Don Trump’s wife supports abortion


Gold Member
Jul 9, 2014
nfbw 241003 Vdtwsa00001

i. Don Trump’s wife supports abortion 241003 {post•1}

NotfooledbyW Oct’24 Vdtwsa inserts info on Melania Trump:

“It is imperative to guarantee that women have autonomy in deciding their preference of having children, based on their own convictions, free from any intervention or pressure from the government,”​
“Why should anyone other than the woman herself have the power to determine what she does with her own body? A woman’s fundamental right of individual liberty, to her own life, grants her the authority to terminate her pregnancy if she wishes."​

NotfooledbyW Oct’24 Vdtwsa: Don Trump cannot control his own woman anymore.

What kind of white Christian Republican male is Trump’s white Christian.MAGA base trying to put in God’s White House?

i. It’s time to formally declare America a Christian Nation 220714 {adv669 post•2262}. Mashmont Jul’22 Sittfda: We see the benefits right away from the reversal of Roe v Wade. Babies are being saved. Hearts and minds are being turned AWAY from abortion. Mshmnt 220714 Sittfd02262:

ii. It’s time to formally declare America a Christian Nation 220714 {adv669 post•2262}. Mashmont Jul’22 pSittfda: These Catholic justices should keep right on going, Repeal the poorly decided Obergefell case legalizing gay marriage. •¥•. Then its onto a repeal of state funded birth control. Mshmnt 220714 Sittfd02262:

iii. It’s time to formally declare America a Christian Nation 220714 {adv669 post•2262}. Mashmont Jul’22 Sittfda: The ultimate prize would be to declare personhood for the unborn and outlaw all abortions as murder. Mshmnt 220714 Sittfd02262:

NotfooledbyW Oct’24 Vdtwsa: Will Saint Mashmont vote for a baby killer to represent the Catholic Church in the White House again?

NotfooledbyW Oct’24 Vdtwsa:What about all the rest of the USMB white Trump Bible voters? Will you vote for such a weak Christian man or just ban Melanie’s book and hope for the best for the last great white Christian hope for America?

nfbw 241003 Vdtwsa00001
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“It is imperative to guarantee that women have autonomy in deciding their preference of having children, based on their own convictions, free from any intervention or pressure from the government,”​
“Why should anyone other than the woman herself have the power to determine what she does with her own body? A woman’s fundamental right of individual liberty, to her own life, grants her the authority to terminate her pregnancy if she wishes."​

Don Trump cannot control his own woman anymore.

What kind of white Christian Republican male is Trump’s white Christian.MAGA base trying to put in God’s White House?

i. It’s time to formally declare America a Christian Nation 220714 {adv669 post•2262}. Mashmont Jul’22 Sittfda: We see the benefits right away from the reversal of Roe v Wade. Babies are being saved. Hearts and minds are being turned AWAY from abortion. Mshmnt 220714 Sittfd02262:

ii. It’s time to formally declare America a Christian Nation 220714 {adv669 post•2262}. Mashmont Jul’22 Sittfda: These Catholic justices should keep right on going, Repeal the poorly decided Obergefell case legalizing gay marriage. •¥•. Then its onto a repeal of state funded birth control. Mshmnt 220714 Sittfd02262:

iii. It’s time to formally declare America a Christian Nation 220714 {adv669 post•2262}. Mashmont Jul’22 Sittfda: The ultimate prize would be to declare personhood for the unborn and outlaw all abortions as murder. Mshmnt 220714 Sittfd02262:

Will Saint Mashmont vote for a baby killer to represent the Catholic Church in the White House again?

What about all the rest of the USMB white Trump Bible voters? Will you vote for such a weak Christian man or just ban Melanie’s book and hope for the best for the last great white Christian hope for America?
abortion is about someone elses body,,

a woman can chose all she wants to spread her legs but not murder her child,,

“It is imperative to guarantee that women have autonomy in deciding their preference of having children, based on their own convictions, free from any intervention or pressure from the government,”​
“Why should anyone other than the woman herself have the power to determine what she does with her own body? A woman’s fundamental right of individual liberty, to her own life, grants her the authority to terminate her pregnancy if she wishes."​

Don Trump cannot control his own woman anymore.

