Don't be a sap ...


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
"{ verbum sat sapienti est } because " a word to the wise
is sufficent ". Not today.Hardly.What Grandmama taught
your Pop and the Pop before should never be out of fashion.
Be polite to everyone.Tip your hat to the ladies and police.
Make life a better place when possible for those within
your sphere.The Human Condition still applies.Keep abreast of
the meaning of life and how moral concerns are a high priority.
Of course one will need money for food & clothes.But do not
discount how ones conscience should be their guide.
Maybe being foolishly even.Or always evenhanded.
The defining characteristic of Greatness.Like Andrew
Carnegie.Whose vast wealth was put to the test.
He did not cave but used his wealth to improve
and benefit others.
Or those truly born saints like Mother Teresa.
Or Pope John Paul II.
Maybe even comics like Harpo Marx who taught himself
how play the harp.He only used mime after a theatre critic
claimed Harpo was brilliant until he spoke.Henceforth
never again speaking in character.
His large home had numerous windows in the front.Harpo
wanted to have a child { adopted } be waiting behind each window
as he came home from the studio.
Now ... Thats Entertainment of the Human condition.
Which sadly is being drained out of americans at a fever pitch.
It might just take a big mouth { like Trump } to pull a weekly
Groucho Marx { very brassy and talkative } to correct this
Dilemna of a Fading Americana.
What say you.
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I could say { write } more but a message boards
porpoise is input.It'd be like inviting Flipper to a
nice beach party where Eric Von Zipper shows up
in a 1920's style Men's Bathing suit { think wet
long johns } and a Porpoise leash.Just in case.
Since he recently got showy and rode his motorcycle
right into the ocean.Unaware of the beach since he was
girl crazy.Somes message boarders are like that.
They forget { skip lunch } in order to get showy
and then lost their energy level and have to settle for
taking a nap in mid-afternoon like those in Nursery school.

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