Donatello/Trump/Cruise: The Consumer Chopsticks


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
The sculpture of David the by the renowned Renaissance artist Donatello reveals a certain human appreciation for muscularity and the human physique.

We've just elected a casino-owner as our President, and he's the first celebrity-president since Ronald Reagan. Reagan gave us Reaganomics, so will we now see a 'Trumponomics'?

Here's a mock-dialogue between American movie-star Tom Cruise and Donald Trump about 'consumerism aesthetics.'

I wonder if Tom Cruise would consider running for President...

I'm not going to let 'TrumpUSA' make me cynical about democracy and consumerism!


CRUISE: I liked your casino in Atlantic City, New Jersey (Trump Taj Mahal).
TRUMP: Many people criticized it for being to gaudy.
CRUISE: Nah, I thought it was fun, and I also like EuroDisney.
TRUMP: I like EuroDisney too, but many find it to be too cliched.
CRUISE: I might buy a replica of Donatello's David for my ex-wife Katie Holmes.
TRUMP: You should, since many are saying you parted ways over Scientology...
CRUISE: The media will spin anything!
TRUMP: Are you familiar with Hindu mythology?
CRUISE: I find the deities Krishna, Shiva, and Durga very 'colorful.'
TRUMP: Hinduism was popular with hippies and impacts various designs seen in modern art.
CRUISE: Design-branching is a consideration for modern consumerism, no?
TRUMP: Sure! The mermaid-siren logo for Starbucks is very inspired, don't you think?
CRUISE: Yes. My film Rain Man explored some Big '80s consumerism 'aesthetics' (though lightly).
TRUMP: I wonder if America resents electing a 'casino-baron' as its President!
CRUISE: No, Americans realize the modern world is a Wall Street/Starbucks 'universe.'
TRUMP: China is the only real competitor in the modern free market...
CRUISE: I'm making a film about globalization traffic/politics intrigue called American Made.
TRUMP: If there's an apocalypse, maybe a Hollywood film such as Armageddon will make us...sane!



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