DOJ Admits Federal Government Ran Informants Inside the Oath Keepers on Jan. 6 & they could be called to testify under 6th Amendment

There were 20 and they were in the process of being evacuated when the shot rang out meaning that the "mob" was still on the other side of two sets of doors when Ashli Babbitt was assassinated by that Capitol Police officer! So why did HE feel compelled to pull the trigger when no other Police officer did that day?

You're lying again. You really can't stop, can ya? The video I posted shows they were not being evacuated at the moment Ashes was shot.

And while the mob was behind two sets of doors, Benedict Babbitt was shot for trying to get passed the first set of doors; which had she been successful, the rest of Trump's violent mob of domestic terrorists would have followed. And there was no barricade protecting the second set of doors, which were just 5-10 feet away.
His "post" was hiding beside the doorway?
His post was on the Congressional side of that barricade. You want to argue with his exact positioning contact the secret service. I'm sure they'll be glad to hear from you
So he HAD to shoot Babbitt?
A crazed woman wearing a backpack climbing through a defended barrticade behind which were members of Congress? Yes
Nobody else HAD to fire their weapon.
One shot did the trick. That mob knew then that things were serious.
The House Chamber was in the process of being cleared of the last twenty people when he did so. That shot actually halted the evacuation briefly.
"In the process"...meaning NOT YET CLEARED.
the only one who used deadly force against unarmed protesters.
Yupper, the only one.

After all, it only took one.
How many more officers does poster Oldestyle think should have shot Babbitt once she was on the floor?

Inside the House Chamber everyone had been evacuated except for a group of 20 that had been up in the Gallery and they were in the process of being led out when the shot was fired.

Lemme try to imagine a scenario.
I hafta imagine it as I've never been a LEO.

Anyway, here's the scene.....angry screaming crowd is on the other side of a barrier specifically erected to bar them from entry. They are violently battering and destroying part of that barrier. There are shouted warnings to leave, to not enter, to stop. All of which are ignored by the violent mob. And even when a gun is brandished....and acknowledged by some of the violent mob.....the battering continues. Continues right in front of the officer's face.

And now, the good poster Correll is suggesting that the officer could know, must know, should have known ....... that behind his back, out of his sight, the men and women he took an oath to protect are trying to frantically scramble away from this same violent mob.

Being a non-cop, a mere civilian, I would offer that.....Officer Byrd's attention was rightly focused on stopping the threat. Not tending to the threatened.


So now saying one is not a member of Antifa means they are?? And just because YOU want them to be??


Wow. That was cool the way you ignored all his previous life and words and political protests and arrests and just focused on that one sentence as though it existed in a vacuum and then made assumptions from THAT POINT.

And by "cool", I mean fucking retarded.
Most likely Fed. informants have been planted into Oathkeeper's since the Bundy standoff years ago.
Sullivan MIGHT have been a Lizard Person.

The only thing that we DO know was that he had clear ties to the Proud Boys and that BLM didn't trust him

Nope. We have his previous words, and political activism and crimes and arrests.

And some BLM people didn't trust him. You are assuming their guesses are correct. SOrt of. You are also assuming that his brother definese him at the same time, even though hte Proud Boys have had a very negative relationship with LE.

Really, what you just did there, made no sense.

"people like you" ......... ??? Nobody you know knows me.....hard to be like me with no knowledge. Eh?

"Before he was found"????

Ummm, poster Correll......John Sullivan was 'found' and identified at least by January 7th.....maybe earlier.

In an interview...maybe on the 6th? maybe on the 7th? ...... Sullivan told a reporter:
" one point he witnessed a protester take a riot shield from an officer, “and he started slamming the riot shield against the cop, took that, threw it down the steps, and threw the officer down the steps as well.”
Sullivan was able to get inside through a broken window, he said.

Go ahead, google it.

I'm sure you mean well, and are a nice person.....but your partisanship skews your beliefs in an unproductive manner. You seem to believe only the things you WANT to believe. Maybe, try researching stuff b4 you post.

It will lend you gravitas.


I've talked to pleny of people like you, since then, and until confronted with Sullivan, their position is, "it is silly to believe that outside agitators might have been there".

Somehow, despite him being "found", he was not "known".

And he is still not really known. Wait a week. We can have this same thread, and leftards will line up to dismiss the idea of someone like Sullivan being there, as "absurd".

And then we can tell them and then they will dodge, blah, blah blah.

In fact, I bet if we do it, we would see some of the same leftards there, as we see here, doing the same stupid shit.
Nope. We have his previous words, and political activism and crimes and arrests.

And some BLM people didn't trust him. You are assuming their guesses are correct. SOrt of. You are also assuming that his brother definese him at the same time, even though hte Proud Boys have had a very negative relationship with LE.

Really, what you just did there, made no sense.
He acted in concert with his brother publicly several times. His brother's comments are also proof that he had been very conservative until very recently and his actions showed that he was doing things to HURT the BLM movement...ewhich was why they tossed his ass to the curb.

As far as proud boys...they are very close with the Oath Keepers who in many instances are ACTIVE and former LEOs.
Sure John Sullivan sounds familiar. He's already been mentioned in this thread at least a half dozen times. You MAGAs tried to use him as a major talking point from the very beginning but unfortunately, your talking heads (fox, Hannity, tucker, etc) didn't bother to tell you that talking point had been discredited. You are free to look back through this thread to see the many times it has already been shown that he was publicly denounced and expelled from Antifa long before 1/6, or you could just google his wiki.

Wiki is no more reliable for facts than MSLSD.

You are confused, aren't you? Both quotes do not relate to FBI whistle blowers. After the 2nd quote, I referenced all the nutjobs that made unsupported outrageous claims about medical injury from the vaccination. That is a perfect example of people, in general, making outrageous claims for attention.

