This was all planned

But it's fine when Biden and Obama and Clinton do it, amirite? Tard.
before transporting immigrants to other states the administration contacts charities who house them or finds housing for them, among other things. who meet them at their destination drop off.
I think the original plan for the left cheek was to have Biden installed and then slowly ease him out with health problems and infect us with the Kamala, but his deterioration either progressed faster than anticipated or they couldn't hide it as well. It was kind of later in the game than they wanted, but they still avoided a real nomination and that was their main goal, to appease the big money and Obama and still show an apparent "voter's choice" profile. The right cheek plan was to run on a an anti Biden platform, so this does impact it a little bit, but not much, Kamala will be herself and that will take care of that little detail.
My question is why did trump agree to such an early debate?
Because he's a man of action.Probably can't sit still for
even a day.Some men are like that.
Whereas Biden is a man of coerced complacency.
Like the way he Campaigned in 2020.
Slouching around in some basement bunker.
before transporting immigrants to other states the administration contacts charities who house them or finds housing for them, among other things. who meet them at their destination drop off.
I demand that when millions of low-income housings is built as per Prog agenda the next term that they do this in suburban areas where the soccer moms live. It's time for them to put up or shut up as subservients to the almighty Prog state.
My question is why did trump agree to such an early debate?
Because he challenged Biden to debate him, any place, any time....

Biden team called him on would have been hard for Trump to renege after Trump's challenge to my guess.
I demand that when millions of low-income housings is built as per Prog agenda the next term that they do this in suburban areas where the soccer moms live. It's time for them to put up or shut up as subservients to the almighty Prog state.
That is Exactly what is going on in my county.Constant
building of New Apartments.Every month a new corner
has major construction for these low income high sort of
mini high rise apts.I say they're doing this to get low income
{ mostly blacks } from the big city into smaller areas outside the
big city to generate a new voting block.Big city blacks traditionally
vote in huge numbers for Democrats.So with all the Money the Dems
took in the form of Budgets { Trillions } they are using it for
Roads,highways and new places for low income { mostly Democrat }
voters to live.Supplanting Suburbanites with Big city { many unemployable }
Democrats.In order to guarantee Democrat victory in General Elections.
It started a few years ago with new ways to eliminate the need for building
of Single family homes.Or Homes like those seen in all american
TV series.Like
- Leave it to Beaver -.
- Father Knows Best -
- The Donna Reed Show -
even - Growing Pains -.
Because he challenged Biden to debate him, any place, any time....

Biden team called him on would have been hard for Trump to renege after Trump's challenge to my guess.
Just further proof of how gnarly unamerican and disingenuous
the Democrat party Lives to be.
The rely on Lying,cheating,Rigging and conning their way
into the conscience of voters.

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