What kind of white Christian Republican male is Trump’s white Christian.MAGA base trying to put in God’s White House?

i. It’s time to formally declare America a Christian Nation 220714 {adv669 post•2262}. Mashmont Jul’22 Sittfda: We see the benefits right away from the reversal of Roe v Wade. Babies are being saved. Hearts and minds are being turned AWAY from abortion. Mshmnt 220714 Sittfd02262:

ii. It’s time to formally declare America a Christian Nation 220714 {adv669 post•2262}. Mashmont Jul’22 Sittfda: These Catholic justices should keep right on going, Repeal the poorly decided Obergefell case legalizing gay marriage. •¥•. Then its onto a repeal of state funded birth control. Mshmnt 220714 Sittfd02262:

iii. It’s time to formally declare America a Christian Nation 220714 {adv669 post•2262}. Mashmont Jul’22 Sittfda: The ultimate prize would be to declare personhood for the unborn and outlaw all abortions as murder. Mshmnt 220714 Sittfd02262:

Will Saint Mashmont vote for a baby killer to represent the Catholic Church in the White House again?

What about all the rest of the USMB white Trump Bible voters? Will you vote for such a weak Christian man or just ban Melanie’s book and hope for the best for the last great white Christian hope for America?
What limits to abortion do you support?
nfbw 241003 Vdtwsa00001

i. Don Trump’s wife supports abortion 241003 {post•1}

NotfooledbyW Oct’24 Vdtwsa inserts info on Melania Trump:

“It is imperative to guarantee that women have autonomy in deciding their preference of having children, based on their own convictions, free from any intervention or pressure from the government,”​
“Why should anyone other than the woman herself have the power to determine what she does with her own body? A woman’s fundamental right of individual liberty, to her own life, grants her the authority to terminate her pregnancy if she wishes."​

NotfooledbyW Oct’24 Vdtwsa: Don Trump cannot control his own woman anymore.

What kind of white Christian Republican male is Trump’s white Christian.MAGA base trying to put in God’s White House?

i. It’s time to formally declare America a Christian Nation 220714 {adv669 post•2262}. Mashmont Jul’22 Sittfda: We see the benefits right away from the reversal of Roe v Wade. Babies are being saved. Hearts and minds are being turned AWAY from abortion. Mshmnt 220714 Sittfd02262:

ii. It’s time to formally declare America a Christian Nation 220714 {adv669 post•2262}. Mashmont Jul’22 pSittfda: These Catholic justices should keep right on going, Repeal the poorly decided Obergefell case legalizing gay marriage. •¥•. Then its onto a repeal of state funded birth control. Mshmnt 220714 Sittfd02262:

iii. It’s time to formally declare America a Christian Nation 220714 {adv669 post•2262}. Mashmont Jul’22 Sittfda: The ultimate prize would be to declare personhood for the unborn and outlaw all abortions as murder. Mshmnt 220714 Sittfd02262:

NotfooledbyW Oct’24 Vdtwsa: Will Saint Mashmont vote for a baby killer to represent the Catholic Church in the White House again?

NotfooledbyW Oct’24 Vdtwsa:What about all the rest of the USMB white Trump Bible voters? Will you vote for such a weak Christian man or just ban Melanie’s book and hope for the best for the last great white Christian hope for America?

nfbw 241003 Vdtwsa00001

We all know Trump is a moderate on abortion. We aren’t voting for Melania.

What is your point?
If a woman finds herself pregnant with an unborn human being I would hope she would give birth to the baby, regardless of any possible inconvenience, then place it for adoption should she decide not to keep it.

Loving people who cannot conceive are looking for a baby to nurture and love.

I can't fathom, should pregnancy happen to me, to look at my existing child or children if any and tell them I believe in abortion and could have aborted them. I would not like hearing that from my mother were I a child or older. :itsok:
nfbw 241003 Vdtwsa00007
abortion is about

i. Don Trump’s wife supports abortion 241003 {adv209 post•2 to pist•1} progressive hunter Oct’24 Sdtwsa: abortion is about someone elses body, prgrssvhntr 241003 Sdrwsa00002

ii. Don Trump’s wife supports abortion 241003 {post•7. to post•3}.

NotfooledbyW Oct’24 Vdtwsa: An abortion prior to the eighth month of gestation is about only one person’s consciousness having been formed functional and sustained for a meaningful period of time.

Can you please respond Saint Progressivehunter if you agree that an abortion is about only one person’s consciousness within the context of the paragraph above?

nfbw 241003 Vdtwsa00007
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nfbw 241003 Vdtwsa00008

kind of leader

i. Trump Really Needs to Get Some New Material. 240916 {adv003 post•49}. Ava 24 Strntg: Man, do we ever need Trump. I keep him in my prayers and praise the kind of leader he is. 240816 Strntg00049

ii. Don Trump’s wife supports abortion 241003 {post•8 to post•Strntg00049}.

