Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time

Nowhere did I say those were the only taxes I paid in 2017.
Sure you did...otherwise you never would have mentioned 2017. It had nothing to do with the conversation (as you noted yourself).

You exposed your ignorance and the fact that you mooch off of society (like all progressives do). If you’re so ashamed about it, do something about it. Don’t rant at me on a message board because you’re a parasite and clueless about taxes. That is completely on you.

I mentioned 2017 because the fucking check I sent was for the taxes for 2017. Why is this so hard for you to understand?

I sent them a check for the 2017 taxes because the amount withheld does not cover my total tax liability. That is what happens when you have a high income and low deductions...two things you will never understand or experience.
I mentioned 2017 because the fucking check I sent was for the taxes for 2017. Why is this so hard for you to understand?
You mentioned 2017 because you are a typical ignorant progressive parasite who mooches off of society, and thus doesn’t have a single clue about taxes. got caught. It’s there for everyone to see. You’re clearly clueless about taxes and how they work. It’s ok. All progressive parasites are.
I sent them a check for the 2017 taxes because the amount withheld does not cover my total tax liability. That is what happens when you have a high income and low deductions...two things you will never understand or experience.
More indisputable proof that you are a progressive parasite mooching off society. One could make $100,000,000 per year and they still wouldn’t have to write a check in April. It’s not predicated on your income. It’s predicated on your exemptions. If you choose 0, they will pull out more than they should and you’ll receive a refund at the end of the year. If you choose 3, you better have the deductions to cover that or you will owe at the end of the year.

I love when lying liberal losers pretend to be high rollers and get caught :lmao:
President Trump continues to amaze. If he keeps this up, he will unquestionably go down as the greatest U.S. president ever. Saving tax payer dollars, rooting out corruption, and doing it by utilizing Executive Orders in the constitutional fashion that they were intended to be used.
Last Friday, the president signed an executive order requiring that federal government employees who work full-time for the public employee unions at taxpayer expense spend at least 75% of their paid time on the government’s business. The administration estimates this will save taxpayers $100 million.
It is a shame that the left revels in waste, fraud, and abuse for their own selfish gain. So thankful that the adults are back in charge once again.

Trump Puts an End to Taxpayer Subsidies for Unions
President Trump continues to amaze. If he keeps this up, he will unquestionably go down as the greatest U.S. president ever.
"The Trump administration cares about state sovereignty and federalism, and many of these [nominees] are steeped in state law," says The Heritage Foundation's John Malcolm.
In a billion years, I never would have guessed that Donald Trump - of all people - would be the one to restore constitutional government. It is a breath of fresh air after 8 years of having a tyrannical federal government lead by ego maniac Obama (who felt he was the ultimate authority on everything).

Trump Taps State Farm Team in Remaking Federal Courts
This was long overdue. Thank God President Trump was elected instead of Hitlery Clinton. The left lives for population control. So nice to see a president willing to give people a chance to live.
On Wednesday, President Trump signed the "right-to-try” bill, which now permits terminally ill patients to gain access to experimental medical treatments not yet approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
If one is terminally ill and going to die anyway - who gives a shit whether something experimental has been “approved”. Give it a try. The results can’t be any worse.

FIGHTING FOR LIFE: Trump Signs Right-To-Try Bill
President Trump has had the best first year and a half of any president since Thomas Jefferson...
The federal government cut 3,000 jobs in May and federal employment has now dropped by 24,000 since President Donald Trump took office, according to data released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Reducing the size of government while increasing employment across the U.S. What an incredible job this man has done thus far.

Trump Has Cut Federal Payroll by 24,000 Jobs
President Trump continues to amaze. If he keeps this up, he will unquestionably go down as the greatest U.S. president ever.
African-American unemployment has fallen dramatically from 7.8% when Trump took office to 6.6% in April, and now to 5.9%. This represents a record low.
Along with Republicans across the nation, President Trump has definitely “Made America Great Again”. Unemployment is way down. Incomes are up. Liberties have been expanded. Constitutional government has been restored. Rule of law is in effect again.

3 Million People Have Found Jobs Since Trump Took Office
You and your kind remind me of the early years of the 30's. So much noise and so little substance but enamored allegiance to one person. The desire to keep people out of the nation and subject those you scorn to deportation.
What a sad lot.
The Donald, our greatest President since the Founding Fathers, is going to sign a peace document with Mr. Kim from North Korea momentarily! This is an historic day and a great day to be a proud America under the command of the world's greatest leader, President Trump! :)
The world laughed at Barack Insane Obama and mocked him. The world greatly respects President Trump. What he has achieved in a year and half with progressives trying to undermine everything, is nothing short of astounding.


Trump Says He Will ‘Absolutely’ Invite Kim Jong Un to the White House
President Trump continues to amaze. If he keeps this up, he will unquestionably go down as the greatest U.S. president ever.
A black pastor is predicting President Donald Trump will down in history as one of the “greatest civil rights presidents in modern history.”
It’s nice to see the African-American community waking up to the realization that the Dumbocrats have kept them in a state of perpetual poverty.

Black Pastor Predicts Trump Will Be One of the 'Greatest Civil Rights Presidents'
Obama has already proven he was one of the worst presidents of all time, even worse than Carter..
President Trump continues to amaze. If he keeps this up, he will unquestionably go down as the greatest U.S. president ever.
For the first time, there are more job openings than there are eligible workers to fill them.
This is what happens when you put Republicans in control of everything. They create so many jobs, it surpasses the amount of eligible people in the labor pool.

The U.S. labor shortage is reaching a critical point

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