Donald Jr. "Bombshell" Another Dud

Leftist bullshit was proven to be Leftist bullshit?!

Because you are lying scheming, bitch!


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That didn't take long... Once it was revealed the Russian lawyer wasn't connected to the Kremlin, was brought into the country by Loretta Lynch as a Fusion GPS operative, and got laughed out of Trump Tower. When are you mopes going to realize you can't touch Trump. MAGA!


That is hardly what happened. A Russian calls Trump and says she has dirt on Trump and Jr, Manafort, and Kushner go. It doesn't matter what the circumstances are. If someone says they will go to the meeting to receive stolen property and it turns out to be a con, a crime has still been committed.

What's the matter, is DU down today? You Moonbats are losing it completely AGAIN.
There is nothing better than daily watching these pieces of shit shoot themselves in the foot.

They resorted to trying to FRAME and ENTRAP The President and their family while Wire Tapping their every attempt for 18 Months and it keeps coming back to them.
There is always a TRAIL of your Crimes LEFTY.

I hope someone has some balls and actually makes you pay for it.

Phuck you and your fake apologies for wanting to behead, assassinate, impeach, defile, slander, entrap, collude, ensnare, frame and libel The Trump Family.

They have run THE GAUNTLET, and You Have Ran Through YOUR OWN MUCK AND EXCREMENT.

Phuck you and your "WHEN THEY GO LOW, WE GO HIGH"

Phucking NO ONE COULD GO SO LOW as to pull the shit you inhuman pieces of Donkey Excrement have pulled the last two years.

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There is nothing better than daily watching these pieces of shit shoot themselves in the foot.
They resorted to trying to FRAME and ENTRAP The President while Wire Tapping their every attempt for 18 Months and it keeps coming back to them.
There is always a TRAIL of your Crimes LEFTY.

I hope someone has some balls and actually makes you pay for it.

It's probably why they are holding up all the Trump appointments, too many Obama holdovers have to remain until Trump can replace them, Trump replacing them drains the swamp of the snakes and then The Obama Administrations illegal activities can be fully investigated, which is what they are frightened of happening.
That didn't take long... Once it was revealed the Russian lawyer wasn't connected to the Kremlin, was brought into the country by Loretta Lynch as a Fusion GPS operative, and got laughed out of Trump Tower. When are you mopes going to realize you can't touch Trump. MAGA!


You conservatives still don't get it. The woman could have been a burger king employee. The point is that Junior met with that woman with the intent of gaining information about an opponent from a foreign entity.

But it doesn't matter. Its clear you Trumpsters will support him and his swamp creatures no matter what.
That didn't take long... Once it was revealed the Russian lawyer wasn't connected to the Kremlin, was brought into the country by Loretta Lynch as a Fusion GPS operative, and got laughed out of Trump Tower. When are you mopes going to realize you can't touch Trump. MAGA!


That is hardly what happened. A Russian calls Trump and says she has dirt on Trump and Jr, Manafort, and Kushner go. It doesn't matter what the circumstances are. If someone says they will go to the meeting to receive stolen property and it turns out to be a con, a crime has still been committed.
how in the HELL do we go from "i got dirt on clinton" to knowingly taking stolen property?

when did "stolen property" come into this?

geez people. anything to justify crap i suppose.
That didn't take long... Once it was revealed the Russian lawyer wasn't connected to the Kremlin, was brought into the country by Loretta Lynch as a Fusion GPS operative, and got laughed out of Trump Tower. When are you mopes going to realize you can't touch Trump. MAGA!


You conservatives still don't get it. The woman could have been a burger king employee. The point is that Junior met with that woman with the intent of gaining information about an opponent from a foreign entity.

But it doesn't matter. Its clear you Trumpsters will support him and his swamp creatures no matter what.

And Leftists have never met with anyone to do exactly the same thing?

Sorry when did Leftists become Clean? Leftists have been Dirty for decades. Hypocrisy Is Thy Name.

Oh and no actual laws were broken regarding the contents of that Donald Trump Jr. email, also the lawyer woman was very possibly a Democratic plant and she has also said that she has NO connection to the Russian Government.

There are pictures of her sitting with Obama and Hillary's people, not that Leftist Moonbats are bothered about that sort of thing.
That didn't take long... Once it was revealed the Russian lawyer wasn't connected to the Kremlin, was brought into the country by Loretta Lynch as a Fusion GPS operative, and got laughed out of Trump Tower. When are you mopes going to realize you can't touch Trump. MAGA!