NotfooledbyW Oct’24 Vdtwsa: Trump is the kind of leader who endorsed a self described black Nazi to become the governor of North Carolina. Are you praying for Mark Robinson too Saint Ava?

nfbw 241003 Vdtwsa00008
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nfbw 241003 Vdtwsa00001

i. Don Trump’s wife supports abortion 241003 {post•1}

NotfooledbyW Oct’24 Vdtwsa inserts info on Melania Trump:

“It is imperative to guarantee that women have autonomy in deciding their preference of having children, based on their own convictions, free from any intervention or pressure from the government,”​
“Why should anyone other than the woman herself have the power to determine what she does with her own body? A woman’s fundamental right of individual liberty, to her own life, grants her the authority to terminate her pregnancy if she wishes."​

NotfooledbyW Oct’24 Vdtwsa: Don Trump cannot control his own woman anymore.

What kind of white Christian Republican male is Trump’s white Christian.MAGA base trying to put in God’s White House?

i. It’s time to formally declare America a Christian Nation 220714 {adv669 post•2262}. Mashmont Jul’22 Sittfda: We see the benefits right away from the reversal of Roe v Wade. Babies are being saved. Hearts and minds are being turned AWAY from abortion. Mshmnt 220714 Sittfd02262:

ii. It’s time to formally declare America a Christian Nation 220714 {adv669 post•2262}. Mashmont Jul’22 pSittfda: These Catholic justices should keep right on going, Repeal the poorly decided Obergefell case legalizing gay marriage. •¥•. Then its onto a repeal of state funded birth control. Mshmnt 220714 Sittfd02262:

iii. It’s time to formally declare America a Christian Nation 220714 {adv669 post•2262}. Mashmont Jul’22 Sittfda: The ultimate prize would be to declare personhood for the unborn and outlaw all abortions as murder. Mshmnt 220714 Sittfd02262:

NotfooledbyW Oct’24 Vdtwsa: Will Saint Mashmont vote for a baby killer to represent the Catholic Church in the White House again?

NotfooledbyW Oct’24 Vdtwsa:What about all the rest of the USMB white Trump Bible voters? Will you vote for such a weak Christian man or just ban Melanie’s book and hope for the best for the last great white Christian hope for America?

nfbw 241003 Vdtwsa00001

I didn't know she was running for office and the Dobbs decision took all authority on abortion away from the feds and left it to the States to decide. So your OP is meaningless.


I didn't know she was running for office and the Dobbs decision took all authority on abortion away from the feds and left it to the States to decide. So your OP is meaningless.


Your phony goal for The States To Decide, was simply Code for the republican States to greatly restrict or ban abortion.
abortion is about someone elses body,,

a woman can chose all she wants to spread her legs but not murder her child,,

This gives away the fact that with those like yourself, it's not really about what's inside her body. It's why women are turned off.
nfbw 241003 Vdtwsa00012

two bodies, not one.

i. Abortion is not a “reproductive right”….change my mind. 220627 {adv767 post•3}. Darkwind Jun’22 Sainar. Pregnancy is now two bodies, not one. drkwnd 220627 Sainar00003

ii. Don Trump’s wife supports abortion 241003 {post•12 to post•Sainar00003}.

NotfooledbyW Oct’24: At what gestational stage are you Saint Darkwind able to claim a pregnancy is individual consciousness times two?

nfbw 241003 Vdtwsa00012
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I didn't know she was running for office and the Dobbs decision took all authority on abortion away from the feds and left it to the States to decide. So your OP is meaningless.



No it didn't. No matter how many times it's pointed out that the courts simply ruled it was not a right enshrined in the Constitution but that the federal government could pass laws concerning abortion, it seems to matter none.

Dobbs could also prompt consideration of federal abortion legislation. Those who oppose the decisionand support a right to abortion may promote legislation that would establish such a right in statute. Ifenacted, the Women’s Health Protection Act of 2021 (H.R. 3755/S. 4132), introduced in the 117thCongress, would guarantee health care providers a statutory right to provide abortion services andpreempt any state law that would limit or restrict that right. The bill would also establish a correspondingright for patients to obtain abortion services unimpeded by state law restrictions, such as pre-viabilityabortion prohibitions. The House passed the bill in September 2021, but the Senate has twice rejectedcloture motions to proceed with consideration of the bill. A second bill introduced this Congress, theReproductive Choice Act (S. 3713), would codify the “essential holdings” of Roe and Casey and providesthat a state may not impose an undue burden on a woman’s ability to have an abortion before fetalviability. If enacted, it appears that the bill would allow abortion restrictions to be evaluated under thestandard established by Casey. It is possible, as well, that Congress might consider legislation of morelimited scope that seeks to protect abortion access in specific circumstances.

