you as you've been admonishing me to do.
Why wouldn't it be? It has his signature, it was released on his official social media account, Biden dropping out was confirmed by his office, by his Vice President. And Biden called in yesterday to a campaign event to talk about dropping out and expressing his support for Kamala in the presidential race.

That's a lot of evidence to 'conspiracy' away. Even for you.

Plus, Biden is scheduled to speak publicly tomorrow on the topic. Exactly like he said he would in the letter. So any batshit you offer will not age well.

So walk me through your latest conspiracy. As you clearly have no rational reason why I would ignore Biden on why Biden dropped out and instead believe you.
Ok, I'll "wait" until Biden tells us why he's dropping out.

But, I already know that he wont' actually give a reason, just more "good of the country," and "Harris is the second clean and articulate black person I've ever met."

You can wait to see if he gives us a real reason. Maybe he'll tell us the real reason Harris has to be his presidential endorsement, since we already know it's the same reason he gave for picking her as VP.

The New York Times just called her the "least electable" Democrat:

America SEES what is going on. A dimwitted NOBODY who never made the news and never did anything regarding her fake job, got all the Democrats excited (when they kicked Joe to the curb) and money started flowing like water. She could bring in 500 Million a day and NOBODY cares. Blacks are NOT voting for her, young and older ones. They know she is a LYING WHORE and not much else. Hispanics already tired of Biden Border woes.
"The best interest of the country?" Come on, that is way to vague for a president dropping out after willing all the delegates.

So your strategy is to ignore Biden on his own motivations....and make up your own, citing yourself?

Yeah, that's not evidence-based reasoning. That's you citing your imagination as Joe Biden.

I'll go with the actual president rather than your imaginary one.

WHY was it in the best interest of the country for Biden to drop out.

He said he'd go into more detail next week. Its next week. He gives a speech tomorrow.

Exactly like he said he would in the letter.

Again, you not having the information you want doesn't mean that your imagination is a suitable substitute. You don't know what you're talking about and you're prone to conspiracy reasoning.

I'll wait for Joe to elaborate on the why. As would any rational person looking to engage in evidence-based reasoning.
You think Biden will tell us in his televised speech?

I think he's certainly going to tell us more about his own reasoning that you will, citing your imagination.
So your strategy is to ignore Biden on his own motivations....and make up your own, citing yourself?

Yeah, that's not evidence-based reasoning. That's you citing your imagination as Joe Biden.

I'll go with the actual president rather than your imaginary one.

He said he'd go into more detail next week. Its next week. He gives a speech tomorrow.

Exactly like he said he would in the letter.

Again, you not having the information you want doesn't mean that your imagination is a suitable substitute. You don't know what you're talking about and you're prone to conspiracy reasoning.

I'll wait for Joe to elaborate on the why. As would any rational person looking to engage in evidence-based reasoning.

I think he's certainly going to tell us more about his own reasoning that you will, citing your imagination.
It's crazy to even talk about "Biden's motivation," at this point.

Every Democrat, except you, realized after the debate that Biden doesn't have the mental capacity to understand what his "motivation" is and is not.

Sure, he'll read the words they put on the teleprompter for him. Hopefully, they'll leave the stage directions off, so he doesn't read them out loud again.

But, he won't know the import of the words coming out of his mouth. You really don't know this, or are you pulling my leg?
It's crazy to even talk about "Biden's motivation," at this point.

No it isn't. He's told you why he dropped out. It has nothing to do with your imaginary reasons.

And he's going into more detail tomorrow. Exactly like he said he would in the letter.

Every Democrat, except you, realized after the debate that Biden doesn't have the mental capacity to understand what his "motivation" is and is not.

Yeah, your imagination isn't 'every democrat' anymore than your imagination is "Joe Biden" or the "aparratchiks".

Its just you making shit up.

You citing you on the motivations and beliefs of other people, void of supporting evidence, provides no insight.

As you don't know what you're talking about.
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No it isn't. He's told you why he dropped out. It has nothing to do with your imaginary reasons.

And he's going into more detail tomorrow. Exactly like he said he would in the letter.

