Donald Trump smashes every fundraising record in the book raising $50.5 million dollars in one night

Biden outpaced Trump.

This information is somewhat dated.

It is from back in January, before these last fundraisers.

Here is the DATE;


"Federal filings show the president’s re-election campaign had nearly double the cash on hand of his Republican rival at the end of January."

"President Biden’s re-election campaign ended January with nearly $56 million on hand, extending his cash advantage over former President Donald J. Trump, whose campaign had about $30 million available at the end of the month.

That is a jump for Mr. Biden, who ended 2023 with $46 million in his campaign coffers, and a tick downward for Mr. Trump’s campaign, which had $33 million on hand at the end of the year.

Mr. Biden appears to have gained an edge in part because the Democratic Party apparatus, and its fund-raising might, have quickly unified behind him in what is expected to be the most expensive presidential race ever. Mr. Trump, even as he seeks to bring the Republican Party fully on board with his renomination, faces significant questions about the political and financial impact of his many legal troubles. . . . "

Here is the most up to date data I can find.


Campaign funding by active candidates​


Biden outpaced Trump.

It's almost like they were saying, "LOOK THIS RETARD BIDEN still has value! Yeah, the rich folks gave millions, ones that don't want Trump. Its an illusion with Biden, he is a major FU* Up who is too old to change his diapers but Liberals pretend he is wonderful, hahaha! :p
Boy, it really looks I twisted the leftist dem "usual suspect's" tails.....I love it! :laughing0301:
"I don't need anybody's money," he said as he announced his candidacy in June. "I'm using my own money. I'm not using the lobbyists. I'm not using donors. I don't care. I'm really rich."


Simply goofy. Some doctor online thinks DJT may have syphilis.
"Lawfare" is the GOP weapon, not the DOJ.

It upholds the law, the GOP tries to tear it down.

Can any campaign donations be used for legal fees?
CNN was bragging-up FJB's 25 million this morning....Not a peep about Trump's windfall.
Like who cares how much either of these idiots raise.
It's NOT changing my Vote.

Anyone on this USMB that actually 'donates' money to either of these two political candidates is a LOSER.
Trump is still scores of millions behind Biden, who is comfortably ahead.

Since Trump will scrimp on RNC campaign funds go to the downticket, those candidates are going to have a much harder row to hoe.
When Biden had his fund raiser you all lost you fucking minds saying he was beholden to the rich folks.

Trump has one and you bow down and eat the corn out of shit for doing so.

No wonder our country is so fucking screwed up
Apparently nobody ever told you that the Democrats tout themselves as the party of the "little people." Their ranks are full of socialists who believe in things like "equal pay" and "redistribution of wealth."

Now how many Republicans do you know that are socialists?
Apparently nobody ever told you that the Democrats tout themselves as the party of the "little people." Their ranks are full of socialists who believe in things like "equal pay" and "redistribution of wealth."

Now how many Republicans do you know that are socialists?

it is good of you to admit your beloved party does not even pretend to care about the little people.
Sorry, Duke. DNC is 100 million ahead, no dragging massive legal fees, and enjoying the closing dif in polling; now only .8% behind.

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