Donald Trump to Skip Second GOP Debate, Chooses to Address Autoworkers in Detroit Instead

This is good news. Trump addressing the Union strikers is paramount. He'll offer solutions that will benefit both sides. Biden has zero solutions to offer.

So, put Michigan in the win column for Trump 2024.

No he isn't. He calls his fat ass out every other day. Tell me something, why is Christie polling so low against Trump with the American people?
This isn't about polls or who's gonna be the nominee. It's about how scared Trump is of Christie's criticism. Trump can't tolerate anybody who doesn't kiss his ass. Christie would embarrass him on stage. And Trump is scared of that. The subject of your homoerotic fantasies is a coward.
He did it substantially in 2020. This next election will be much more appealing to those on the Left who've been brutalized by that damned criminal in the Oval Office and his crackhead son.

No he didn't. Trump didn't do squat for unions, and in fact, much to harm the movement.
Trump is the worst union president ever. Biden is the best.

Trump made it harder to form unions:

Trump appointed anti-union Eugene Scalia to be Labor Secretary:

To critics, the nomination of a labor secretary who built his career fighting unions underscores President Donald Trump’s attacks against organized labor.

But for Trump, it seems appointing Eugene Scalia is a way to continue taking on unions through deregulation and business-centric policies without alienating rank and file union members in key states he’ll need to win reelection in 2020.

Trump nominated anti-union, anti-labor Thomas Farr to the lifetime seat on the United States District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina: The anti-labor roots of Trump's controversial judicial pick

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