

Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
Mere mortals believe that they should have dominion over every aspect of your lives. Their dominion shall be broken over those who are free indeed.

Jude 1:25
To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.

Very informative video. Bush and Clinton's worked for the earthly crown. Our president does not and I will continue to support him and may our courts uphold our liberty against those who seek to destroy it.
Dominions are a general problem. Christ set up the dominions of the various devil's.

The main problem with the dominions is that they step out of their boundaries to use authority structures in order to feed on the unsuspecting.

Circular catch 22 style power lock by the devil is frequently constructed through dominions, for example a government department attacks a church. Then the church appeals to some higher court to stop the government department. That court then goes into that government department and messes it up to be even more harmful to the church.

So dominions are tricky. They are dangerous because they corruptly interact with authority structures. And the church's don't usually do good enough jobs in invoking the unbounded mercy of the Lord for breaking such catch 22's.

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