DOJ Admits Federal Government Ran Informants Inside the Oath Keepers on Jan. 6 & they could be called to testify under 6th Amendment

That picture and your map don’t show the same thing.

just for scaling purposes if the distance on your map is 6’ the house chamber is less than 18 feet wide.

Nonsense. That would mean that door was ⅓ of the way down the Speaker's Lobby, when in reality, it's just feet away from where Ashes was shot. About 5-10 feet away.

He certainly AT LEAST identified as a fellow traveller. Thus we have an example proving the case. Thus all you lefties that acted like it was an absurdity to even suggest such a possibility,

are proven to be fools.

There is no evidence he was affiliated with Antifa.
The DOJ has charged several members of the oathkeepers with planning an insurrection on Jan 6. They could only know that if they had oathkeepers who are turning states evidence or they had sources inside. They have now admitted that they were running sources inside the oathkeepers. So that begs the question if you have enough evidence of this planning to charge members with it then why weren’t the correct people informed prior to Jan 6 to prevent it.
The #StopTheSteal people were so gassed up, there was no stopping them. It was a bad idea, I could clearly see that.

They weren't bad people at all. Their goal was to make their voices heard by The Senate. It did not work out like that.

The thing was no "insurrection" like some claim. Trying to talk to your government is not "insurrection".
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There is no evidence he was affiliated with Antifa.

Other than his own words and his past support for the movement and his personally founding a similar anti-cop organization and his being arrested for blm style rioting...

sure. Whatever you say, Faun.

If they had people inside, why did they not warn of the supposedly planned "innsurrection"?
Having people on the inside doesn't mean you know everything going on...

Oath Keepers were considered a domestic threat, I say they have people keeping tags on the ANTIFA movement too (much harder to monitor as not an actual group)...
Having people on the inside doesn't mean you know everything going on...

Oath Keepers were considered a domestic threat, I say they have people keeping tags on the ANTIFA movement too (much harder to monitor as not an actual group)...

Possibly. If you are assuming good intentions on the part of the feds.

Personally I've seen no evidence of any attempt to infiltrate Antifa. Or BLM.

And they are certainly domestic threats. Actual threats, with people dying in the streets.
"Who claimed that?"

"Matt Gaetz alleges antifa.......
"......some of the people who breached the Capitol today were not Trump supporters," he said to audible boos from several of his colleagues. "They were masquerading as Trump supporters and, in fact, were members of the violent terrorist group antifa."

Worse still, why didn't Pelosi take appropriate securities posture? IF they had this information, it should have never happened. This was a set up. A false flag event to drive their political agenda.
Fucking hell...

But the secret Service know about it... They report to Trump...

Again I keep on telling people here... Do you understand that you were misinformed?
Your reaction to this is the judge on you as a person.

  • If you go back to them for more information you are admitting you highly suggestible person who can be easily manipulated.
  • If you question that source and check their information and possibly ignore them if they continue you show organisations there are consequences for their actions...
Which kind of person are you?
"Matt Gaetz alleges antifa.......
"......some of the people who breached the Capitol today were not Trump supporters," he said to audible boos from several of his colleagues. "They were masquerading as Trump supporters and, in fact, were members of the violent terrorist group antifa."

And we have at least one good example of that.
And the FBI normally keeps you apprised of their ongoing undercover operations?

How did that come to be?

No, I hear reports when those operations turn into criminal charges.

And I've never heard of any of the court cases involving Antifa or blm, that discusses undercover agents or informants.

Do you think that, considering the years of rioting and murders and open rebellions by these organizations, that the federal LE should be trying to infiltrate them and that it would be a gross failure on their part, if they have not?
The #StopTheSteal people were so gassed up, there was no stopping them. It was a bad idea, I could clearly see that.

They weren't bad people at all. Their goal was to make their voices heard by The Senate. It did not work out like that.

The thing was no "insurrection" like some claim. Trying to talk to your government is not "insurrection".
Who gassed them up?
Who filled them up with a bunch of false information and then said lets march on the capitol?

Is Trump guilty of starting the Riot? That is a tough to prove as it would have to know more going on his mind.
Was Trump highly irresponsible to the point that people were killed? YES, that has been clearly proven...

Maybe the people in the riot didn't think they were in an insurrection but under the definition of the law they were... They were disrupting the the ratification of an election.
It wasn't like Trump said to them beforehand , 'by the way, if you disrupt congress in ratifying an election it could be legally seen as insurrection'...

This is one of the reasons Trump should be not President. He either doesn't understand or doesn't care the power of the office...
Anyone who even thought about attending Jan 6 has been either arrested, jailed, raided or indicted

Umm, no, that's not quite right, poster Leo.

Here, in the second link is a graphic depicting many of the McVeigh-Wannabes that were at the Capitol on J6.....and haven't yet been identified by the DOJ, or that determined group of volunteers, the Sedition Hunters.

BTW, Leo, if you recognize any of the blokes (or blokesses) in this line up of mugs (Perp Sheet) ....well then, be a patriot, be a responsible your local FBI office, or drop a dime on 'em by contacting Sedition Hunters, ( Sedition Hunters )

The Perp Sheet line-up of uncaught (so far) alleged insurrectionists, seditionists, rioters, and/or attackers:


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