Donald Trump Breaks His Record in New Poll

Anyone (like Trump) who tries to tell you that there is a quick and easy fix to the humanitarian crisis on our southern border is lying through his teeth...hoping you are uninformed enough to just take him at his word.
Biden's plan which was submitted to Congress, which Trump lobbied his loyal lap dogs to kill in order to keep it from looking like Biden had any kind of "win" on the issue, actually addresses the real metrics on the ground as opposed to any of Trump's so called "plans" which are designed with little more objective than to throw red meat to his MAGAt dogs which are always salivating at the idea of exerting their imaginary racial superiority over other non-white populations of people.
The bottom line is that Trump pressured Congress to vote down a sensible border bill in order to make HIMSELF look better.
Don't give me your cultroach bullshit about convicted felon Trump actually giving a shit about securing our border.
That's just your cult's fable!

Right after the GOP took control of the House, less than five months, they passed a STRONGER border security measure. Of course not a single Dim voted for it, but it moved on to the Senate where Schumer has had it held up on his desk, and even if it somehow moved to Biden's desk, he had publicly already said he would veto any GOP border bill.

The bi-partisan bill you want, is nothing more than adding agents in order to facilitate the speed of processing these people.

Every city in this country now, are having their budgets busted by having to deal with this crisis!

Encounters have dropped by 25% SINCE Biden used executive authority, so please tell me if Biden truly wanted to slow down the invasion, why didn't he do this a couple years back?
The answer is simply that he wasn't interested in doing anything OTHER than making it easier for the third-worlders to flood in..........."I would in fact MAKE SURE that there is immediately a SURGE TO THE BORDER. They deserve to be heard. That's who we are. "We're a nation that says, 'You want to flee, and you're fleeing oppression, YOU SHOULD COME!"

Border encounters are down 25% since Biden announced asylum restrictions, CBP says​

Those illegals are such lowlife animals that they’ve been caught fucking in the halls. I’ve been going to hotels for 60 years and never once saw that.

These are not the type of people we want here - complete disregard for our laws, then demanding that Americans pay for their nice hotel stays, and then acting like farm animals in public.

This is what they do, I see it everywhere on message boards, it's almost like they've been instructed to always default to "fake news". It's a cult.

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