Does Warren endorse Bernie?


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
I thought there was a thread, but don't see one. And I don't want to run afoul of the mods, but this link is to an op ed from a Bernie supporter who answers his own question with YES (and possibly with a prayer LOL)

"Their voter bases have always been different: Warren’s overwhelmingly have post-grad degrees, are white and upper middle class, whereas the Sanders coalition is younger and more diverse, both racially and economically.

Some Warren supporters who supported Hillary Clinton in 2016 are still angry at him for not exiting the race. I can’t claim to empathize, and the ill will cuts both ways.

But if the Warren campaign truly is the policy-based effort I’ve been told many times that it is, it’s time to put policy first and back the one candidate on the left who can actually win. "

But Barnie Frank of Frank Dodd was not Bernie supporter, and no way could Bernie have gotten that law … and Obama let Warren have the Consumer Protection gig. Wall St may go for a tax on short term trades if they have little option, but they'll fight Bernie to the death, and they'll win.
I’m a little surprised Warren has not already dropped out even Bloomberg saw the writing on the wall and gave it up today and he did better than she did last night though that didn’t take much to accomplish.
When you come in third in your home state, the writing is on the wall.

She should drop out, and make a choice
When you come in third in your home state, the writing is on the wall.

She should drop out, and make a choice

She can either stick to her values and endorse Bernie or jump on the Biden bandwagon and hope for a political appointment.
She's another socialist loving bat. Actually she'll be taking votes away from sanders if she stays in.
The question isn't, 'Will Warren support Biden?'. The question is, 'Will Sanders, and his supporters, support Biden?'.
I thought there was a thread, but don't see one. And I don't want to run afoul of the mods, but this link is to an op ed from a Bernie supporter who answers his own question with YES (and possibly with a prayer LOL)

"Their voter bases have always been different: Warren’s overwhelmingly have post-grad degrees, are white and upper middle class, whereas the Sanders coalition is younger and more diverse, both racially and economically.

Some Warren supporters who supported Hillary Clinton in 2016 are still angry at him for not exiting the race. I can’t claim to empathize, and the ill will cuts both ways.

But if the Warren campaign truly is the policy-based effort I’ve been told many times that it is, it’s time to put policy first and back the one candidate on the left who can actually win. "

But Barnie Frank of Frank Dodd was not Bernie supporter, and no way could Bernie have gotten that law … and Obama let Warren have the Consumer Protection gig. Wall St may go for a tax on short term trades if they have little option, but they'll fight Bernie to the death, and they'll win.

No way. Her staying in the race hurts him, she is doing it hoping for a shot at the VP
The question isn't, 'Will Warren support Biden?'. The question is, 'Will Sanders, and his supporters, support Biden?'.

a great many of his supporters will not. I have more than a few Bernie supporters tell me they may not ever vote again if Bernie is screwed over again.
The question isn't, 'Will Warren support Biden?'. The question is, 'Will Sanders, and his supporters, support Biden?'.
Probably not.

Bernie still has not dropped out of the 2016 election
I thought there was a thread, but don't see one. And I don't want to run afoul of the mods, but this link is to an op ed from a Bernie supporter who answers his own question with YES (and possibly with a prayer LOL)

"Their voter bases have always been different: Warren’s overwhelmingly have post-grad degrees, are white and upper middle class, whereas the Sanders coalition is younger and more diverse, both racially and economically.

Some Warren supporters who supported Hillary Clinton in 2016 are still angry at him for not exiting the race. I can’t claim to empathize, and the ill will cuts both ways.

But if the Warren campaign truly is the policy-based effort I’ve been told many times that it is, it’s time to put policy first and back the one candidate on the left who can actually win. "

But Barnie Frank of Frank Dodd was not Bernie supporter, and no way could Bernie have gotten that law … and Obama let Warren have the Consumer Protection gig. Wall St may go for a tax on short term trades if they have little option, but they'll fight Bernie to the death, and they'll win.

No way. Her staying in the race hurts him, she is doing it hoping for a shot at the VP
Yeah, I agree she stabbed Bernie in the back yesterday. I'm not sure what her end game is though. She brings NOTHING to a Biden ticket. Nothing.

Mayor Pete may have some Mid W strength, although he's never won a state race. Abrams in Ga brings some voters, but Ga is a real reach. It's too bad there isn't someone with Fla strength. A fav son from Ariz would be good, but again, I don't see one. Sinema is pretty centrist, although she might give Pence a heart attack.
The question isn't, 'Will Warren support Biden?'. The question is, 'Will Sanders, and his supporters, support Biden?'.
Probably not.

Bernie still has not dropped out of the 2016 election

Tick tock, tick tock.

I thought there was a thread, but don't see one. And I don't want to run afoul of the mods, but this link is to an op ed from a Bernie supporter who answers his own question with YES (and possibly with a prayer LOL)

"Their voter bases have always been different: Warren’s overwhelmingly have post-grad degrees, are white and upper middle class, whereas the Sanders coalition is younger and more diverse, both racially and economically.

Some Warren supporters who supported Hillary Clinton in 2016 are still angry at him for not exiting the race. I can’t claim to empathize, and the ill will cuts both ways.

But if the Warren campaign truly is the policy-based effort I’ve been told many times that it is, it’s time to put policy first and back the one candidate on the left who can actually win. "

But Barnie Frank of Frank Dodd was not Bernie supporter, and no way could Bernie have gotten that law … and Obama let Warren have the Consumer Protection gig. Wall St may go for a tax on short term trades if they have little option, but they'll fight Bernie to the death, and they'll win.

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