Donald Trump's a broken man whose running a broken presidency. Biden will break him & it'll all end!

You really gotta laugh at the left's "mission accomplished" claim when they managed to get a doddering old radical liberal re-installed as House Speaker.
That old radical will be using Dotard as her new chew toy starting soon. Think Trump is crazy now? "Enjoy the ride"!
Just don't let Biden around wives and daughters
BIDEN?? {G5000}
had no idea sleeping with hookers while your wife is at home nursing your baby is a social conservative principle!

I had no idea three marriages, and cheating on all three wives, was a social conservative principle!

I had no idea bribing your hookers to stay quiet was a social conservative principle!

I had no idea bilking senior citizens at a fraudulent university was a social conservative principle.

And casinos? And contests of the flesh? And reality TV shows which encourage the worst of human failings? These are social conservatism, too? Who knew!?!?
Trump will start losing any minute now. Just listen to his words, he is correct this time!
Start losing? When in the hell did he win? Even Putin helped get him the white house, the man ain't done shit on his own since pulling out of Stormy
When did he win? Has NK launched a new test missle? Have he raised our tariffs on China? Do we have a new surpreme court? Black unemployment? Trump is amazing
Uh, last I heard, NK hasn't done crap to disarm itself and is buying its turn to fool the man baby once again with a fake useless sumit and just for the record, those nukes tested, never did crap anyways.....China can wait us out until Trump actually tells the truth someday and that could be to eternity as for the SC, thanks to Kavy, I gotta feeling liberal thinking is gonna come reigning down just to prove a point, just sayin and black unemployement? Thank you Obama and yes, Trump is amazing, amazing on how he keeps that hair from flying all over his head.
NK hasn’t tested a missle that is amazing! Negotiations take time snow flake... Obama lol thanks for the laughs haha
I'd say it was a miscalculation to stake everything on the wall which only shores up the narrow slice of his most xenophobic, racist supporters. Once elected a president needs to broaden his base, even if he abandons the people who got him elected.
I'd say it was a miscalculation to stake everything on the wall which only shores up the narrow slice of his most xenophobic, racist supporters. Once elected a president needs to broaden his base, even if he abandons the people who got him elected.
Might be nice if he only knew he was to represent all the people and not just dotards

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