Donald Hyde-Smith defeats Hillary Espy in Mississippi Senate Race

naw , didn't know , don't care really . Did you know that TRUMP is said to have been a 'dem' at one time ?? Anyway , TRUMP worked for her and looks like she beat 'epsy' and it looks like she likes civil war history , wears historic Caps and is interested in guns and weapons of the 'war of northern aggression' so she is ok with me BBro .
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In before the typical Democrat/leftist/progressive/liberal response:

"It's just Mississippi. They're a bunch of white racist crackers anyway..."

Wait for it.
In before the typical Democrat/leftist/progressive/liberal response:

"It's just Mississippi. They're a bunch of white racist crackers anyway..."

Wait for it.
"NEVER underestimate people’s desire, willingness, need to excuse, abide, maintains and even promote racism. People will always be reluctant to dismantle, disavow or disobey systems from which they derive a benefit." - New York Times
Glad the morons on the left did not get away with planting those 7 nooses to generate their favorite tactic to win elections.
In before the typical Democrat/leftist/progressive/liberal response:

"It's just Mississippi. They're a bunch of white racist crackers anyway..."

Wait for it.
"NEVER underestimate people’s desire, willingness, need to excuse, abide, maintains and even promote racism. People will always be reluctant to dismantle, disavow or disobey systems from which they derive a benefit." - New York Times
----------------------------------------------------yeah , speculation and guessing eh .
but 'epsy' might be a hidden gun controller , i'll have to find out his views on Guns . At least 'stacy abrams' the failed Georgia Governor candidate , well at least she was out in the open about taking or confiscating Guns from the State of Georgia's Americans .
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congratulations Senator Hyde-Smith!
Hyde=-Smith, a racist, aligns perfectly with Trump. Thanks for admitting it.

More butt hurt from the nutso left wing extremist, how surprising!
Only a dumbass would be surprised that a racist white Republican would win an election in Mississippi. She ran on being a racist.

Please provide one single example proving your claim that she's a "racist." Because she visited a Civil War museum? Does that make everyone in this country who visted a Civil War museum a "racist" in your opinion?

This lady is the Director of a Civil War museum in Richmond, VA. Does that make her a "racist" too?

In before the typical Democrat/leftist/progressive/liberal response:

"It's just Mississippi. They're a bunch of white racist crackers anyway..."

Wait for it.
"NEVER underestimate people’s desire, willingness, need to excuse, abide, maintains and even promote racism. People will always be reluctant to dismantle, disavow or disobey systems from which they derive a benefit." - New York Times
and democrats created kkk. just remember that. Funny how you excuse that.
congratulations Senator Hyde-Smith!
Hyde=-Smith, a racist, aligns perfectly with Trump. Thanks for admitting it.

More butt hurt from the nutso left wing extremist, how surprising!
Only a dumbass would be surprised that a racist white Republican would win an election in Mississippi. She ran on being a racist.

Poor baby, the butt hurt must be real bad this morning, go cry and pout, it is just who you are.

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