Donald Tusk's 'hell' jibe risks turning Britain towards a no-deal Brexit.

The EU leader's musings about a "special place in hell" for those who championed Britain leaving the EU "without a sketch of a plan how to carry it out safely" detonated another bitter row at a particularly delicate moment in the talks.

Brexiteers were incandescent.

Former UKIP leader Nigel Farage dubbed Mr Tusk and his EU colleagues as "unelected, arrogant bullies", Andrea Leadsom, the leader of the House of Commons, called him "spiteful" and Sammy Wilson of the DUP called him a "devilish euro maniac".

"Out of order," was the Home Secretary Sajid Javid's response.
Since it is so overwhelmingly clear that this movement was not thought out as it ought to have been, the proponents have put their nation and Europe through "hell" (great turmoil, stress and pain). They didn't know what they were doing. What do they deserve?
Since it is so overwhelmingly clear that this movement was not thought out as it ought to have been, the proponents have put their nation and Europe through "hell" (great turmoil, stress and pain). They didn't know what they were doing. What do they deserve?
Snowflakes. they hurl shitloads of abuse on the EU and squeal like pigs when they get a bit back.

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