Donald Jr. "Bombshell" Another Dud

That didn't take long... Once it was revealed the Russian lawyer wasn't connected to the Kremlin, was brought into the country by Loretta Lynch as a Fusion GPS operative, and got laughed out of Trump Tower. When are you mopes going to realize you can't touch Trump. MAGA!


You conservatives still don't get it. The woman could have been a burger king employee. The point is that Junior met with that woman with the intent of gaining information about an opponent from a foreign entity.

But it doesn't matter. Its clear you Trumpsters will support him and his swamp creatures no matter what.

Quote the actual language of the law (any law) which makes it a crime to meet with someone from ANY country (including Russia) to see what dirt they might have on a political opponent.

Can you do that?

(a)ProhibitionIt shall be unlawful for—
(1)a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make—
a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;
52 U.S. Code § 30121 - Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

But like I said before. Its no use. Trump supporters will support him no matter what he or his family does. Its futile.


I love the interwebs!

Anything of Value Law and Legal Definition
Anything of value refers to any goods that have a certain utility to the recipient that is real and that is ordinarily not given away free but is purchased.

The following is an example of a state law on anything of value:

Anything of value includes the following:

a. a pecuniary item, including money, or a bank bill or note;

b. a promissory note, bill of exchange, order, draft, warrant, check, or bond given for the payment of money;

c. a contract, agreement, promise, or other obligation for an advance, conveyance, forgiveness of indebtedness, deposit, distribution, loan, payment, gift, pledge, or transfer of money;


Anything of value does NOT include:

a. a campaign contribution properly received and reported, if reportable;

b. compensation, food, beverages, entertainment, transportation, lodging, or other goods or services extended to a legislator by the legislator's private employer or by a person other than a legislative agent or employer;

c. a usual and customary commercial loan made in the ordinary course of business, without regard to the recipient's status as a legislator, and by a person or institution authorized by law to engage in the business of making loans;

d. informational or promotional items;

e. educational items;

f. food and beverages consumed on the premises;

g. the cost of attendance or participation, and of food and beverages consumed, at events;

h. gifts from a person related by blood or marriage or a member of the legislator's household;

i. a gift that is not used and no later than thirty (30) days after receipt, is returned to the donor;

j. the cost, paid, reimbursed, raised, or obtained by the Legislative Research Commission, for attendance or participation, and for food and beverages consumed at, and funds, goods, and services provided for conducting events sponsored or coordinated by multistate or national organizations of, or including, state governments, state legislatures, or state legislators if the attendance and expenditures by the legislator are approved in advance by the Legislative Research Commission;

k. the cost of attendance or participation provided by the sponsoring entity, of lodging, and of food and beverages consumed, at events sponsored by or in conjunction with a civic, charitable, governmental, trade association, or community organization if the event is held within the state;

l. a gift or gifts from one member of the General Assembly to another member of the General Assembly;

m. anything for which the recipient pays or gives full value; or

n. any service spontaneously extended to a legislator in an emergency situation. [KRS § 6.611]
That didn't take long... Once it was revealed the Russian lawyer wasn't connected to the Kremlin, was brought into the country by Loretta Lynch as a Fusion GPS operative, and got laughed out of Trump Tower. When are you mopes going to realize you can't touch Trump. MAGA!

How do you know the facts as you stated them, Einstein. Personally, I think you are a lying piece of dog manure
Outstanding!!!! A high quality personal attack masquerading as a commentary.
That didn't take long... Once it was revealed the Russian lawyer wasn't connected to the Kremlin, was brought into the country by Loretta Lynch as a Fusion GPS operative, and got laughed out of Trump Tower. When are you mopes going to realize you can't touch Trump. MAGA!

Breaking: Conservative guy from forum says that accusations against conservative person are a "dud."
Dud? Lol. I'd say it's going nicely.
It's going to be hilarious to read what you post when Mueller releases the result of his investigation finding ZERO evidence of any Trump campaign collusion.
You and your LIB morons will be posting hundreds of reasons Mueller couldn't find the 'Truth' even though now you and your LIB moron friends are claiming Mueller is the "best most qualified most trusted most honest and incorruptible" person on the planet to 'get Trump'.
That didn't take long... Once it was revealed the Russian lawyer wasn't connected to the Kremlin, was brought into the country by Loretta Lynch as a Fusion GPS operative, and got laughed out of Trump Tower. When are you mopes going to realize you can't touch Trump. MAGA!


