Donna Brazil goes full racist/bigot on Vivek.

Telling Indians to go home might upset a lot of black women, because that's where they get their weave and wigs from....... Indian women lol.!&&p=4bf3...lLWNsaW50b24tY2FtcGFpZ24td2FzLWEtY3VsdA&ntb=1
Washington Examiner

Donna Brazile: Clinton campaign was a 'cult' - Washington Examiner

Former Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Donna Brazile said Hillary Clinton's campaign was like a "cult" that became impossible to persuade that it needed to reach out …

Donna Brazille has proven she has no integrity, she's a perfect tool for the Democrat Regime.

She was on Fox for a while and did a decent job. It's the problem with being a Democrat. You are never held to a standard and they get used to it and constantly act clearly not expecting to be held to one
Mispronunciation of names is FUCKING RACIST.

We all know this from when people said CAMEL-A for Kamala. The racist fucking Dems immediately screamed RACIST!
Wow, and the audience, chock full of prog whites loves it.

At least Bill Maher, one of the few remaining intellectually honest leftists, called her out for the racism that it was.

But then what do you expect from an unethical hard core Democrat like Brazile? She dresses well and is well spoken and can even be likable which apparently opens doors to her. But her true colors invariably come out.

CNN was forced to fire her when somebody leaked the fact that Brazile gave Hillary the debate questions in advance.

She made so many dishonest statements as a Fox contributor they gave her less and less face time until she finally quit and they happily let her out of her contract.

She's now barely visible and just as unimpressive at ABC.

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