Donald Trump Makes The Media & Marxist Subversives Come Unhinged, Unglued, Spasmodic and Apoplectic…


Me? An unhinged subversive?

Hardly, well, I can see how a Brown Shirt circa 1930 in Germany might find my comment to be subversive, but aren't you an American, at least by birth if not by allegiance?

You forgot a veteran and patriot... I would think YOU would have remembered...apparently not!

I'm a Navy Vet ('67 to '69) and have sworn three times to support and defend COTUS.

"to support and defend COITUS"

There, I've corrected your spelling error :wink:

Is that a clitorical comment?

Lol :rofl:
Donald Trump is an embarrassment to all Americans, even to those who support him and couldn't see a demagogue if it hit them in the face.


Me? An unhinged subversive?

Hardly, well, I can see how a Brown Shirt circa 1930 in Germany might find my comment to be subversive, but aren't you an American, at least by birth if not by allegiance?

You forgot a veteran and patriot... I would think YOU would have remembered...apparently not!

I'm a Navy Vet ('67 to '69) and have sworn three times to support and defend COTUS.

I guess during your service you had a MENTAL condition from war, fortunately, men like Hossfly, and I just took care of business in the jungle!

And I slept in a warm rack, had hot meals and defended our shores from the Viet Cong, who we were promised had WMD's ... oops, wrong war, wrong promise, similar lies.
Trump is also making the Crazies support him.

And the suicidal that LACK COMMON SENSE attack him!

Trump wants to restrict Americans based on their religion, which is a violation of The Constitution.

Why do you hate America, RINO?
Did I already post this here, or did you NOT read it... Bullshitter?...YOU are NOT a Constitutional scholar, you are NOT any kind of scholar!

  • Top Scholars Say Trump Muslim Immigrant Ban May Be Constitutional ^ | Dec. 8, 2015 | Steven Nelson
    Almost every public figure appraising Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump s proposed moratorium on Muslim immigration and travel to the U.S. has reacted with horror, but the ban would not necessarily be unconstitutional, experts say. Recent U.S. immigration history, in fact, is full of examples of discrimination against minority groups. Throughout the Cold War, non-citizen socialists were deported, and gays could be booted as "sexual deviants" until 1990. An entry ban on HIV-positive people wasn't fully repealed until 2010. Harvard Law School professor Gerald Neuman, co-director of the school s human rights program, says the idea is “discriminatory in a...

Me? An unhinged subversive?

Hardly, well, I can see how a Brown Shirt circa 1930 in Germany might find my comment to be subversive, but aren't you an American, at least by birth if not by allegiance?

You forgot a veteran and patriot... I would think YOU would have remembered...apparently not!

I'm a Navy Vet ('67 to '69) and have sworn three times to support and defend COTUS.

I guess during your service you had a MENTAL condition from war, fortunately, men like Hossfly, and I just took care of business in the jungle!

And I slept in a warm rack, had hot meals and defended our shores from the Viet Cong, who we were promised had WMD's ... oops, wrong war, wrong promise, similar lies.

Proving my supposition of you having a MENTAL condition! I'm almost always right!
Me? An unhinged subversive?

Hardly, well, I can see how a Brown Shirt circa 1930 in Germany might find my comment to be subversive, but aren't you an American, at least by birth if not by allegiance?

You forgot a veteran and patriot... I would think YOU would have remembered...apparently not!

I'm a Navy Vet ('67 to '69) and have sworn three times to support and defend COTUS.

I guess during your service you had a MENTAL condition from war, fortunately, men like Hossfly, and I just took care of business in the jungle!

And I slept in a warm rack, had hot meals and defended our shores from the Viet Cong, who we were promised had WMD's ... oops, wrong war, wrong promise, similar lies.

Proving my supposition of you having a MENTAL condition! I'm almost always right!

I enlisted; were you drafted?
Yes, married with a pregnant wife, but that didn't matter!
Hey Vagifail

Did I already post this here, or did you NOT read it... Bullshitter?...YOU are NOT a Constitutional scholar, you are NOT any kind of scholar!

That article that you posted refers to non-citizens and aliens, not American citizens.

Throughout the Cold War, non-citizen socialists were deported, and gays could be booted as "sexual deviants" until 1990. An entry ban on HIV-positive people wasn't fully repealed until 2010. ...