Yeah, your imagination isn't 'every democrat' anymore than it your imagination is "Joe Biden" or the "aparratchiks".

Its just you making shit up.

You citing you on the motivations and beliefs of other people, void of supporting evidence, provides no insight.

As you don't know what you're talking about.
Look, it's simple logic.

He's dropping out because he doesn't have the mental capacity to run for president, just like all the commentators were saying right after the debate.

Or . . .

He's dropping out for some other reason, not at all related to his mental capacity, which he will tell as a surprise announcement at his speech tomorrow.

Are you really predicting that it's going to be the second one?

Suppose it is the first - as everyone besides you knows it will be - will you still trust that he has the mental capacity to say who should be the Democratic nominee?
Look, it's simple logic.

He's dropping out because he doesn't have the mental capacity to run for president, just like all the commentators were saying right after the debate.

You citing your imagination as Biden isn't logic. He could drop out because his party or supporters have lost confidence in him. Or because donations have dried up. Or because he doesn't think he can win. Or he just believes that its in the best interest of the party and the nation.

Any of these reasons are logical explanations. And one of them is actually supported by evidence.

Biden has already told you why he dropped out. You're just ignoring him and insisting you know better.

Good luck with that!
You citing your imagination as Biden isn't logic. He could drop out because his party or supporters have lost confidence in him. Or because donations have dried up. Or because he doesn't think he can win. Or he just believes that its in the best interest of the party and the nation.

Any of these reasons are logical explanations. And one of them is actually supported by evidence.

Biden has already told you why he dropped out. You're just ignoring him and insisting you know better.

Good luck with that!
If I didn't know better than Joe Biden, I would have to have my wife steering me away from kissing a woman with a slight resemblance to her.
If I didn't know better than Joe Biden, I would have to have my wife steering me away from kissing a woman with a slight resemblance to her.

But you don't know better on Joe's departure from the race than Joe Biden himself. You imagine you do. And your hubris is no more evidence than your imagination.

Joe Biden has told us why he dropped out. You just ignore him. And then imagine whatever you'd like.

Um, so?
But you don't know better on Joe's departure from the race than Joe Biden himself. You imagine you do. And your hubris is no more evidence than your imagination.

Joe Biden has told us why he dropped out. You just ignore him. And then imagine whatever you'd like.

Um, so?
I know better about anything than a man who is as mentally incapacitated as Joe Biden.

You do also, or you would not be able to type coherent sentences on a message board.

I disagree with you, but you have your mental faculties about you, as far as I can tell.

Joe Biden does not.
I know better about anything than a man who is as mentally incapacitated as Joe Biden.

You don't know Joe Biden's motivations for leaving the race better than Joe Biden.

He's told us his reasons for leaving. You're simply ignoring him.

Your assurances that your imagination defines his reasoning while Joe Biden doesn't.....is just more meaningless nonsense. You simply don't know what you're talking about.

Is this really it? Just you making shit up and insisting that your imagination is evidence?

if so, that was easy. And this conversation just got really boring.
You don't know Joe Biden's motivations for leaving the race better than Joe Biden.

He's told us his reasons for leaving. You're simply ignoring him.

Your assurances that your imagination defines his reasoning while Joe Biden doesn't.....is just more meaningless nonsense. You simply don't know what you're talking about.

Is this really it? Just you making shit up and insisting that your imagination is evidence?

if so, that was easy. And this conversation just got really boring.
It isn't me making it up. Starting right after the debate, the Morning Joe Show, that husband and wife team of radical democrats started demanding that Biden drop out of the race due to his mental incapacity.

More joined the chorus for days after that.

Are you seriously saying you never heard of those calls for Biden to drop out due to his mental capacity? Or are you saying that Biden coincidentally dropped out for reasons unrelated to his mental incapacity?
It isn't me making it up.

You insisting that Biden doesn't know his own motivation....is pure emotional, imaginative nonsense.

You simply don't know what you're talking about.

Biden does. And is an infinitely better source on why he left the race than you making shit up.

Is this really it? You offering your imagination as evidence is boring.

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