DOJ investigating Penn. voter ID law


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
The Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Justice Department has opened an investigation of Pennsylvania's new voter ID law, asking the Corbett administration to document its repeated claims that 99 percent of the state's voters have the photo identification they will need to vote in November.

In a letter delivered Monday to Secretary of the Commonwealth Carol Aichele, the Justice Department sought a series of databases and other records that have raised questions about the number of registered voters with proper ID, and left county election boards and the public bewildered about the impact of the new voting requirements.

The Justice Department said it needed the information "so that we may properly evaluate Pennsylvania's compliance with Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act and other federal voting-rights laws."

That section of federal law prohibits laws or practices that discriminate against any citizen because of race, color, or language.

U.S. investigation of Pa.'s new voter ID law
What else could one expect from Holders DOJ??

Hell. They won't prosecute black panters who harrass people coming to vote.

The Prez used his EP to quash the investigation on the FF fiasco.

Jeeze. Penn wants to make sure all those voting have a right to vote. Of course Holders DOJ is investigating.

Holder should have been thrown under the bus long ago. Oh wait. He's Barry's bud. Never mind.
What else could one expect from Holders DOJ??

Hell. They won't prosecute black panters who harrass people coming to vote.

The Prez used his EP to quash the investigation on the FF fiasco.

Jeeze. Penn wants to make sure all those voting have a right to vote. Of course Holders DOJ is investigating.

Holder should have been thrown under the bus long ago. Oh wait. He's Barry's bud. Never mind.

Yep!! :D
Holder is obamas attack dog, nothing more.

and PLEASE keep bumping this.

I want everyone to know that obama will attack anyone that gets out of line.

Fucking tyrants.

Every tyrant we've had has been a liberal
The Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Justice Department has opened an investigation of Pennsylvania's new voter ID law, asking the Corbett administration to document its repeated claims that 99 percent of the state's voters have the photo identification they will need to vote in November.

In a letter delivered Monday to Secretary of the Commonwealth Carol Aichele, the Justice Department sought a series of databases and other records that have raised questions about the number of registered voters with proper ID, and left county election boards and the public bewildered about the impact of the new voting requirements.

The Justice Department said it needed the information "so that we may properly evaluate Pennsylvania's compliance with Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act and other federal voting-rights laws."

That section of federal law prohibits laws or practices that discriminate against any citizen because of race, color, or language.

U.S. investigation of Pa.'s new voter ID law

well what the hell is new with this administration? what state haven't they went after should be the question.
The Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Justice Department has opened an investigation of Pennsylvania's new voter ID law, asking the Corbett administration to document its repeated claims that 99 percent of the state's voters have the photo identification they will need to vote in November.

In a letter delivered Monday to Secretary of the Commonwealth Carol Aichele, the Justice Department sought a series of databases and other records that have raised questions about the number of registered voters with proper ID, and left county election boards and the public bewildered about the impact of the new voting requirements.

The Justice Department said it needed the information "so that we may properly evaluate Pennsylvania's compliance with Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act and other federal voting-rights laws."

That section of federal law prohibits laws or practices that discriminate against any citizen because of race, color, or language.

U.S. investigation of Pa.'s new voter ID law

He has time for this but does not prosecute the Black Panthers who had billy clubs getting NON whites not to vote.. He cant give the information to Congress for months and months for the fast and furious. What are they scared of. Are they scared that if we allow Voter IDS that the illegals and dead cant vote for the fraud Obama..:badgrin:
What else could one expect from Holders DOJ??

Hell. They won't prosecute black panters who harrass people coming to vote.

The Prez used his EP to quash the investigation on the FF fiasco.

Jeeze. Penn wants to make sure all those voting have a right to vote. Of course Holders DOJ is investigating.

Holder should have been thrown under the bus long ago. Oh wait. He's Barry's bud. Never mind.

haaha. I posted almost the exact thing and I did not even see your post :lol:
Holder only gets involved in states where the Democrats have a chance at stealing the election. Alabama's voter ID regs, no problem. A snowball in Hell has a better chance of surviving the election than Obama has in Alabama.
The new black panther outfit did nothing wrong at that polling place. Holder - or a DoJ mouthpiece - said the laws were to protect minorities from voter discrimination, or something along those lines.
Holder is trying to stop the law because there are more voters without ID's than the margin by which Obama won. Has nothing to do with protecting voters but rather protecting Obama.

Such a corrupt DOJ
That's funny I see DOJ and think massive prison sentences and hangings (after the trials of course). The left is pure scum period, that's why they represent in every single instance, the unametican wrong side. Nothing to see here I produce my ID and have for 20 years sheesh.
Sorry I edit a lot.... lol@ DOJ its like USSR in the 1960's here smdh
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let's see...two black panthers.....vs....this shit. Don't get me wrong...all of it is bad, wrong and should be weeded out. But why is it that Conservatives continually bleat about those two guys... but apparently don't give a shit about these incidents of voter intimidation....

Dems charge GOP voter intimidation - Pittsburg, KS - Morning Sun

Voter Intimidation At McDonald's: Employees Told That, Unless Republicans Win, They Won't Get Raises Or Benefits
The Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Justice Department has opened an investigation of Pennsylvania's new voter ID law, asking the Corbett administration to document its repeated claims that 99 percent of the state's voters have the photo identification they will need to vote in November.

In a letter delivered Monday to Secretary of the Commonwealth Carol Aichele, the Justice Department sought a series of databases and other records that have raised questions about the number of registered voters with proper ID, and left county election boards and the public bewildered about the impact of the new voting requirements.

The Justice Department said it needed the information "so that we may properly evaluate Pennsylvania's compliance with Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act and other federal voting-rights laws."

That section of federal law prohibits laws or practices that discriminate against any citizen because of race, color, or language.

U.S. investigation of Pa.'s new voter ID law

Holder just really hates anything being fair or justice as a whole. Sorry i dont want illegals voting, i dont want people voting twice and i defintely dont want the dead voting. OOOOO how dare i i must be racist against dead people.
You can count on it. Every freaking attempt by states to combat voter fraud will be opposed by the Obama "justice dept". The freaking hypocrites in "justice" ignore the murder of a Border Patrol agent as a result of the justice dept's peculiar idea of justice but they spend millions to play the race card on an issue that is profoundly insulting to Black people.

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