You conservatives still don't get it. The woman could have been a burger king employee. The point is that Junior met with that woman with the intent of gaining information about an opponent from a foreign entity.

But it doesn't matter. Its clear you Trumpsters will support him and his swamp creatures no matter what.

Quote the actual language of the law (any law) which makes it a crime to meet with someone from ANY country (including Russia) to see what dirt they might have on a political opponent.

Can you do that?

(a)ProhibitionIt shall be unlawful for—
(1)a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make—
a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;
52 U.S. Code § 30121 - Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

But like I said before. Its no use. Trump supporters will support him no matter what he or his family does. Its futile.

So dip shit. Err.... Stalin's Butt Plug.

Exactly what thing of value was given to Trump Jr.?

"Contributions and Donations" equals monetary donations like the ones Clinton took from Russia $125 Million dollars, and she took from Saudi Arabia $100 Million dollars or the $2 Million Clinton accepted from China (TIGHTWADS!)

Obama Unethically accepted $64 Million Dollars from a Russian Backed Publishing Company for a book he hasn't written yet . They also include gifts, like a watch, or a free night at a spa, or a free trip and hotel stay. "Things of Value" can include STOCKS, like Podesta accepted from Russia, or like The Russian Stocks Schiff has.

It does not include annoying the phuck out of Trump Jr. and wasting his time, and then getting thrown out of Trump Tower.

If running your mouth and contributing nothing of value were actually considered something of value, then you'd be a millionaire for your contributions here.

When you eat Hillary's Snatch does it smell like a rotting clam? Or are you more in to gobbling Obama Bin Lying's Snausage?
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That didn't take long... Once it was revealed the Russian lawyer wasn't connected to the Kremlin, was brought into the country by Loretta Lynch as a Fusion GPS operative, and got laughed out of Trump Tower. When are you mopes going to realize you can't touch Trump. MAGA!

How do you know the facts as you stated them, Einstein. Personally, I think you are a lying piece of dog manure
We know because the facts are documented with official government paperwork.

It sucks to be wrong so often, doesn't it?
That didn't take long... Once it was revealed the Russian lawyer wasn't connected to the Kremlin, was brought into the country by Loretta Lynch as a Fusion GPS operative, and got laughed out of Trump Tower. When are you mopes going to realize you can't touch Trump. MAGA!

Breaking: Conservative guy from forum says that accusations against conservative person are a "dud."
Break News: You are a Troll... Goodbye.
That didn't take long... Once it was revealed the Russian lawyer wasn't connected to the Kremlin, was brought into the country by Loretta Lynch as a Fusion GPS operative, and got laughed out of Trump Tower. When are you mopes going to realize you can't touch Trump. MAGA!

How do you know the facts as you stated them, Einstein. Personally, I think you are a lying piece of dog manure
We know because the facts are documented with official government paperwork.

It sucks to be wrong so often, doesn't it?
And now we find out that a former Russian intelligence officer with close ties to the Kremlin also attended this meeting. WOW, what will be revealed next
That didn't take long... Once it was revealed the Russian lawyer wasn't connected to the Kremlin, was brought into the country by Loretta Lynch as a Fusion GPS operative, and got laughed out of Trump Tower. When are you mopes going to realize you can't touch Trump. MAGA!


You conservatives still don't get it. The woman could have been a burger king employee. The point is that Junior met with that woman with the intent of gaining information about an opponent from a foreign entity.

But it doesn't matter. Its clear you Trumpsters will support him and his swamp creatures no matter what.

Quote the actual language of the law (any law) which makes it a crime to meet with someone from ANY country (including Russia) to see what dirt they might have on a political opponent.

Can you do that?
Quote the law that says Donald Trump Junior's word is Gospel. That's what he said he went there for but that doesn't mean it's true. Why are you so anxious to accept that as truth when you know the whole Trump Administration, family and friends are liars.
That didn't take long... Once it was revealed the Russian lawyer wasn't connected to the Kremlin, was brought into the country by Loretta Lynch as a Fusion GPS operative, and got laughed out of Trump Tower. When are you mopes going to realize you can't touch Trump. MAGA!


