Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time

I hope the middle class doesn't take it up the nether regions due to this clown's ineptness in economic policy. I think they will. Then, the shit will really hit the fan.
He is so “inept” that his policies have resulted in record highs in the stock market and record lows in unemployment. Only a left-wing hatriot who wants to see America collapse could actually whine about the astounding success we have achieved thanks to President Trump’s policies.

I think you're full of shit. Maybe you can prove the cheerleader nonsense you spew. Doubtful.
I hope the middle class doesn't take it up the nether regions due to this clown's ineptness in economic policy. I think they will. Then, the shit will really hit the fan.
He is so “inept” that his policies have resulted in record highs in the stock market and record lows in unemployment. Only a left-wing hatriot who wants to see America collapse could actually whine about the astounding success we have achieved thanks to President Trump’s policies.

I think you're full of shit. Maybe you can prove the cheerleader nonsense you spew. Doubtful.

Prove the highs in the stock market and record lows in unemployment?! about turning on the television (although probably not CNN), maybe reading a newspaper...dumbass.
I hope the middle class doesn't take it up the nether regions due to this clown's ineptness in economic policy. I think they will. Then, the shit will really hit the fan.
He is so “inept” that his policies have resulted in record highs in the stock market and record lows in unemployment. Only a left-wing hatriot who wants to see America collapse could actually whine about the astounding success we have achieved thanks to President Trump’s policies.

I think you're full of shit. Maybe you can prove the cheerleader nonsense you spew. Doubtful.

Prove the highs in the stock market and record lows in unemployment?! about turning on the television (although probably not CNN), maybe reading a newspaper...dumbass.

Prove the market can sustain.. insufferable dumbass.
I hope the middle class doesn't take it up the nether regions due to this clown's ineptness in economic policy. I think they will. Then, the shit will really hit the fan.
He is so “inept” that his policies have resulted in record highs in the stock market and record lows in unemployment. Only a left-wing hatriot who wants to see America collapse could actually whine about the astounding success we have achieved thanks to President Trump’s policies.

I think you're full of shit. Maybe you can prove the cheerleader nonsense you spew. Doubtful.

Prove the highs in the stock market and record lows in unemployment?! about turning on the television (although probably not CNN), maybe reading a newspaper...dumbass.

Prove the market can sustain.. insufferable dumbass.

And do you see the word "sustain" in the post...dumbass.
I hope the middle class doesn't take it up the nether regions due to this clown's ineptness in economic policy. I think they will. Then, the shit will really hit the fan.
He is so “inept” that his policies have resulted in record highs in the stock market and record lows in unemployment. Only a left-wing hatriot who wants to see America collapse could actually whine about the astounding success we have achieved thanks to President Trump’s policies.

I think you're full of shit. Maybe you can prove the cheerleader nonsense you spew. Doubtful.

Prove the highs in the stock market and record lows in unemployment?! about turning on the television (although probably not CNN), maybe reading a newspaper...dumbass.

Prove the market can sustain.. insufferable dumbass.

And do you see the word "sustain" in the post...dumbass.

Reading comprehension is a struggle for you, isn't it, dumbass?
He is so “inept” that his policies have resulted in record highs in the stock market and record lows in unemployment. Only a left-wing hatriot who wants to see America collapse could actually whine about the astounding success we have achieved thanks to President Trump’s policies.

I think you're full of shit. Maybe you can prove the cheerleader nonsense you spew. Doubtful.

Prove the highs in the stock market and record lows in unemployment?! about turning on the television (although probably not CNN), maybe reading a newspaper...dumbass.

Prove the market can sustain.. insufferable dumbass.

And do you see the word "sustain" in the post...dumbass.

Reading comprehension is a struggle for you, isn't it, dumbass?

Right back at cha....dumbass.
The winning continues...just as President Trump promised!
MANCHESTER, N.H. (Reuters) - Enthusiasm for the Democratic Party is waning among millennials as its candidates head into the crucial midterm congressional elections, according to the Reuters/Ipsos national opinion poll.
Yeah...well that is what happens when Republicans deliver unprecedented prosperity while Dumbocrats promise to help illegal aliens, support sexually deviant predators, and provide for parasites.

Exclusive: Democrats lose ground with millennials - Reuters/Ipsos poll
I think you're full of shit. Maybe you can prove the cheerleader nonsense you spew. Doubtful.

Prove the highs in the stock market and record lows in unemployment?! about turning on the television (although probably not CNN), maybe reading a newspaper...dumbass.

Prove the market can sustain.. insufferable dumbass.

And do you see the word "sustain" in the post...dumbass.

Reading comprehension is a struggle for you, isn't it, dumbass?

Right back at cha....dumbass.

Uh, huh. So, when did you decide America needed to be under the rule of lying, authoritarian autocrats? Seems a bit hypocritical of shit you've said previously. Care to elaborate, snowflake?
What President Trump (and the Republicans) have done is nothing short of astounding. They have built one of the best economies in U.S. history...
Throughout the March quarter, Apple has paid over $3.2 billion in dividends, and they have plans to boost those payments up another 16% going forward. And the hits just keep on coming for Apple investors.

Apple has also announced the construction of a new mega-campus, and they’re looking at adding over 20,000 new jobs. Over the next 5 years, they’ll add $350 billion to the US economy.
Nancy Pelosi tried to call the tax cuts "crumbs". The results have not even been the whole bag of bread - they've been the whole damn bakery!!! Record highs in the market. Record lows in unemployment. Companies investing in their people and their infrastructure (just as history has proven over and over and over).

Sorry Nancy Pelosi, Apple’s record-shattering buyback program is proof positive tax breaks work
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It took President Trump just a year and a half to solve the North Korea problem. So much winning - exactly as he said we would.

Kim Jong-un tells South Korea he will abandon nuclear weapons if US promises to not invade
You moron! You can't give Orange Virus credit for this!
The entire world is properly crediting President Trump for “this”, snowflake. :laugh:
“President Trump’s peace through strength policies are working and bringing peace to the Korean Peninsula,” the congressmen write.
Barack Insane Obama set the entire Middle East on fire, alienatied all U.S. allies, and emboldened all U.S. enemies over his 8 year reign of terror. It took President Trump just a year and a half to solve the North Korea problem.

18 House Members Put Trump Up for Nobel Prize
President Trump continues to promote constitutional government, improve the economy, protect the interests of the American people, and restore the rule of law (torn down by Barack Insane Obama and the Dumbocrat).
President Trump has quietly fired the starting gun for a race toward another round of welfare reform by signing Executive Order 13828, which directs his agencies to take a deep dive toward reforming and streamlining welfare programs. The key goals: move more able-bodied adults from welfare to work, crack down on welfare fraud, and preserve resources for the truly needy.
Just about every decision President Trump has made has been the right policy which has resulted in greater prosperity. And he has done it in accordance with the U.S. Constitution - never overstepping his authority.

6 In 10 Able-Bodied Food Stamp Recipients Do Not Work At All
After 8 years of the Obama’s viewing the White House as their ticket to party with elites on the dime of the American people, it is such a pleasure to see leadership illustrate a modest and fiscally responsibile approach to governing.
The fact that first lady Melania Trump eschewed hiring an outside event planner not only signifies personal confidence in her ability to coordinate style and décor, but supports administration policies of reducing the burden of official entertaining on taxpayers.
Thank you Melania Trump for your class, your grace, and most of all - for recognizing the burden placed on tax payers.

Melania Trump Is Already Distinguishing Herself in Planning State Dinner

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