Donald Trump’s White House Odds Soar: Highest Chance of Winning Since July, Says Nate Silver


Diamond Member
Jan 30, 2024

Donald Trump’s White House Odds Soar: Highest Chance of Winning Since July, Says Nate Silver​

Wednesday, September 4, 2024 2:39 AM

Former President Donald Trump’s path back to the White House has reached a new high, according to political data analyst Nate Silver. Trump’s odds of reclaiming the presidency have surged, marking his highest chance of victory since July, with a notable +13.7 increase in electoral college probability.

Silver, known for his meticulous data analysis and election predictions, has been closely tracking Trump’s chances against his political rivals. The recent uptick in Trump’s electoral standing reflects a combination of factors, including the former president's continued dominance in Republican polls and his increasing appeal among key voting blocs. This rise in probability signals a growing momentum for Trump as the 2024 presidential race intensifies.

Political observers have pointed to several factors contributing to Trump's rebound in the race. His base of loyal supporters remains strong, and he continues to draw large crowds at rallies across the country. In addition, Trump has capitalized on dissatisfaction with current economic conditions and concerns over President Joe Biden’s handling of key issues like inflation and immigration. These dynamics have helped Trump regain ground in the electoral landscape, giving him his best shot at the presidency in months.
Nate Silver gets paid by right-wing billionaire Peter Thiel now. He's become a joke.

Here, his "model" -- which includes at least one hilariously bad right wing pseudopoll -- says that if the Harris convention bounce fades in the future, then Trump has a better chance. That is, he says that if Harris becomes less popular, she'll be less popular. Good one, Nate!

Big "if" there. The bounce seems to not be fading. It seems to be growing. And it wasn't even a convention bounce. It started well before the convention.

Oh, Nate Silver also trumpeted how a red wave was coming in 2022. He's kind of sucked at predicting lately. Needless to say, his record of failure endears him to the right. It makes them think that's he's just like them.
The former president’s improved odds are also bolstered by his enduring presence in the media. Whether through speeches, interviews, or his active use of social media, Trump has managed to keep his campaign front and center, maintaining a firm grip on the GOP narrative. His message, often focused on economic recovery and national security, resonates with a significant portion of the electorate, particularly those frustrated with the current administration.

Momentum on his side

As the 2024 election draws closer, Trump’s chances of victory will likely continue to fluctuate. But for now, the former president finds himself in a stronger position than at any point since July, with momentum on his side. Whether he can maintain this trajectory remains to be seen, but one thing is clear: Trump is once again a formidable contender in the race for the White House.
Funny how when your opponent’s side is winning it’s all meaningless bullshit, but when it’s your side winning suddenly the data is as reliable as the World Almanac

538 says the poll aggregates show Dr. Oz beating Fetterman by 0.5

Fetterman wins by 5.


The right floods the zone with bad polls now. The left doesn't.
God keeps intervening on behalf of President Trump.

God has already ordained Trump with a priestly ordination of blood. We know without a doubt that Trump will be the next president of the United States in 2024. God chooses!
God keeps intervening on behalf of President Trump.

God has already ordained Trump with a priestly ordination of blood. We know without a doubt that Trump will be the next president of the United States in 2024. God chooses!
So he chose Biden in 2020?

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