DOJ Admits Federal Government Ran Informants Inside the Oath Keepers on Jan. 6 & they could be called to testify under 6th Amendment

When did Byrd make that claim? Weeks after the shooting? When he'd had time to realize that he'd overreacted, was the only Police officer who used deadly force and needed to make himself look more reasonable?'s been proven over and over again that eye witness accounts are seldom as accurate as video or audio evidence. They simply aren't. People convince themselves that they saw or heard something that video evidence proves never happened.
The video evidence doesn't support your lies dude

So you finally admit there were still so.e lawmakers & staff still holed up inside the House chamber when Ashes Targetpractice committed suicide by cop.

That was a justifiable shoot to protect the lives of lawmakers.
There were 20 and they were in the process of being evacuated when the shot rang out meaning that the "mob" was still on the other side of two sets of doors when Ashli Babbitt was assassinated by that Capitol Police officer! So why did HE feel compelled to pull the trigger when no other Police officer did that day?
Also the fact that BLM kicked his ass to the curb month prior because they caught on that he was an agent provocateur.

BLM thought possibly for LE because they were battling with LE on a daily basis

He had no known ties to LE...but did have ties to the Proud Boys.

So your ONE "Antifa/BLM" Capitol rioter turns out to be neither

So, your evidence that he is not an agent provocateur, is that he was accused by others in the past of being an agent provocateur?

Brilliant. Just brilliant.
There were 20 and they were in the process of being evacuated when the shot rang out meaning that the "mob" was still on the other side of two sets of doors when Ashli Babbitt was assassinated by that Capitol Police officer! So why did HE feel compelled to pull the trigger when no other Police officer did that day?
To PROTECT those remaining retard. And he didn't know how successful the evacuation was...not being in that room and all.
The video evidence doesn't support your lies dude
The video evidence completely supports my claims, Lesh! In fact the more I look into this the more questions I have about the need to shoot someone that day. The narrative that Babbitt was shot because she was a threat to members of Congress simply doesn't hold up. It's an excuse...nothing more.
So, your evidence that he is not an agent provocateur, is that he was accused by others in the past of being an agent provocateur?

Brilliant. Just brilliant.
ALL BLM knew was that he was acting against their activities. They had no idea who he was doing that for.

And it turns out he had no ties to LE but extensive ties to Proud Boys...who we know were both attacking BLM demonstrators AND trying to turn protests into riots by smashing windows (see "umbrella man")
To PROTECT those remaining retard. And he didn't know how successful the evacuation was...not being in that room and all.
So you blame the shooting on a failure of communication? Those remaining are literally being taken out of the room when he decides to shoot. You on the left love to claim that those doors are "steps" from the House Chamber! So if he didn't know what was happening from using his radio then why didn't he walk a few feet to the doors of the Chamber and ASK what the status was of the evacuation?
The video evidence completely supports my claims, Lesh! In fact the more I look into this the more questions I have about the need to shoot someone that day. The narrative that Babbitt was shot because she was a threat to members of Congress simply doesn't hold up. It's an excuse...nothing more.
It absolutely does not. The video shows windows being smashed. A backpack wearing crazed woman trying to climb through smashed window, it shows a hand with a gun pointed in her direction and you can hear rioters screaming gun gun
When did Byrd make that claim? Weeks after the shooting? When he'd had time to realize that he'd overreacted, was the only Police officer who used deadly force and needed to make himself look more reasonable?'s been proven over and over again that eye witness accounts are seldom as accurate as video or audio evidence. They simply aren't. People convince themselves that they saw or heard something that video evidence proves never happened.

The eyewitness said it minutes after the shooting. Again, you have no evidence it didn't happen in the face of an eye-witness who said it did.
It absolutely does not. The video shows windows being smashed. A backpack wearing crazed woman trying to climb through smashed window, it shows a hand with a gun pointed in her direction and you can hear rioters screaming gun gun
So where do the videos show a Police Officer shouting "Get Back" as you two are claiming?
ALL BLM knew was that he was acting against their activities. They had no idea who he was doing that for.