Nothing in our conversation had anything to do with vaccinations, it's all been about whistleblowers. So now you're just pulling shit out of your ass. Carry on, we're done on this one.

Wow. That was cool the way you ignored all his previous life and words and political protests and arrests and just focused on that one sentence as though it existed in a vacuum and then made assumptions from THAT POINT.

And by "cool", I mean fucking retarded.

Quote him saying he was a member of Antifa...

While you do that, here's a third quote from him...

"I'm not saying I'm Antifa, by any means."
Nope. We have his previous words, and political activism and crimes and arrests.

And some BLM people didn't trust him. You are assuming their guesses are correct. SOrt of. You are also assuming that his brother definese him at the same time, even though hte Proud Boys have had a very negative relationship with LE.

Really, what you just did there, made no sense.


In reality, you have nothing with him saying he's with Antifa. Otherwise you'd be posting it
DOJ Drops the Bomb! The federal government admitted on January 6 that it ran informants inside the Oath Guard – less than a week before the trials spring on J6 prosecutors.

So looks like The DOJ and FBI planned a false flag attack on January 6th as a continuation of their "Get Trump" attack on our Democracy that they had started 6 years ago code name Operation Russian Collusion Crossfire Hurricane.

They did the same exact thing when they infiltrated another group and tried to instigate the kidnapping of a Governor.

What's next? Talking some Jihadis into flying a plane into a building?
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I never made that claim and not hearing that in the din of an attack is not evidence that it didn't happen.

You CAN hear rioters screaming GUN
You sure can! When that officer suddenly appears with his gun extended the protesters did indeed start screaming GUN! Funny how you can hear THAT on the videos but you can't hear any Police yelling get back prior to the shot being fired!
Thomas Barani, one of the protesters, said he saw the moment she was shot by a plain-clothes police officer.

Barani says he was part of a group that broke in, throwing flash bangs and tear-gas, and expressed his anger that someone was shot as a result, saying “that’s not the kind of government we can have.”

Describing the moment Ms Babbit was shot, he said the rioters had stormed into the into the building and he saw her smash through a window.

“A number of police and Secret Service were saying ‘get back, get down, get out of the way’, and she didn’t heed the call," he said. "We raced up to grab people and pull ‘em back, [but] they shot her in the neck.”
Simple request, Lesh. Show me in any video taken before that shot was fired where you hear ANY law enforcement person saying "Get back, get down, get out of the way." You claim that they show where that was being said!
You're lying again. You really can't stop, can ya? The video I posted shows they were not being evacuated at the moment Ashes was shot.

And while the mob was behind two sets of doors, Benedict Babbitt was shot for trying to get passed the first set of doors; which had she been successful, the rest of Trump's violent mob of domestic terrorists would have followed. And there was no barricade protecting the second set of doors, which were just 5-10 feet away.
That second set of doors HAD been barricaded and had a large number of law enforcement agents with drawn handguns!

As for what was going on when Ashli Babbitt was shot? I cited the accounts of members of Congress that said they were in the process of being escorted out when the shot rang out and they were briefly told to get down. They were the last 20 members...the ones who had been in the Gallery.
Yupper, the only one.

After all, it only took one.
How many more officers does poster Oldestyle think should have shot Babbitt once she was on the floor?


Lemme try to imagine a scenario.
I hafta imagine it as I've never been a LEO.

Anyway, here's the scene.....angry screaming crowd is on the other side of a barrier specifically erected to bar them from entry. They are violently battering and destroying part of that barrier. There are shouted warnings to leave, to not enter, to stop. All of which are ignored by the violent mob. And even when a gun is brandished....and acknowledged by some of the violent mob.....the battering continues. Continues right in front of the officer's face.

And now, the good poster Correll is suggesting that the officer could know, must know, should have known ....... that behind his back, out of his sight, the men and women he took an oath to protect are trying to frantically scramble away from this same violent mob.

Being a non-cop, a mere civilian, I would offer that.....Officer Byrd's attention was rightly focused on stopping the threat. Not tending to the threatened.

I take exception with a few of your contentions, Chilly.
For starters how "violent" was that group of protesters really? They had just had a rather civil discussion with the three Capitol Police officers that had been standing in front of the doors...convincing them to leave so they wouldn't get injured. Their goal was to get into the House Chamber and stop the certification of the election. It wasn't to harm members of Congress.
Secondly there were no warnings to leave...from the point where the three Capitol officers walk away from in front of the doors to the moment when Byrd steps out and fires his handgun at Babbitt.
As for what Byrd should have known? One would think that the number one thing he should have known is whether members of the House were still in the House Chamber. My question is why he decided at that moment of time to execute someone at point blank range when the last of the civilians in the Chamber were being escorted out? What was the purpose in that? Why didn't he just turn and walk back down that hallway? Why did he shoot someone for breaking a door?
You sure can! When that officer suddenly appears with his gun extended the protesters did indeed start screaming GUN! Funny how you can hear THAT on the videos but you can't hear any Police yelling get back prior to the shot being fired!

The phone capturing, "he's got a gun," was recorded on the phone carried by the guy saying that. So the phone was on his side of the doors and close to him. Meanwhile, that same phone DIDN'T capture someone else yelling, "they're getting away!" which was captured on someone else's phone nearby. And again, we have an eye-witness who said he heard the warnings and recalled them being the same words Byrd said he used.
Simple request, Lesh. Show me in any video taken before that shot was fired where you hear ANY law enforcement person saying "Get back, get down, get out of the way." You claim that they show where that was being said!

Matters not. Two people independently claim a warning was given.

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