The plenary power doctrine, explains UCLA law professor Eugene Volokh, “basically says all bets are off, constitutionally speaking, when it comes to admission of aliens to the United States, [and] historically we have discriminated based on race, national origin and speech.​

Trump said he would include bans on American citizens.

But when asked by The Hill newspaper whether Trump’s theoretical ban “would include Muslim-American citizens currently abroad,” spokeswoman Hope Hicks replied: “Mr. Trump says, ‘Everyone.’”​

Donald Trump calls for ‘total and complete shutdown’ of Muslims entering U.S.

A ban on Americans' travels because of their religion is in clear violation of the first amendment.

Why do you hate The Constitution and America, RINO?

The dream of the Donald.

Did he win a Nobel Peace Prize as well?
Has anyone heard from the Hildebeast...has she had ANY MSM coverage, or for that matter any other Republican candidate?.... A Majority of American's KNOW Trump is right, it's just interesting seeing all the :ahole-1:'s HEAD EXPLODE! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Conservative Treehouse ^ | December 8, 2015
Too funny. Every channel, every broadcast, every station, every radio air wave: “Trump said”…. “Trump ban”… “Trump said”… “Trump ban”… wall-to-wall, everywhere, e.v.e.r.y.w.h.e.r.e ! ‘Splodey’s, ‘Splodey’s, ‘Splodey’s


This actually plays into Hillary's hand.

The less she says the better. Hell, all she has to do is have a pulse election day and is guaranteed about half the votes.

Then again, when I look at Bernie Sanders, I'm not even sure a pulse is a prerequisite for becoming elected.
Has anyone heard from the Hildebeast...has she had ANY MSM coverage, or for that matter any other Republican candidate?.... A Majority of American's KNOW Trump is right, it's just interesting seeing all the :ahole-1:'s HEAD EXPLODE! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Conservative Treehouse ^ | December 8, 2015
Too funny. Every channel, every broadcast, every station, every radio air wave: “Trump said”…. “Trump ban”… “Trump said”… “Trump ban”… wall-to-wall, everywhere, e.v.e.r.y.w.h.e.r.e ! ‘Splodey’s, ‘Splodey’s, ‘Splodey’s


Than You ClownBoy! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Big damned difference, I'm not running for president of the United states, fool:banana:

No, ONE DUMB NEGRO, especially one of your ILK, is MORE than the country could possibly take!

Still haven't got over Obama winning twice by a landslide can you? tsk, tsk:dance:
Trump, in his own way, is able to magnify the failure that our political system has been and is.............

All the crowd who are out there bashing Trump, the thing that they're ignoring because they simply cannot handle the thought, is that much of what Trump says is resonating with a great portion of the American public....I might add also here in Europe, there's many Europeans like myself who really like Donald Trump.

He's very refreshing because he's honest and he's actually telling it like it is and that's why people flock to him. He's got the courage to publically say what many more are thinking and he's not apologising for being brilliantly anti-politically correct.

Look at the rest of them, apart from say Ted Cruz....Jeb, the point of Jeb Bush is exactly what? Lindsey Graham? Get out of here....Marco Rubio? Has he consulted with his PR team today yet so they can tell him what to say?

Of course he's being honest, but I would bet my last dollar after all this shit is over, ol boy better be watching his back!! NY is filled to the brim with latino's and muslims.

I'm sure The Donald is aware, hopefully he's got a hardcore protection unit watching his back.

All racist should, just sayin
Trump supporters just need to line up, spritz your hair, put on your lipstick, rub Vaseline where the sun don't shine, and hand Hillary the Oval Office. That is just how stupid and naive you are.

He is doing nothing but splitting the GOP which will hand Hillary her victory. Just stamp "tool" on your forehead and move along

Perhaps the TRUTH in what Trump says WILL cause a THIRD PARTY, the TRUMPNADO'S could certainly become a real political power!... It could CERTAINLY make the Republican establishment irrelevant for the foreseeable future!

Maybe but not in 2016. So take your fat ass and hand it to Hillary because shifts like that move at glacial speeds.
I can't talk for anyone else, but I'm willing to let Hillary win, and watch this country turn into Kenya..... You FOOLS don't know how to do an ecomomy, and certainly will sooner or later RUN OUT of other peoples money!
Uh, hate to inform you pal, but every time a fuckin republican leaves the white house, they leave this country with shit to clean up.....Oh and one of us left you losers with a surplus you screwed up to boot!!! So stop hating on democrats, its the GOP-igs that fuck this country up!!

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