And it turns out he had no ties to LE but extensive ties to Proud Boys...who we know were both attacking BLM demonstrators AND trying to turn protests into riots by smashing windows (see "umbrella man")

Which is it? LE or Proud BOys? You seem to not know that hte two are very different.

You also seem to assume that the BLM types that did not like him were correct in their guesses. Perhaps the man was simply a bloody minded ass, who wanted more and more violence and confrontation.

Regardless, none of this challenges the clear evidence that he was NOT there as a sincere Trump supporter. He might have been there as a lefty agent. He might have been a LE agent. He might have been an independent just wanting to incite violence for the bloody fun of it.

But, he proves the plausibility of outside agitators, becuase he clearly is one.
Those remaining are literally being taken out of the room when he decides to shoot.
So they were still in the room...Oh...
So if he didn't know what was happening from using his radio then why didn't he walk a few feet to the doors of the Chamber and ASK what the status was of the evacuation?
To do that he would have to leave his post while the barricade he was defending was being attacked. That makes sense to you?

Oh wait. I forgot. You'll say anything no matter how stupid to defend those Capitol Insurrectionists.

Never mind
Actually, yes. That is just the type of lying you would expect from a leftard operative.


So now saying one is not a member of Antifa means they are?? And just because YOU want them to be??

So where do the videos show a Police Officer shouting "Get Back" as you two are claiming?
I never made that claim and not hearing that in the din of an attack is not evidence that it didn't happen.

You CAN hear rioters screaming GUN
I don't know what they do. And that's irrelevant in this case anyway since paying him for a copy of his video doesn't mean he was affiliated with Antifa.

Explain how so many news outlets got it wrong.

Regardless, none of this challenges the clear evidence that he was NOT there as a sincere Trump supporter. He might have been there as a lefty agent. He might have been a LE agent. He might have been an independent just wanting to incite violence for the bloody fun of it.
Sullivan MIGHT have been a Lizard Person.

The only thing that we DO know was that he had clear ties to the Proud Boys and that BLM didn't trust him
So they were still in the room...Oh...

To do that he would have to leave his post while the barricade he was defending was being attacked. That makes sense to you?

Oh wait. I forgot. You'll say anything no matter how stupid to defend those Capitol Insurrectionists.

Never mind
His "post" was hiding beside the doorway? So he HAD to shoot Babbitt? Is that your claim? Nobody else HAD to fire their weapon. The House Chamber was in the process of being cleared of the last twenty people when he did so. That shot actually halted the evacuation briefly. So rather than walk a few feet or make a call on his radio so that he would have KNOWN that the House Chamber was about to be completely empty except for Capital Police he decides to step out and shoot someone at point blank range with no warning? Why?
Before he was found, the position of people like you was that it was absurd...."

"people like you" ......... ??? Nobody you know knows me.....hard to be like me with no knowledge. Eh?

"Before he was found"????

Ummm, poster Correll......John Sullivan was 'found' and identified at least by January 7th.....maybe earlier.

In an interview...maybe on the 6th? maybe on the 7th? ...... Sullivan told a reporter:
" one point he witnessed a protester take a riot shield from an officer, “and he started slamming the riot shield against the cop, took that, threw it down the steps, and threw the officer down the steps as well.”
Sullivan was able to get inside through a broken window, he said.

Go ahead, google it.

I'm sure you mean well, and are a nice person.....but your partisanship skews your beliefs in an unproductive manner. You seem to believe only the things you WANT to believe. Maybe, try researching stuff b4 you post.

It will lend you gravitas.

The eyewitness said it minutes after the shooting. Again, you have no evidence it didn't happen in the face of an eye-witness who said it did.
Thomas Barani, one of the protesters, said he saw the moment she was shot by a plain-clothes police officer.

Barani says he was part of a group that broke in, throwing flash bangs and tear-gas, and expressed his anger that someone was shot as a result, saying “that’s not the kind of government we can have.”

Describing the moment Ms Babbit was shot, he said the rioters had stormed into the into the building and he saw her smash through a window.

“A number of police and Secret Service were saying ‘get back, get down, get out of the way’, and she didn’t heed the call," he said. "We raced up to grab people and pull ‘em back, [but] they shot her in the neck.”

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