You conservatives still don't get it. The woman could have been a burger king employee. The point is that Junior met with that woman with the intent of gaining information about an opponent from a foreign entity.

But it doesn't matter. Its clear you Trumpsters will support him and his swamp creatures no matter what.

Quote the actual language of the law (any law) which makes it a crime to meet with someone from ANY country (including Russia) to see what dirt they might have on a political opponent.

Can you do that?

(a)ProhibitionIt shall be unlawful for—
(1)a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make—
a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;
52 U.S. Code § 30121 - Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

But like I said before. Its no use. Trump supporters will support him no matter what he or his family does. Its futile.

So dip shit. Err.... Stalin's Butt Plug.

Exactly what thing of value was given to Trump Jr.?

"Contributions and Donations" equals monetary donations like the ones Clinton took from Russia $125 Million dollars, and she took from Saudi Arabia $100 Million dollars or the $2 Million Clinton accepted from China (TIGHTWADS!)

Obama Unethically accepted $64 Million Dollars from a Russian Backed Publishing Company for a book he hasn't written yet . They also include gifts, like a watch, or a free night at a spa, or a free trip and hotel stay. "Things of Value" can include STOCKS, like Podesta accepted from Russia, or like The Russian Stocks Schiff has.

It does not include annoying the phuck out of Trump Jr. and wasting his time, and then getting thrown out of Trump Tower.

If running your mouth and contributing nothing of value were actually considered something of value, then you'd be a millionaire for your contributions here.

When you eat Hillary's Snatch does it smell like a rotting clam? Or are you more in to gobbling Obama Bin Lying's Snausage?

Do you expect me to post a sensible reply to your insult laden post?

Stalin's butt plug? Lol. Thats a new one. And why are you so obsessed with Hilary's and Obama's genitals. Seems like you have some hidden sexual fantasies about them.
That didn't take long... Once it was revealed the Russian lawyer wasn't connected to the Kremlin, was brought into the country by Loretta Lynch as a Fusion GPS operative, and got laughed out of Trump Tower. When are you mopes going to realize you can't touch Trump. MAGA!


You conservatives still don't get it. The woman could have been a burger king employee. The point is that Junior met with that woman with the intent of gaining information about an opponent from a foreign entity.

But it doesn't matter. Its clear you Trumpsters will support him and his swamp creatures no matter what.

Quote the actual language of the law (any law) which makes it a crime to meet with someone from ANY country (including Russia) to see what dirt they might have on a political opponent.

Can you do that?
Quote the law that says Donald Trump Junior's word is Gospel. That's what he said he went there for but that doesn't mean it's true. Why are you so anxious to accept that as truth when you know the whole Trump Administration, family and friends are liars.
We learn more lies each day.
That didn't take long... Once it was revealed the Russian lawyer wasn't connected to the Kremlin, was brought into the country by Loretta Lynch as a Fusion GPS operative, and got laughed out of Trump Tower. When are you mopes going to realize you can't touch Trump. MAGA!


You conservatives still don't get it. The woman could have been a burger king employee. The point is that Junior met with that woman with the intent of gaining information about an opponent from a foreign entity.

But it doesn't matter. Its clear you Trumpsters will support him and his swamp creatures no matter what.

Quote the actual language of the law (any law) which makes it a crime to meet with someone from ANY country (including Russia) to see what dirt they might have on a political opponent.

Can you do that?
Quote the law that says Donald Trump Junior's word is Gospel. That's what he said he went there for but that doesn't mean it's true. Why are you so anxious to accept that as truth when you know the whole Trump Administration, family and friends are liars.
We learn more lies each day.
Your response is rather ambiguous. Are you friend or Foe.
That didn't take long... Once it was revealed the Russian lawyer wasn't connected to the Kremlin, was brought into the country by Loretta Lynch as a Fusion GPS operative, and got laughed out of Trump Tower. When are you mopes going to realize you can't touch Trump. MAGA!


You conservatives still don't get it. The woman could have been a burger king employee. The point is that Junior met with that woman with the intent of gaining information about an opponent from a foreign entity.

But it doesn't matter. Its clear you Trumpsters will support him and his swamp creatures no matter what.

Quote the actual language of the law (any law) which makes it a crime to meet with someone from ANY country (including Russia) to see what dirt they might have on a political opponent.

Can you do that?

