DOJ/Holder To Monitor Wisconsin Recall Election...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
What a mess. Does anyone actually trust Eric Holder? The cretin should be wearing an orange jumpsuit for God's sake. Is the fix in for the D's?


Eric Holder's Department of Justice will monitor a number of Wisconsin polling places on Tuesday.

The state Department of Justice will dispatch a team of assistant attorneys general and special agents from the Division of Criminal Investigation to Appleton as part of its efforts to prevent voter fraud.

Appleton as part of its efforts to prevent voter fraud.
Appleton is one of 12 cities that will be monitored Tuesday during the recall election. Seven teams will monitor Milwaukee in conjunction with the Milwaukee County District Attorney’s office, two teams will monitor Madison, and single teams will be sent to Beloit/Janesville, Eau Claire, Green Bay, Kenosha/Racine, La Crosse, Waukesha, and Wausau.

“The June recall election is a significant event in our state’s history,” said Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen. “The people of Wisconsin need to have confidence that their rights are being protected and the laws are being followed.
Apparently, the DOJ is suddenly interested in voter fraud.
So how prevalent is voting fraud? It’s practically nonexistent according to repeated studies, including an extensive review of Wisconsin elections.

Even voter fraud where it legitimately doesn't exist.

For those keeping score: the DOJ has, in the past, sanctioned "election monitoring" (after the fact) by New Black Panther Party members standing outside of the polls with nightsticks. That was for an election where Democrat Barack Obama was the likely victor. What kind of "monitoring" will these federal employees engage in on Tuesday, an election where Republican Scott Walker is the likely victor?

DOJ to Monitor Wisconsin Recall Election
Shouldn't Chicago municipal elections come in for more scrutiny?

:lol: Funny, but no so funny at the same time. I don't feel comfortable with a criminal like Eric Holder monitoring this. Not good.
two skinny black guys and you guys pretend its an army.

Do you ever get tired of fearing black people?
Well Hell.

Is this the same Holder that wouldn't prosecute those black panthers??

is this the same holder thats dealing with FF??

Wonder where the dear boy finds the time to monitor an election in WI??
Well Hell.

Is this the same Holder that wouldn't prosecute those black panthers??

is this the same holder thats dealing with FF??

Wonder where the dear boy finds the time to monitor an election in WI??

By 'Monitoring', he means Rigging. ;)
The most evil, vile, racist and corrupt Attorney General in American history springs into action. The Devil has a special shishkabob in Hell reserved especially to hold Mr Holder.
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Eric Holder's Department of Justice will monitor a number of Wisconsin polling places on Tuesday.

No doubt to make sure that Illegal Immigrants are allowed to vote.
two skinny black guys and you guys pretend its an army.

Do you ever get tired of fearing black people?

A skinny man weilding a stick is as dangerous as a fat man weilding a stick.

As for you never have nor will you ever have the chance to see a mans stick.
The most evil, vile, racist and corrupt Attorney General in American history springs into action. The Devil has a special shishkabob in Hell reserved especially to hold Mr Holder.

He has the time to moinitor this..

But when asked why he was not aware of an operation that involved the furnishing of arms to the enemy of an ally...using the ally's common border with us to furnish the enemy those arms.....he claimed he is a busy man and unable to stay on top of all operations of the doj.
two skinny black guys and you guys pretend its an army.

Do you ever get tired of fearing black people?

Do you ever get tired of lying, pathological liar?

Why did Tom Delay go to prison?

Wasn't it you, who in the last thread that you started, finally admitted that this was a lie?

Post # 112
Damn and I thought the fucker had to go to jail.

6 years later and he still hasnt served a day of his three year sentance

Now you're saying it again after being smacked around in that thread over your repeated lies?

Keep up with your lies before they come back to bite you in the ass Truthdoesn'tmatter.

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Holder and the DOJ will be there to help the Black Panthers and unions monitor the polling stations.

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