You conservatives still don't get it. The woman could have been a burger king employee. The point is that Junior met with that woman with the intent of gaining information about an opponent from a foreign entity.

But it doesn't matter. Its clear you Trumpsters will support him and his swamp creatures no matter what.

great. now apply that bold standard to all sides, please. if it's a big problem to fix, then lets fix it so NO ONE can or should do this. if only a wish and liberal dream, move on. this one is almost off life support.
The lefts reaction to the Trump victory last November...

America is crying tonight
Everybody is crying and so upset
It feels like the end of the world
I was slowly getting drunk
How did this happen
Get your abortions now
Your not having a terrible terrible dream
This is a different earth today
Decency lost last night
This was a white lash
It is a moment filled with fear
It was a rough night people are worried
Is there a doomsday plan
I can't put a happy face on that
This is the first time where I'm officially shitting my pants
From slavery to Nazism
Hillary was the most qualified candidate :crybaby:
Impeach or Assasinate Trump was a major reaction the night of his election.

And that should tell you all you need about

MUH Resistance
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Another GOTCHA moments dissolves in front of our sleazy communists. Not a one of them can site a statute that's been broken, or one that even exists. Yet they're sure Junior should be dragged off in chains for something Hillary and her minions did daily. Some meeting...Jared left almost immediately and Manafort was on his phone the whole 20 minutes....we're talking some real foreign intrigue here!
There are 4,500 laws on the federal books. No one is going to have trouble coming up with one at the right time. With that many laws, I'm not surprised that's how they came up with the saying, throwing the book at you.
There are 4,500 laws on the federal books. No one is going to have trouble coming up with one at the right time. With that many laws, I'm not surprised that's how they came up with the saying, throwing the book at you.

Freedom of speech and the right to assembly TRUMPS any hairbrain "conspiracy" of people meeting to share information. If that weren't the case, every Congressman and lobbyist in D.C. could be charged with violating the Espionage Act for meeting with foreigners. Trump was the target of a sting operation by the Obama administration and like all their operations, it was clumsy and didn't work.
That didn't take long... Once it was revealed the Russian lawyer wasn't connected to the Kremlin, was brought into the country by Loretta Lynch as a Fusion GPS operative, and got laughed out of Trump Tower. When are you mopes going to realize you can't touch Trump. MAGA!


Seriously, Comey, Loretta, Lynch and Susan Rice need to go to Jail.
Hillary should already be there, but for Comey and Lynch conspiring to Obstruct Justice, Tamper with Evidence, and Collude
And Soros needs deported to Russia to face his Election Fraud and Election tampering charges.

I agree

These ones here, plus the one you mentioned, plus many more Demrats..rats

It's about time!

That didn't take long... Once it was revealed the Russian lawyer wasn't connected to the Kremlin, was brought into the country by Loretta Lynch as a Fusion GPS operative, and got laughed out of Trump Tower. When are you mopes going to realize you can't touch Trump. MAGA!


You conservatives still don't get it. The woman could have been a burger king employee. The point is that Junior met with that woman with the intent of gaining information about an opponent from a foreign entity.

But it doesn't matter. Its clear you Trumpsters will support him and his swamp creatures no matter what.

Quote the actual language of the law (any law) which makes it a crime to meet with someone from ANY country (including Russia) to see what dirt they might have on a political opponent.

Can you do that?
That didn't take long... Once it was revealed the Russian lawyer wasn't connected to the Kremlin, was brought into the country by Loretta Lynch as a Fusion GPS operative, and got laughed out of Trump Tower. When are you mopes going to realize you can't touch Trump. MAGA!


You conservatives still don't get it. The woman could have been a burger king employee. The point is that Junior met with that woman with the intent of gaining information about an opponent from a foreign entity.

But it doesn't matter. Its clear you Trumpsters will support him and his swamp creatures no matter what.

Quote the actual language of the law (any law) which makes it a crime to meet with someone from ANY country (including Russia) to see what dirt they might have on a political opponent.

Can you do that?

(a)ProhibitionIt shall be unlawful for—
(1)a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make—
a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;
52 U.S. Code § 30121 - Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

But like I said before. Its no use. Trump supporters will support him no matter what he or his family does. Its futile.

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