(a)ProhibitionIt shall be unlawful for—
(1)a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make—
a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;
52 U.S. Code § 30121 - Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

But like I said before. Its no use. Trump supporters will support him no matter what he or his family does. Its futile.

So dip shit. Err.... Stalin's Butt Plug.

Exactly what thing of value was given to Trump Jr.?

"Contributions and Donations" equals monetary donations like the ones Clinton took from Russia $125 Million dollars, and she took from Saudi Arabia $100 Million dollars or the $2 Million Clinton accepted from China (TIGHTWADS!)

Obama Unethically accepted $64 Million Dollars from a Russian Backed Publishing Company for a book he hasn't written yet . They also include gifts, like a watch, or a free night at a spa, or a free trip and hotel stay. "Things of Value" can include STOCKS, like Podesta accepted from Russia, or like The Russian Stocks Schiff has.

It does not include annoying the phuck out of Trump Jr. and wasting his time, and then getting thrown out of Trump Tower.

If running your mouth and contributing nothing of value were actually considered something of value, then you'd be a millionaire for your contributions here.

When you eat Hillary's Snatch does it smell like a rotting clam? Or are you more in to gobbling Obama Bin Lying's Snausage?

Do you expect me to post a sensible reply to your insult laden post?

Stalin's butt plug? Lol. Thats a new one. And why are you so obsessed with Hilary's and Obama's genitals. Seems like you have some hidden sexual fantasies about them.
The only sexual fantasies I have about Obama and Clinton occur in Prison with them being someone else's bitch!
You conservatives still don't get it. The woman could have been a burger king employee. The point is that Junior met with that woman with the intent of gaining information about an opponent from a foreign entity.

But it doesn't matter. Its clear you Trumpsters will support him and his swamp creatures no matter what.

Quote the actual language of the law (any law) which makes it a crime to meet with someone from ANY country (including Russia) to see what dirt they might have on a political opponent.

Can you do that?

(a)ProhibitionIt shall be unlawful for—
(1)a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make—
a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;
52 U.S. Code § 30121 - Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

But like I said before. Its no use. Trump supporters will support him no matter what he or his family does. Its futile.

So dip shit. Err.... Stalin's Butt Plug.

Exactly what thing of value was given to Trump Jr.?

"Contributions and Donations" equals monetary donations like the ones Clinton took from Russia $125 Million dollars, and she took from Saudi Arabia $100 Million dollars or the $2 Million Clinton accepted from China (TIGHTWADS!)

Obama Unethically accepted $64 Million Dollars from a Russian Backed Publishing Company for a book he hasn't written yet . They also include gifts, like a watch, or a free night at a spa, or a free trip and hotel stay. "Things of Value" can include STOCKS, like Podesta accepted from Russia, or like The Russian Stocks Schiff has.

It does not include annoying the phuck out of Trump Jr. and wasting his time, and then getting thrown out of Trump Tower.

If running your mouth and contributing nothing of value were actually considered something of value, then you'd be a millionaire for your contributions here.

When you eat Hillary's Snatch does it smell like a rotting clam? Or are you more in to gobbling Obama Bin Lying's Snausage?

Do you expect me to post a sensible reply to your insult laden post?

Stalin's butt plug? Lol. Thats a new one. And why are you so obsessed with Hilary's and Obama's genitals. Seems like you have some hidden sexual fantasies about them.
The only sexual fantasies I have about Obama and Clinton occur in Prison with them being someone else's bitch!
trump and his cabal will be there long before anyone else.
That didn't take long... Once it was revealed the Russian lawyer wasn't connected to the Kremlin, was brought into the country by Loretta Lynch as a Fusion GPS operative, and got laughed out of Trump Tower. When are you mopes going to realize you can't touch Trump. MAGA!

Poor dum dum. Just found out there was a Russian Counter Intelligence Agency stooge also in the room. And it wasn't Manafort, Trump or Jarrod.
That didn't take long... Once it was revealed the Russian lawyer wasn't connected to the Kremlin, was brought into the country by Loretta Lynch as a Fusion GPS operative, and got laughed out of Trump Tower. When are you mopes going to realize you can't touch Trump. MAGA!

Poor dum dum. Just found out there was a Russian Counter Intelligence Agency stooge also in the room. And it wasn't Manafort, Trump or Jarrod.

That changes. . .


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