Following the Court’s decision to overrule Roe and Casey, Congress could consider legislation thatprohibits the performance of abortion at any point during a woman’s pregnancy. Bills like Mississippi’s Gestational Age Act have passed the House in the 113th, 114th, and 115th Congresses. The Pain-CapableUnborn Child Protection Act (H.R. 1080/S. 61), introduced in the 117th Congress, would generallyprohibit the performance or attempted performance of an abortion once the probable post-fertilization ageof the fetus is 20 weeks or greater. The bill states that it would further a “compelling governmentalinterest in protecting the lives of unborn children from the stage at which substantial medical evidenceindicates that they are capable of feeling pain.”Legal and policy issues raised by the Dobbs decision, including considerations that may inform legislativeproposals at both the state and federal levels made in response, may be addressed in more depth andspecificity by future CRS products.
Republicans think they're going to be able to sneak "The Handmaid's Tale" into reality on America.

It ain't happnin' captain.
I’m going to go out in a limb and guess that most women who’ve found themselves in situations where they’re obligated to sleep with Trump support abortion.

What's going on here isn't especially confusing. Prior to Dobbs, calling yourself "pro-life" was a low-cost way for Republican voters to tell a story where they are morally upright heroes while casting feminists, urban liberals, college kids, and racial minorities as oversexed heathens. When abortion is legal, it's easy to condemn other people's abortions as a matter of "convenience" or say they're "using it for birth control" or employ other euphemisms for promiscuity, while quietly believing the abortions you and your friends get are justified. Posted by nfbw October 03 2024
nfbw 241003 Vdtwsa00001

i. Don Trump’s wife supports abortion 241003 {post•1}

NotfooledbyW Oct’24 Vdtwsa inserts info on Melania Trump:

“It is imperative to guarantee that women have autonomy in deciding their preference of having children, based on their own convictions, free from any intervention or pressure from the government,”​
“Why should anyone other than the woman herself have the power to determine what she does with her own body? A woman’s fundamental right of individual liberty, to her own life, grants her the authority to terminate her pregnancy if she wishes."​

NotfooledbyW Oct’24 Vdtwsa: Don Trump cannot control his own woman anymore.

What kind of white Christian Republican male is Trump’s white Christian.MAGA base trying to put in God’s White House?

i. It’s time to formally declare America a Christian Nation 220714 {adv669 post•2262}. Mashmont Jul’22 Sittfda: We see the benefits right away from the reversal of Roe v Wade. Babies are being saved. Hearts and minds are being turned AWAY from abortion. Mshmnt 220714 Sittfd02262:

ii. It’s time to formally declare America a Christian Nation 220714 {adv669 post•2262}. Mashmont Jul’22 pSittfda: These Catholic justices should keep right on going, Repeal the poorly decided Obergefell case legalizing gay marriage. •¥•. Then its onto a repeal of state funded birth control. Mshmnt 220714 Sittfd02262:

iii. It’s time to formally declare America a Christian Nation 220714 {adv669 post•2262}. Mashmont Jul’22 Sittfda: The ultimate prize would be to declare personhood for the unborn and outlaw all abortions as murder. Mshmnt 220714 Sittfd02262:

NotfooledbyW Oct’24 Vdtwsa: Will Saint Mashmont vote for a baby killer to represent the Catholic Church in the White House again?

NotfooledbyW Oct’24 Vdtwsa:What about all the rest of the USMB white Trump Bible voters? Will you vote for such a weak Christian man or just ban Melanie’s book and hope for the best for the last great white Christian hope for America?

nfbw 241003 Vdtwsa00001

But is there any point to your post other than you telling us that you are observant ?

Republican politicians win by keeping their base voters focused on phantasms and symbolic, ego-driven identity politics, rather than real world issues. It's why Trump and Vance are laser-focused on immigration. It's not just that it has no material impact on their base voters, but because it doesn't. For the average MAGA voter, stories about Haitian immigrants eating cats feel like a low-stakes way to wallow in a sense of racial superiority. Many of them don't even pause to consider how these ego-fluffing lies harm real people. To them, "Haitians" are a largely imaginary group — like the "sluts" of anti-abortion mythology — that they can feel safe hating, without considering the consequences. But suppose Trump is successful in deporting millions of people from the workforce, which economists believe would trigger an economic depression. It's safe to say these voters would not enjoy that outcome.
Posted by nfbw October 03 2024

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