Doge and why they are against it.


Platinum Member
Oct 28, 2023
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The Department of Government Efficiency? What a novel idea. Since the swamp in Washington loves creating departments, why would they be so opposed to the creation of a new department? Well, if you robbed someone blind for a very long time, would you want a new department to come in and look at your books? What would happen if the people you robbed discovered your clever theft? Is it possible that there would be repercussions? I think there might be, and it’s been a long time coming.
The Department of Government Efficiency? What a novel idea. Since the swamp in Washington loves creating departments, why would they be so opposed to the creation of a new department? Well, if you robbed someone blind for a very long time, would you want a new department to come in and look at your books? What would happen if the people you robbed discovered your clever theft? Is it possible that there would be repercussions? I think there might be, and it’s been a long time coming.
Especially when they have their sights set on a huge increase in income tax in 2026.
Timing on this is a bitch for them having all the fat being exposed.
The Department of Government Efficiency? What a novel idea. Since the swamp in Washington loves creating departments, why would they be so opposed to the creation of a new department? Well, if you robbed someone blind for a very long time, would you want a new department to come in and look at your books? What would happen if the people you robbed discovered your clever theft? Is it possible that there would be repercussions? I think there might be, and it’s been a long time coming.
In March 1993, just two months into his presidency, Clinton announced the creation of the National Performance Review, led by his Vice President, Al Gore. Its goal, according to Clinton's announcement, was "to make the entire Federal Government both less expensive and more efficient, and to change the culture of our national bureaucracy away from complacency and entitlement toward initiative and empowerment."
The review lasted six months, and made 384 recommendations to improve the federal bureaucracy. The implementation of those policies took a lot longer, and some required legislation to be passed through Congress. For instance, in 1994, Clinton signed a bill that offered federal workers buyouts of up to $25,000 in an effort to reduce the workforce by 272,000 employees. According to an April 1995 statement from Clinton, the buyouts were largely offered to management positions in an effort to "reduce the layers of bureaucracy and micromanagement that were tying Government in knots." That statement said that about 70 of the buyouts in non-Department of Defense agencies went to managers and other individuals "at higher grade levels."

The initiative continued to make recommendations for government reform. According to a 1999 article on an archived version of NPR's website, it reduced the federal workforce by 351,000 between 1993 and 1998. An archived FAQ page from 2000 said 377,000 jobs were cut between 1993 and 1999. In a 2013 appearance before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, former National Performance Review leader Elaine Karmarck said the agency cut 426,200 jobs by September 2000.
It's not that trimming the fat is not needed but we do have a process to implement such changes.
In March 1993, just two months into his presidency, Clinton announced the creation of the National Performance Review, led by his Vice President, Al Gore. Its goal, according to Clinton's announcement, was "to make the entire Federal Government both less expensive and more efficient, and to change the culture of our national bureaucracy away from complacency and entitlement toward initiative and empowerment."
The review lasted six months, and made 384 recommendations to improve the federal bureaucracy. The implementation of those policies took a lot longer, and some required legislation to be passed through Congress. For instance, in 1994, Clinton signed a bill that offered federal workers buyouts of up to $25,000 in an effort to reduce the workforce by 272,000 employees. According to an April 1995 statement from Clinton, the buyouts were largely offered to management positions in an effort to "reduce the layers of bureaucracy and micromanagement that were tying Government in knots." That statement said that about 70 of the buyouts in non-Department of Defense agencies went to managers and other individuals "at higher grade levels."

The initiative continued to make recommendations for government reform. According to a 1999 article on an archived version of NPR's website, it reduced the federal workforce by 351,000 between 1993 and 1998. An archived FAQ page from 2000 said 377,000 jobs were cut between 1993 and 1999. In a 2013 appearance before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, former National Performance Review leader Elaine Karmarck said the agency cut 426,200 jobs by September 2000.
Not much since then huh?
Today they are the largest employer in the US.
They produce nothing.
They run the largest debt.
It's not that trimming the fat is not needed but we do have a process to implement such changes.
Processes are worthless if you don't follow them. The Government payroll is at least double the size it should be. What is MUCH WORSE is the rampant corruption led by the Democrats spending out tax money on supporting Terrorists and foreign Tranny shows.
Processes are worthless if you don't follow them. The Government payroll is at least double the size it should be. What is MUCH WORSE is the rampant corruption led by the Democrats spending out tax money on supporting Terrorists and foreign Tranny shows.
I see you are well-fed in the echo chamber.
It's not that trimming the fat is not needed but we do have a process to implement such changes.


