Dog saves a babies life, by giving up his

Dogs are better than people. By a long shot.
Dogs rule. And yes. THEY ARE FAMILY. Ask anyone that has a companion animal. They are NOT pets. They are FAMILY.
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Imagine the natural urge to flee versus the willpower to stay and protect the baby....

I hope this is a true story and that we don't find out anything bad about what happened.

It was nice to protect the baby, but many dogs' natural instinct is to hide, not flee.

The week after the 4th of July is quite busy at the animal shelters. Upon hearing fireworks, all their hiding places must have been taken.

If your logic held true, then the week after thunderstorms would be equally quite busy places for animal shelters as well, and they very well may be. I said "many dogs" not "every dog" for a reason. It is why fire plan recommendations include knowing ahead of time where your pet hides and designating who will be responsible for retrieving it. For my dog, it would be under the bed in the master bedroom though I doubt I could get her out in time once she went there to save her and myself.
What's amazing is dogs have more compassion and love than black people! It's true.
Can you NOT have a convo without bringing race into it, ya fuckin' dweeb? Jeez.
Dogs rule. And yes. THEY ARE FAMILY. Ask anyone that has a companion animal. They are NOT pets. They are FAMILY.
We don't need more political correctness words to refer to dogs and cats. They are PETS. There's nothing wrong with calling them that, because that's what they are.

A companion animal is an animal trained to assist a blind person. It's a very specific term referring to a very special training an animal gets.
Almost every dog I've ever met has treated me with kindness. I can't say that about people.
Dogs rule. And yes. THEY ARE FAMILY. Ask anyone that has a companion animal. They are NOT pets. They are FAMILY.
We don't need more political correctness words to refer to dogs and cats. They are PETS. There's nothing wrong with calling them that, because that's what they are.

A companion animal is an animal trained to assist a blind person. It's a very specific term referring to a very special training an animal gets.
My dog is my companion. I am her pet. She is not trained to do anything. She just loves me and acts on that. Same as I do for her. When I fall...she is there to help me up. I never trained her to do that. She did it on her own. To get a place to live, one must call their furchildren COMPANIONS. Service dogs and COMPANION dogs cannot be turned away. Therefore, I have to be politically correct on the outside. On the inside...I love my besty and she loves me. After all, we do not introduce our friends to other people by explanation, do we? "Hi. This is Jane, my friend". Not "Hi. This is Jane. I met her a long time ago and we went to school together so we are really sisters from a different mother". Just a simple "this is my friend" suffices.
Most animals are better than people which is why I object to killing them just for the fun of it!
We sold our house and moved into a "pet friendly" apartment building.

This "pet friendly" place forces me to carry my little poodle and not let him walk on the floor, anywhere in the building.

However, they have no problem allowing human animals who piss, shit and puke on the floor wherever they can. And will.
To me, if that dog was still here, it would deserve free dog food for the remainder of its life in my opinion.

God bless you and the baby always!!!

Do you normally charge your dog for its food? Lol.

Wouldn't that be a gift for the dog owner not the dog?
I only meant that if the dog was still here, I would give it everything that it deserved on a silver platter. I just couldn't think of a better way to say that in my earlier message.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


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