Donald Trump Wins UK Parliament Debate!!!!

and as Dr. Savage says in his book , 'liberalism is a mental disease' !!
600,000 Muslim invaders to UK signed a petition and their Muslim lackeys in the Parlaiment lobbied and they still couldn't get Scottish Donald Trump banned. Ha ha ha.

Uh--- he's from Queens. Fittingly.

What Scotland did, besides dealing with his eminent domain edifice complex for that golf :gay: course on the coast of Aberdeen, was take away his honourary degree and his position as a "business ambassador".

I uh, don't think any of the above has jack-khara to do with "Muslims".
Scottish mom.
i'd bet that most of the names on that petition was Obama , osama , amir , amin , moe , Mohamad , Mohamed , Hussein , hassein , yada , yada , yada !! :afro:
i'd bet that most of the names on that petition was Obama , osama , amir , amin , moe , Mohamad , Mohamed , Hussein , hassein , yada , yada , yada !!
Abdul, Achmed, Fatima, Ali, donkey, monkey, Yasser, Nossir, Kareem....
Well if Britain banned Donald Trump, and he was elected President, my guess he would know what to do to make the British wish it never happened.
"How can you have any pudding without having any meat?!"
Pink Floyd, The Wall
600,000 Muslim invaders to UK signed a petition and their Muslim lackeys in the Parlaiment lobbied and they still couldn't get Scottish Donald Trump banned. Ha ha ha.

Uh--- he's from Queens. Fittingly.

What Scotland did, besides dealing with his eminent domain edifice complex for that golf :gay: course on the coast of Aberdeen, was take away his honourary degree and his position as a "business ambassador".

I uh, don't think any of the above has jack-khara to do with "Muslims".
Scottish mom.

When his mom runs for prez --- or for that matter when she describes Mexicans as "rapists", muscles her way into Aberdeen pushing residents around, claims to have seen thousands of New Jerseyans cheering 9/11 on a TV report that doesn't exist, mocks people with congenital conditions or proposes to ban a religion from immigration ---- you let us know. Start a thread. Queens-boy is from ............ Queens.

This thread vaguely reminded me of a statement somebody else made elsewhere in Europe....


Do you notice what I notice?

---- Just like the real Rump, there's no "flush" button.
Well if Britain banned Donald Trump, and he was elected President, my guess he would know what to do to make the British wish it never happened.

And my guess is that's exactly why such a petition would have been started in the first place.

What kind of person is qualified to be the leader of ----- well, anything ---- if he can't take popular criticism? What kind of ego is that insecure?
600,000 Muslim invaders to UK signed a petition and their Muslim lackeys in the Parlaiment lobbied and they still couldn't get Scottish Donald Trump banned. Ha ha ha.

Uh--- he's from Queens. Fittingly.

What Scotland did, besides dealing with his eminent domain edifice complex for that golf :gay: course on the coast of Aberdeen, was take away his honourary degree and his position as a "business ambassador".

I uh, don't think any of the above has jack-khara to do with "Muslims".
Scottish mom.

When his mom runs for prez --- or for that matter when she describes Mexicans as "rapists", muscles her way into Aberdeen pushing residents around, claims to have seen thousands of New Jerseyans cheering 9/11 on a TV report that doesn't exist, mocks people with congenital conditions or proposes to ban a religion from immigration ---- you let us know. Start a thread. Queens-boy is from ............ Queens.

This thread vaguely reminded me of a statement somebody else made elsewhere in Europe....


Do you notice what I notice?

---- Just like the real Rump, there's no "flush" button.
Yada yada yada. His mom is Scottish so he would be looked at the same way a Mexican immigrant's son who is born in the US is, when he visits Mexico.

He didn't call all Mexican illegals rapists or criminals, nor is he against immigration as long as it's LEGAL get it? As far as the Muslims cheering on 9-11, we have discussed this before, I think there is no doubt that according to police reports and news articles there were definitely cheering. It's just leftist nutjobs busy fear mongering and demonizing republicans, accusing them of things they themselves are guilty of.
Well if Britain banned Donald Trump, and he was elected President, my guess he would know what to do to make the British wish it never happened.

And my guess is that's exactly why such a petition would have been started in the first place.

What kind of person is qualified to be the leader of ----- well, anything ---- if he can't take popular criticism? What kind of ego is that insecure?
Well, you just described President Obama to a "T".

Remember how he declared war on Rush Limbaugh when Limbaugh said he hoped Obama would fail.