Yep! Trump and DOGE are doing a fine job of implementing those changes.

Wasteful spending cut and unnecessary jobs gone just like that...


The Department of Government Efficiency? What a novel idea. Since the swamp in Washington loves creating departments, why would they be so opposed to the creation of a new department? Well, if you robbed someone blind for a very long time, would you want a new department to come in and look at your books? What would happen if the people you robbed discovered your clever theft? Is it possible that there would be repercussions? I think there might be, and it’s been a long time coming.

Wow, create another department to siphon money into trying to find...... Sounds damned stupid and something the Prez and Congress should automatically doing without it. If they aren't, get rid of them and get in honest people that will.

You can't get rid of corruption by creating a corrupt department. You just end up with more graft and corruption.
I remember Clinton doing this. But the waste in government was a fraction of what it is today. Clinton's plan was to make government more efficient not more honest. Obviously clinton's policies did nothing that lasted or encouraged government to become more streamlined and honest. Trump's plan will expose entrenched corruption and identify those who benefit from it.
Wow, create another department to siphon money into trying to find...... Sounds damned stupid and something the Prez and Congress should automatically doing without it. If they aren't, get rid of them and get in honest people that will.

You can't get rid of corruption by creating a corrupt department. You just end up with more graft and corruption.
Like Ovomicare? :icon_rolleyes:
Like Ovomicare? :icon_rolleyes:

It ain't perfect and needs to be made better. Until you MAGAts come up with a workable solution to replace it, according to the Supreme Court, you can't just dump it. Now, where is that health care plan that your orange cheeto said was only 2 weeks away from being ready to go?

Once again, you prove we can't fix stupid.
Wow, create another department to siphon money into trying to find...... Sounds damned stupid and something the Prez and Congress should automatically doing without it. If they aren't, get rid of them and get in honest people that will.

You can't get rid of corruption by creating a corrupt department. You just end up with more graft and corruption.
No department was created. Doge is a rebrand of the digital services department.
It ain't perfect and needs to be made better. Until you MAGAts come up with a workable solution to replace it, according to the Supreme Court, you can't just dump it. Now, where is that health care plan that your orange cheeto said was only 2 weeks away from being ready to go?

Once again, you prove we can't fix stupid.
Your precious Democrat corruption is being exposed. The Democrat ROT in the government is being cut. Bogus and redundant agencies will be CLOSED DOWN. 65,000 Federal workers want the buyout. And that's just the first 3 weeks! WINNING get used to it son.
Your precious Democrat corruption is being exposed. The Democrat ROT in the government is being cut. Bogus and redundant agencies will be CLOSED DOWN. 65,000 Federal workers want the buyout. And that's just the first 3 weeks! WINNING get used to it son.

Speaking of corruption. I learned tonight if the LEGAL votes that have been thrown out through the GOP method of contesting votes would have counted, Half of the swing states would have EC'd for Harris and she would have had over 4 million more votes. The Voter Contesting was previously used in 1867 by the KKK. In the 2024 election some hundreds of thousands of voters were contested by just a handful. It would have been contested AFTER the inauguration so it would not have changed anything. All in all, the primary contested voters were almost all black and asian. tRump was NOT really elected and the election was stolen along with X number of Senate and House seats.

So don't you keep going off on the corruption of the Dems. The GOP is as corrupt as it was in 1867 when this method was used to kill off Douglas presented law changes to the Frederick Douglas trying to change the Jim Crowe laws at the federal level. He was unsuccessful. IN the last 8 years, many of the old confederate states and others have dug up some of those old Jim Crowe laws and made them part of their own state constitutions.

And we wonder why the rest of the Free World are laughing their asses off when the election corruption would never be tolerated.
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