DOJ Admits Federal Government Ran Informants Inside the Oath Keepers on Jan. 6 & they could be called to testify under 6th Amendment

The 2 AM synchronized glitch played out live on air will never leave my mind as I stayed up losing sleep and watched the scam unfold.

There was no verbal warning given by Byrd while he had his pistol aimed on the upper part of the doors for over a minute. Watch the footage. Either you haven’t watched it or you’re lying. Which is it?

Thomas Baranyi was there. You weren't. I see no reason to take your word over his.

As far as your bullshit claim about state precincts cheating in the dead of night, prove it. Crying about it with no proof after 2 years doesn't convince anyone with a functioning brain.


. . . as expected.
The 2 AM synchronized glitch played out live on air will never leave my mind as I stayed up losing sleep and watched the scam unfold.

There was no verbal warning given by Byrd while he had his pistol aimed on the upper part of the doors for over a minute. Watch the footage. Either you haven’t watched it or you’re lying. Which is it?
Thomas Baranyi was there. You weren't. I see no reason to take your word over his.

I don’t expect you to take my word, watch the video. You are suggesting I take the word of one witnesses over firsthand video evidence? I don’t think so. Look for the footage angled behind Byrd on his side of the doors. It’s longer than the footage from Babbitt’s side of the doors. No verbal warning given prior to shot, and time allowed for it to happen but Byrd failed to do so.
I don’t expect you to take my word, watch the video. You are suggesting I take the word of one witnesses over firsthand video evidence? I don’t think so. Look for the footage angled behind Byrd on his side of the doors. It’s longer than the footage from Babbitt’s side of the doors. No verbal warning given prior to shot, and time allowed for it to happen but Byrd failed to do so.

Not every sound from that cop is captured on a phone in a room with a lot of shouting and banging while the cop is on the other side of the doors.

And Baranyi was right there and said he heard it. Byrd also claims he gave the warning. How on Earth could Baranyi know what Byrd claimed to say?
You lie as always. In reality, Ashes Targetpractice was just feet away from a door leading into the House chamber where some lawmakers and staff were still waiting to be evacuated.



Based on that map, Im not sure you could be much further from a door that enters the House Chamber and still be in the building.
You're not very aware are ya? Does John Sullivan sound familiar?

Sure John Sullivan sounds familiar. He's already been mentioned in this thread at least a half dozen times. You MAGAs tried to use him as a major talking point from the very beginning but unfortunately, your talking heads (fox, Hannity, tucker, etc) didn't bother to tell you that talking point had been discredited. You are free to look back through this thread to see the many times it has already been shown that he was publicly denounced and expelled from Antifa long before 1/6, or you could just google his wiki.
Not every sound from that cop is captured on a phone in a room with a lot of shouting and banging while the cop is on the other side of the doors.

And Baranyi was right there and said he heard it. Byrd also claims he gave the warning. How on Earth could Baranyi know what Byrd claimed to say?
If the video evidence hadn’t surfaced, from more than one device, your argument about this witness and his statement would have more weight.

I’ll stick to believing primary evidence- you can go with your after the fact by one witness account along with Byrd’s attempt to claim he gave a verbal warning prior to killing Babbitt when the audio proves he did not.

By "much further," you mean about 6 feet away.
So where on the map could they have been where they would have been farther away. And if that's 6 feet then those are the smallest rooms on the planet and there's no way they put 400+ members of Congress on the House floor at once.
If the video evidence hadn’t surfaced, from more than one device, your argument about this witness and his statement would have more weight.

I’ll stick to believing primary evidence- you can go with your after the fact by one witness account along with Byrd’s attempt to claim he gave a verbal warning prior to killing Babbitt when the audio proves he did not.

Every one of those videos contains screaming and shouting with most of it undiscernable. That you don't hear Byrd yell, "get back," doesn't prove he didn't say it.

And again, if Byrd didn't actually warn that mob to "get back," how on Earth did Baranyi hear someone give that exact warning?
Both of these quotes were in relation to whistleblowers.

Isn't this quote the very definition of attention whores?

You are confused, aren't you? Both quotes do not relate to FBI whistle blowers. After the 2nd quote, I referenced all the nutjobs that made unsupported outrageous claims about medical injury from the vaccination. That is a perfect example of people, in general, making outrageous claims for attention.
So where on the map could they have been where they would have been farther away. And if that's 6 feet then those are the smallest rooms on the planet and there's no way they put 400+ members of Congress on the House floor at once.

The door to the chamber was about 6 feet from where Ashes was shot

Nope. It too shows a door just feet away from where Ashes was shot.

That picture and your map don’t show the same thing.

just for scaling purposes if the distance on your map is 6’ the house chamber is less than 18 feet wide.
There's no proof Sullivan was a member of Antifa.

He certainly AT LEAST identified as a fellow traveller. Thus we have an example proving the case. Thus all you lefties that acted like it was an absurdity to even suggest such a possibility,

are proven to be fools.

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