No other President would have lowered himself to the level of a talk radio personality, but Obama did.

And it was a very foolish thing to do. All the hoo-haw gave Limbaugh a lot of free publicity.
Trump remembers his enemies and forgives none of them. I noticed how Nikki Haley backed off quickly from her condemnations of Trump at the Republican response to the SOTU address.
It would certainly be amusing if they decided to ban Trump from Britain. But it would also remind me how grateful I am to live in a country that's not so full of pussies. Or that the founder's created intending to defend it from pussies.
If you really believe that then you need to join us when we ridicule those students at Princeston University who demand their safe space from opinions they disagree with or Halloween costumes.
i'd bet that most of the names on that petition was Obama , osama , amir , amin , moe , Mohamad , Mohamed , Hussein , hassein , yada , yada , yada !! :afro:
------------------------ and Intolerant may have also signed the petition to stop Trumps Free Speech !!
Well if Britain banned Donald Trump, and he was elected President, my guess he would know what to do to make the British wish it never happened.

And my guess is that's exactly why such a petition would have been started in the first place.

What kind of person is qualified to be the leader of ----- well, anything ---- if he can't take popular criticism? What kind of ego is that insecure?
Well, you just described President Obama to a "T".

Remember how he declared war on Rush Limbaugh when Limbaugh said he hoped Obama would fail.

No other President would have lowered himself to the level of a talk radio personality, but Obama did.

And it was a very foolish thing to do. All the hoo-haw gave Limbaugh a lot of free publicity.

Actually ----- no, I don't remember anything even remotely like that. Since you ask.
600,000 Muslim invaders to UK signed a petition and their Muslim lackeys in the Parlaiment lobbied and they still couldn't get Scottish Donald Trump banned. Ha ha ha.

Uh--- he's from Queens. Fittingly.

What Scotland did, besides dealing with his eminent domain edifice complex for that golf :gay: course on the coast of Aberdeen, was take away his honourary degree and his position as a "business ambassador".

I uh, don't think any of the above has jack-khara to do with "Muslims".
Scottish mom.

When his mom runs for prez --- or for that matter when she describes Mexicans as "rapists", muscles her way into Aberdeen pushing residents around, claims to have seen thousands of New Jerseyans cheering 9/11 on a TV report that doesn't exist, mocks people with congenital conditions or proposes to ban a religion from immigration ---- you let us know. Start a thread. Queens-boy is from ............ Queens.

This thread vaguely reminded me of a statement somebody else made elsewhere in Europe....


Do you notice what I notice?

---- Just like the real Rump, there's no "flush" button.
Yada yada yada. His mom is Scottish so he would be looked at the same way a Mexican immigrant's son who is born in the US is, when he visits Mexico.

He didn't call all Mexican illegals rapists or criminals, nor is he against immigration as long as it's LEGAL get it? As far as the Muslims cheering on 9-11, we have discussed this before, I think there is no doubt that according to police reports and news articles there were definitely cheering. It's just leftist nutjobs busy fear mongering and demonizing republicans, accusing them of things they themselves are guilty of.

He said he saw it on TV. And he said it involved "thousands and thousands". Both of which were and continue to be absolute bullshit.

That is, after all, what he sells.
and as Dr. Savage says in his book , 'liberalism is a mental disease' !!

"Dr."? What's that stand for "Dementer"?

Liberalism is what invented this country. Perhaps he'd be happier a country not founded on it, like North Korea. I bet they haven't banned him. ^ | January 18
Hundreds of years of parliamentary tradition, British expectancy over free speech, and indeed decades of the "special relationship" were tossed out of the window today as hard-line left-wing Members of Parliament, combined with virtue-signalling pseudo-conservatives gathered in a British Parliament committee room to debate banning U.S. Presidential candidate Donald Trump. ... Hands down, Donald Trump won that debate. And he didn't even have to be there.

He didn't "win" jack squat. Six hundred thousand Britons signing on to the petition meant that Parliament had to debate it. And that was the whole point. The People made it happen, so The People "won".

Amazing -- Rump isn't the only entity that can stir attention in the media; The People can do it too. Who knew.

Of course the assclowns applaud the blatant intolerance of freedom of speech shown by the Brits. They all wish they could do it to anyone who doesn't conform to their Agenda.

Trump has shown just how stupid the leftists in Europe are. They are actively trying to "ban" a man that invests millions in their economy and attracts other investors, all while welcoming savage Islamists who contribute nothing but strife and are actively trying to destroy their culture.

The ban fell flat on its face and Trump won.

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